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My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6

Zachary was cheery, while Hugh looked troubled during dinner. Fortunately, Zachary shared two

medicinal pills with Hugh before he left, which cheered the latter up a little. Sadie and Liam had gone

upstairs, probably still feeling embarrassed about what happened earlier. Kayson came to sit on the

couch with Hugh and urged him to take the Panmederi pill. Hugh spoke up. ‘Kayson, I feel much better

now. This pill seems to be very effective.” Kayson asked, “Grandpa Hugh, I can see that you’re well-

trained. Who injured you when you were young to have caused this damage today?” Hugh sighed and

waved his hand. “I was too young and cocky at that time. Let’s not talk about the past. One’s got to pay

it back when they’re out and about in the world.” Kayson stopped pursuing it since Hugh did not want to

speak of it. Hugh felt reinvigorated, so he got Kayson to play several rounds of chess with him. Sadie

dolled up and came downstairs with a pretty purse like she was heading out around 2:00 p.m. “Sade,

where are you going?” asked Hugh. “Wanda asked to have coffee,” answered Sadie. Hugh said with a

grin, “Oh? Good timing. Take Kayson with you, so your best friend gets to know your husband.” Sadie’s

face fell. She did not want to take Kayson along. Her best friend, Wanda, would laugh at her expense!

She could only look at Kayson with a threatening gaze. Kayson dropped the chess piece, ignored her

threatening gaze, and said with a beam, “Grandpa’s right. I’m free anyway.” Sadie glared at him. ‘That

d*mned man! How does he have the cheek to go with me?’ Despite that, Kayson had already spoken

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up, and Sadie did not want to upset her grandfather. As such, she could only plaster on a smile. “F-Fine

then… We’ll go together.” Kayson and Sadie went out the door together and got into her red BMW Z4.

Sadie stomped on the accelerator and asked coldly, “Do you not know what shame is?” Kayson

frowned. “It’s to cover it up better in front of Grandpa Hugh. He’d have seen through everything in less

than two days otherwise.” Sadie stayed quiet. Since she was not saying anything back, Kayson did not

pick up the conversation again. As the car approached the side of a busy street, Sadie hit the brakes

and unlocked the door, telling Kayson, “Get out!” Kayson did as told and stood by the road. Sadie told

him impassively, “Go wherever you want. I’ll call you when I’m going back.” “I don’t have a phone,”

Kayson replied weakly. That made Sadie pause. ‘There is still someone so broke they have no phone

nowadays?’ She only felt more wronged. How could this man match her, the general manager of

Wolfenden Corp? She really wondered what her grandfather was thinking. Kayson thought about it and

said, “I’ll come back here and wait for you before dinnertime.” Sadie arched her brow, pulled out a

credit card, and gave it to the man. “Forget it. Take my card and buy yourself a cellphone. Who knows

what Grandpa will call me if you don’t get a phone when we’re out?” A cellphone would cost about

$1,000 maximum. Sadie thought she would just think of it as burning the money away. Kayson

considered what she said. It made sense. It was not quite convenient without a phone as he was no

longer in the village. “Thank you.” Sadie ignored him and stepped on the accelerator, zooming off with

her red, roaring BMW Z4. Kayson sighed as he looked at the card he held. “If the old man hadn’t taken

all my money, would I have to stoop to this?” Kayson was about to leave when a familiar voice rang.

“Kayson!” It was Zachary. “Dr. Ewell, why are you here?” Kayson asked in surprise. Zachary thought

that he had recognized the wrong person and was delighted to see that it was actually Kayson. “I’m

here to buy some things. Where are you planning to go?” “I’m getting a phone.” “Oh?” Zachary paused

before asking swiftly, “Which price point are you looking at?” “As long as it’s cheap and functioning.”

There was a flicker in Zachary’s expression as he asked, “That’s no problem. Why don’t we hang out at

my place first? There are a few electronics stores next to my medical center.” Bwell Therapeutics was

incredibly famous in Skyriv because it was the medical center Zachary had set up. A young woman in

her 20s dressed in a white nurse uniform was dispensing medicine in the medical center. She looked

up upon seeing someone enter and called out with a tinkling voice, “Grandpa.” Kayson looked at the

girl in the nurse uniform. She had a bare face, looking natural and graceful. The simple clothes did not

hide her perfect figure. In addition to the pure white uniform, there was an inexplicable sense of

attraction. “Kayson, this is my granddaughter, Lindsy Ewell.” “Hi.” Kayson nodded. There was a flash of

surprise on Lindsy’s face as her grandfather rarely received guests this politely—and this guest looked

so young. “Kayson, come to have a seat inside.” To Lindsy, Zachary was unbelievably polite to Kayson.

Her grandfather had been in the medical field for so long that the rich and powerful were all courteous

and reverent to him. There were rarely people who commanded so much respect from her grandfather.

That caused her to be strongly curious about Kayson. She was planning to tune in to what her

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grandfather and this fellow who was around her age would talk about when a panicked cry came from

outside. “Dr. Ewell! Is Dr. Ewell in!?” A middle-aged man with white tips on his sideburns dashed in,

carrying a bony old man with silver hair. Zachary looked alarmed. “Mr. Tinsley! What happened to Mr.

Tinsley Sr.?” “I don’t know either. He passed out all of a sudden!” Mr. Tinsley looked grim. “Dr. Ewell,

please save my father!” Zachary rarely looked this solemn as he checked the old man and tried

pressing his philtrum, but none worked. “Lindsy, fetch the needles.” Lindsy hurried to retrieve the silver

needles. As Zachary applied acupuncture to the old man, the latter remained unconscious. A layer of

sweat dotted Zachary’s forehead. The middle-aged man, Mr. Tinsley, gripped his fists nervously,

looking worried and anxious. Lindsy paled in worry as she exclaimed, “Why is it him!?” “What’s the

matter?” Kayson asked curiously. “The old man’s Tyrone Tinsley and the middle-aged man is his son,

Jeremy Tinsley. They’re famous figures in Skyriv,” Lindsy answered shakily with a pale face. Seeing

that Kayson still seemed confused, she explained, “If Grandpa fails to save this old man, his reputation

will be ruined whether it’s his fault or not…” Zachary was sweating in his effort to treat Tyrone, but

nothing seemed to work as the latter’s breathing grew weaker. Jeremy’s scowl deepened. His voice

was low, and his tone was angry when he said, “Please be frank if you’re unable to do a thing, Dr.

Ewell, so that I can look for another doctor. If something happens to my father here…” He did not finish

his sentence, but his threat was apparent. Kayson glanced at Jeremy with a hint of displeasure before

he slowly said, “Dr. Ewell, retract the needles and start over.” Zachary paused before he pulled out all

the needles without any hesitation. Lindsy was obviously astonished as she tugged Kayson’s arm.

“What are you doing?” Jeremy looked at Kayson as well, rage flashing amidst his grieving gaze. “Who

are you—” Kayson met his eyes and cut him off curtly. “Shut up if you don’t want this old man to die!”