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My Fabulous Girl Boss

Chapter 13
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Chapter 13

Sadie turned to look with a frown before pulling a long face and snorting. “A bumpkin would come here

too? I’ve underestimated him.” “Let’s get him here?” Easton tried to persuade her. Sadie looked cold

and shifted her gaze away from Kayson. “Do not. It’s already unlucky enough to just look at him.”

Easton could not say more. His original intention had been to let the two of them spend more time

together, but he did not expect Sadie to be so hostile to Kayson. Sadie glanced at Kayson and could

not help the mental scoff when she saw that he played with his phone after finding a spot to sit. How

interesting to come all the way here just to toy with his phone—was he stupid? The bar gradually

entered its peak, and Easton was quick to ask, “Ms. Sade, the place is getting busier. Let’s head

back?” Sadie nodded. Just when they were about to leave, seven men who looked and acted pretty

much like thugs walked in. Easton’s face fell at the sight of them, and he frantically ducked his head not

to meet eyes with them. In spite of it, Sadie was simply too eye-catching, and the muscular man around

1.9 meters in height who stood front and center looked over and took his underlings to come to them.

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“Hmm?” He suddenly spotted Easton, who had his head lowered, and narrowed his eyes. “You! Lift up

your head!” Easton braced himself to look up and chuckled dryly. “P-Pete…” Pete cackled. “It’s really

you, huh! Mr. Gillete’s been looking for you for a long time, only for me to run into you here today!

“Good, I’ll take you to him and let him do what he wants with you!” Easton paled but dared not fight

back. Mr. Gillete, whom Pete mentioned, was Wilson’s son. Ever since Easton had offended Wilson’s

son, he had rarely been out. Sadie’s heart sank, but she asked calmly, “Pete, Easton’s offended you?

He’s like my younger brother. Let me apologize on his behalf. You’re the bigger person here, so can

you not get even with him?” She took a glimpse at Kayson’s spot as she spoke and found that it was

empty. A fire of rage was ignited within her. ‘That jerk, coward! He actually ran off!’ Pete chuckled.

“Sure, have a drink or two with me, and I’ll pretend I never saw him tonight.” He ordered two strong

drinks and took a seat next to Sadie. “Babe, I’ll buy you the drink. Anything’s negotiable as long as you

drink to my satisfaction!” Pete’s gaze was heated. It was not common to come across a beautiful girl

like this! Sadie had a high alcohol tolerance, so she emptied the glass with a smile. Pete cackled

happily and refilled her glass, but he himself barely touched the drink. “What’s your name, babe?”

“Sadie Wolfenden.” “Sadie Wolfenden, huh? What a pretty name and a prettier owner. Do you have a

boyfriend?” Pete thought that he had heard the name before, but he did not mind it as he extended an

arm to pull Sadie over. There was a slight grimace as Sadie shifted to the side to avoid him. That made

Pete’s face fall. “What’s the matter? You want this kid’s limbs to be chopped?” Pete raised his hand,

and two of his underlings pinned Easton down. Sadie looked troubled. “Pete, I’m the GM of Wolfenden

Corp. I’m willing to pay for the trouble. Name me your price.” Delight filled Pete’s face. This was the

woman Horacio had said that they could have their way with if they ran into her. “F*ck, a rich and pretty

boss? I like it! Pin her down and send her to the room upstairs!” Pete was thrilled. The prize had sent

herself right to his doorstep. Was there anything better than this? Sir Horacio would back him up after

what he would do anyway! “Don’t touch Ms. Sade!” Easton cried with reddened eyes. Pete’s underling

went up and slapped Easton twice, making his ears ring. Sadie turned pale. She did not expect that the

man was not buying her offer when she was willing to pay. She pulled out her phone to call the police,

but Pete snatched it and slammed it on the table before slapping her. “Ms. Wolfenden, no need to be

stubborn when there’s an easy way out! You might turn out fine after pleasing me!” Sadie’s head

buzzed, and fear rushed into her. She was doomed! She thought of Kayson again and felt furious. That

piece of trash was worse than Easton! “Haha, come on, come upstairs with me! I’m going to enjoy my

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time today!” Pete grabbed Sadie to head upstairs when a relaxed voice rang. “Hey, hands off Ms.

Wolfenden!” Pete paused and turned around. “Who the f*ck—” A kick greeted him and flung this 1.9

meters tall man three to four meters away. “Kayson?” Sadie looked at Kayson in disbelief as he pulled

back his leg. “Ms. Wolfenden, it’s best you frequent places like this less in the future.” Kayson winced.

He could only hurry over when he saw the commotion right after coming out of the washroom. Before

Sadie could say anything, Pete’s holler was deafening. “Why the f*ck are you guys not doing anything?

Get him!” Pete’s underlings rushed toward Kayson immediately. Kayson stepped forward and threw

punches casually. It felt like he was an adult beating up kids as he defeated all of them swiftly. Pete

widened his eyes and threatened frantically, “You can f*cking fight, huh? Do you know whose place this

is? It’s Gabe’s territory here!” “Doesn’t matter even if it’s your dad’s place,” retorted Kayson. Pete

snarled, “Okay! Let’s see how brazen you can get! I’ll call Gabriel right now!” Suddenly, a clamor broke

out from the back. “Gabe!” “Gabriel’s here!” The crowd automatically parted to give way before a

glowering bespectacled man walked over intimidatingly. When Kayson turned to look, he could not help

making a curious sound. That was Gabriel Bayfield, who had soiled himself from how terrified he was

of him!