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My Heart only Beats for You

Chapter 1677
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Yesseca had heard that Nashaland was a very self-contained nation.

It didn't cover much territory, but it was a very rich nation. The people lived and worked in peace and were content.

During her two days of training, Yesseca got to know a girl named Preslie.

Preslie was a slightly roundish girl who was very enthusiastic and had a cheerful personality. Although they both worked in the small, Yesseca was stationed on the third floor while Preslie was on the fourth floor. They didn't know each other before this.

They got along very well and soon becfast friends during their two days of training.

Today was Yesseca's last day in Agaphen City.

Tomorrow, she would be travelling to Nashaland on a boat.

Before she left, she had to pay a visit to the Perry family.

Kyi in and Selina knew about her upcoming business trip.

Kyi in agreed with her decision to go.

While Kylin had no issue with her trip, Selina was worried about her.

She remembered something that Matthew had once told her about Tremaine.

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"Are you sure you want to go?" Selina asked Yesseca again.

She nodded.

Yesseca was very excited and happy about the trip. "Of course I want to go. Selina, this will be my first tvisiting another country. I heard that they have lots of delicious food in Nashaland. I'll get to go and try them with my friends." Selina could see how happy and excited Yesseca was.

She didn't want to put a damper on Yesseca's excitement.

After checking to see that no one else was around them, Selina pulled Yesseca close and whispered, "Yesseca, I want to ask you something," "Sure, go ahead, Selina." Still whispering, she asked, "Yesseca, you haven't contacted Tremaine, have you?" Yesseca held her breath at the very mention of Tremaine's name.

After a short while, she shook her head. "I've cut all contact with him." "You really haven't spoken to him at all?" Selina was still unsure.

"No," Yesseca said with certainty, "I haven't seen Tremaine in a very long time, and I have no business with him anymore," Yesseca felt guilty as she said this.

On the night when she was on her period, she felt sromantic feelings between Tremaine and her. However, on the very next day, she found out what kind of person he really was, and her feelings for him disappeared.

Regardless, nothing happened between her and Tremaine.

"Don't worry Selina. I'm with Kyi in now, I won't be involved with any other person." Yesseca added.

It seemed like she wasn't just talking to Selina, but to herself as well.

Selina felt the sway.

Yesseca wasn't the type to lead a double life, so she felt reassured at her statement.

"Do you really want to go to Nashaland?" "Selina, I don't really want to go, but I've already decided to," "Then I'll send a bodyguard to protect you," Selina added.

She didn't expect Yesseca to protest so strongly against it.

Yesseca spoke seriously, "Selina, I'm only going to Nashaland for a business trip. I will be there with several other employees. I'll be with a large group of people, so there's nothing to worry about. If I had a bodyguard followingaround, it would be very awkward for me," "I will order my bodyguards to protect you in secret. They won't disturb you." Yesseca didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "I'd still be followed around. Selina, I really hate feeling like I'm being followed. Please don't send anyone." Selina couldn't quite make up her mind so she excused herself and went to look for Matthew.

When she told him that Yesseca was going on a business trip to Nashaland, she sounded very worried.

Matthew felt just as helpless about it. "Selina, you worry too much. Yesseca is just going on a normal business trip. It's not like she's going on a mission to assassinate someone. Look how nervous you are." Selina laughed at him, "You're exaggerating. Am I really that nervous?" "Yes, should I bring you a mirror?" Selina waved her hand at him. "Don't tease me." She paused for a moment before whispering, "Isn't Nashaland Tremaine's territory? What if he does something to Yesseca?" Matthew still felt like Selina was overthinking this.

"Selina, first of all, Yesseca and Kyi in are together now, Termaine is not part of the picture. Secondly, why would Tremaine go all that way to Nashaland just to see her? Besides, if he really wanted to do something to her, why would he wait until Yesseca travels all the way there?" Selina thought that made sense.

She really was overthinking things.

Selina sighed, "You're right, this is just a normal thing, but when it comes to Yesseca, I can't help but worry. If this happened to anyone else, I wouldn't be like this," "That's because you care about her way too much," Matthew held her hands. "It's alright, Selina. You just feel guilty about Lothar. I understand how you feel." She smiled bitterly. "Of course I feel guilty. He literally gavehis heart." "Even if he didn't give it to you, he wouldn't have lived for much longer." Matthew whispered, "Lothar left. willingly. There's nothing to feel guilty about, Selina. Lothar doesn't want you to live with so much guilt," Selina nodded gravely.

Matthew held Selina in his arms and placed her head next to his. "Yesseca is an adult. You don't have to worry about her, even if she makes a mistake. She's not a little girl anymore." "I know." Selina added, "I'll tell her that I support her decision to go to Nashaland. I won't send my bodyguards to follow her and I'll let her enjoy her trip," Matthew smiled, "That's my girl,"

He kissed her on her forehead.

"Although my darling wife may be stubborn she can still see sense at the end of the day." Soon, it was the very next day. Yesseca woke up early.

More than a dozen employees who were attending the training session in Nashaland were land were going to gather at a meeting spot in Agaphen City today Then, a bus would pick them up, and then they would travel north by boat. After washing up, Yesseca heard someone knocking on her front door.

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"Is it Kyi in?" She thought to herself.

Sure enough, Kyi in was standing at her door when she opened it.

"Didn't I already tell you that you didn't need to pickup today? Our company has chartered buses for us," Yesseca said.

"You still need someone to drop you off at the assembly point," Kyi in smiled and handed her a paper bag. "I was worried that you might be short on time, so I got you sbreakfast." Yesseca looked at him gratefully. "Thank you." She opened the paper bag and found sfresh bagels and a cup of hot coffee.

She took them out of the bag and placed them on the table. "You haven't eaten yet, right? Let's eat together." "Alright," Kylin agreed.

He bought more than enough food for two people.

Because twas short, Yesseca ate very quickly. Kylin did so as well.

Even when he was stuffing his mouth in a rush, he still looked very elegant.

Yesseca was surprised at how rich men like him still managed to look so elegant despite rushing through their food.

She recalled that Matthew was the same.

He ate elegantly, just like a noble prince from the Middle Ages.

However, her brother, Lothar, wasn't like them.

Like RICH X WOMEN? These women desperately want a mature men! JOIN NOW *Waming* these rich women will persue you.