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My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict

Chapter 4342
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Chapter 4342 Agreement


Brian and Valda were taken aback by what Harley had said. The couple glanced at each

other, and finally, it was Brian who broke the silence. “Did something unpleasant happen

between you and Lornell at the banquet today?” he asked.

When Harley and Lornell came over to say hello carlier, he noticed that his daughter’s

expression was a bit off, and her eyes weren’t following Lornell around like they usually


“Nothing unpleasant happened,” Harley said nonchalantly, “I just came to understand a

few things, that’s all!”

“What have you figured out?” Valda asked.

“I understand that to Lornell, I’m just the most suitable marriage partner, but not the one

he loves,” Harley confessed. She thought such a reality would cause her great pain, but

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perhaps she’s been hurting for so long that she’s now numb.

Harley looked up at his parents, “Mom, Dad, I know that my decision might cause trouble

for our family. If we really break off the engagement, it could cost us a lot. People might

even say that we’re ungrateful. But ever since I was a kid, I’ve admired your love for each

other. I’ve always hoped that one day, I could have a love like that too. But…”

She paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and said, “I know, there will never be such

a love between me and Lornell. So, I

Chapter 4342 Agreement

want to break off our engagement!”


Valda’s eyes welled up with tears. She had always been a witness to Harley’s feelings for


She’s always understood that when it comes to love, it’s always been her daughter who’s

been the one giving everything.

Once, she had hoped that her daughter could break off the engagement with the Quentin

family. Even if it meant the Hart family had to pay a price for it, it didn’t matter. All she

wanted. was her daughter’s happiness!

But Harley refused to give up. He would rather strive to maintain this engagement, even if

it meant continuing to give unilaterally.

She still remembered her daughter once telling her, “Mom, I really like Lornell. I believe

that as long as I keep liking him and treating him well, he will eventually start to like me

too! Even if he doesn’t like me as much as I like him, it’s okay. I will gradually make him

like me more!”

Back then, when Harley was speaking those words, her face wast full of girlish dreams.

And now, after hearing what Harley had to say, she could almost picture the heartbreak

and disappointment he must have gone through to decide to call off the engagement.

Valda’s heart ached for her daughter.

Chapter 4342 Agreement

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Brian looked at his daughter, “Are you sure about this? Do you really want to break off the

engagement? Once we propose to the Quentin family to end the engagement, there might

be not turning back.”

“I’ve made up my mind,” Harley said seriously, “I don’t want my marriage to be just

‘suitable‘ in this lifetime!”

“Alright then! Your mother and I will get things ready. In a few days, we’ll propose to the

Quentin family to call off the engagement!” said Brian.

Brian didn’t care what it cost, all he cared about was whether his daughter was happy!

“Dad, thank you!” Harley said, “And… I’m sorry.”

“You don’t need to say sorry!” Brian lifted his hand, gently stroking his daughter’s head,

“This is what we should do as your parents. All you need to do is figure out what you want

and what you don’t.”

Tears welled up in Harley’s eyes. Her parents were the best parents anyone could ask for.

Having them as her parents was the greatest fortune she could ever have!