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My Ex-wife's Hidden Personalities

Chapter 402
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Chapter 402 Jamie’s True Colors

When Freya walked into Edward’s room, Jamie stood by her side and was attentive to her every move. He quickly

pulled out a chair and joined her when she sat down.

However, Edward hesitated before saying, “Frea, I’ve heard from Jamie about my condition. I have stomach

cancer, and it might be advanced-stage, right?”

A wave of sorrow washed over Freya. She reached out and gently held his hand. “Don’t worry. I’ll do everything I

can to help you get better.”

He glanced at their intertwined hands, finding comfort in Freya’s support despite the grim circumstances. He knew

it would demand a lot from her, but with his life on the line, he allowed himself to enjoy this final indulgence. He

squeezed her hand and said, “Thank you for being here with me.”

She offered a reassuring smile. “It’s nothing. Now that you’re awake, we can run some tests that we couldn’t do

earlier. Can you stand?”

He tried to get up, but his prolonged bed rest had weakened him. As he wobbled, Jamie quickly supported him.

Then, they headed to the medical equipment room, where Freya conducted the necessary tests. Afterward, she

accompanied Edward to his bed, with Jamie trailing behind. She stayed for a while before exiting the room.

Once outside the room, Jamie’s demeanor turned indifferent, contrasting his earlier demeanor.

However, she shot him a scornful look before turning to leave.

He followed her until they exited the corridor and asked, “Why didn’t you use the medical equipment 1 brought

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from Caltun?”

Jamie’s attentiveness surprised Freya because she hadn’t expected him to notice. So, she retorted, “That

equipment is for drug research, not running tests.”

While talking, they reached the living room. She glanced at the clock and said, “It’s past five. I’ll head back to my

room after dinner. Mr. Fraser, is there anything else?”

“Go ahead.”

After dinner, Freya retreated to her bedroom, gathered her change of clothes, and entered the bathroom. Once

inside, she took several deep breaths, checked for surveillance devices, and approached the toilet.

She opened the toilet tank cover and retrieved a sealed bag containing a makeshift “mobile phone.” It was just a

circuit board with numerous circuits and other components attached. Then, she took a chip from her sleeve, its

golden circuit lines gleaming in the light.

With all her tools ready, Freya began assembling them. Time was of the essence, as her bedroom was under

surveillance. Her usual bathing time was about thirty minutes, and she couldn’t afford to raise any suspicions with


After a while, her makeshift “mobile phone” was complete. Although it was operational, it still looked oddly strange.

She held a wire and gently touched a chip on the board to test it. A number appeared on the screen. So, she quickly

dialed Radley’s phone number.

However, her phone was piggybacking on the medical equipment’s signal, and it didn’t have a phone number. Plus,

due to her limited access to electronic components, each call lasted only about ten seconds. Without the capability

to receive signals, she could only speak but couldn’t hear any responses.


“I hope Radley’s phone isn’t set to block unknown numbers,” Freya whispered, seeing a signal light on the circuit

board illuminate. “Radley, it’s Freya!” She paused and continued, “I’m in Floravalea! The three professors I was

working with have been kidnapped. Tell Braxton that the Strategist is Jamie Fraser! We’re in a Floravalean-style villa

surrounded by red maple trees. The courtyard has a tall white wall, at least 16 feet high!”

Her words were concise, but her battery was running low. Freya had only glimpsed the villa’s garden, and the

towering walls blocked her view, leaving her with no other clues to offer Radley. She added, “No matter what

happens, I love you.”

The signal light on the circuit board went out, indicating the battery had died. She quickly disassembled. some

electronic components and flushed them down the toilet. Then, she climbed onto the sink, accessed the square

ceiling, and moved one tile aside after a struggle to hide her phone. She carefully replaced the ceiling tile, believing

it to be a safe hiding spot.

Freya turned on the faucet, quickly wet her hair, and hastily put on her robe before leaving the bathroom. Sitting at

the vanity, Freya dried her hair, her heart pounding with anxiety. She didn’t know if Radley had. heard her. After

drying her hair, she went to sleep.

The night seemed endless.

In Caltun, Radley arrived at a private airport, dressed castially and accompanied by Connor.

“Mr. Monaghan, we must make arrangements before heading to Floravalea.”

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Radley accepted a hastily packed suitcase from Connor and said, “I’ve informed Braxton and Inken about. Freya’s

situation. You stay in Caltun and assist me in investigating the situation in Floravalea!“

Connor watched as Radley boarded the plane, then turned and left with a concerned expression.

Meanwhile, at the Kaufmann Group, Braxton was furious as he reviewed a pile of documents. “It turns out it’s Jamie

Fraser!” He clenched his teeth, angrily flipping through the files.

His secretary stood nearby, somewhat nervous. “Mr. Kaufmann, these are all the documents Mr. Fraser previously


After receiving Radley’s message and discovering that Freya was in Floravalca, Braxton planned to rush. over

immediately. However, Inken advised against it, stressing that Radley should go alone. Then, Inken had asked

Braxton to scrutinize Jamie’s personal information and all the documents he had handled, hoping to uncover any


Braxton massaged his temples, deep in thought. There don’t seem to be any issues with the documents Jamie

handled. He managed to stay hidden right under our noses!

Then, a sudden realization struck him, prompting him to reach for the phone on his desk. He dialed Inken’s number.

“I just remembered something crucial, Inken. Jamie’s younger brother, Edward, owes his life to Frey. And Jamie

survived a life-threatening situation thanks to Frey’s surgical skills.” He seethed angrily and muttered, “What an

ungrateful b*stard!”

Inken asked grimly, “So, Jamie was hospitalized in Caltun. Which hospital was it?”

“Caltun General Hospital!”