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My Ex-wife's Hidden Personalities

Chapter 11
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Chapter 11 What Is Her Background?

All of a sudden, the comments online took a swift turn.

At the same time, another tweet caught the public’s attention.

It was made by Matthew. ‘Poor Freya. She gets all the slanders from you guys.’

Although his statement was quite ambiguous, it was clear that nothing had happened between him and

Freya that night.

‘The biggest plot twist as expected! Radley’s perfect image was ruined overnight.’

‘His ex-wife got divorced by him and got nothing. Now, she was even slandered. How unfortunate!’

‘Shouldn’t the Monaghan Group make an explanation?’

‘Yes! They still haven’t said anything. What’s going on?’

‘How could the rich be so manipulative with relationships? His ex-wife gets nothing from the marriage,

and now, she has to endure the slanders.’

Radley saw the two tweets.

He also noticed the account with an all-black profile picture.

The account’s previous posts had been all deleted, except the current pinned post that clarified their

relationship status.

By sharing the intimate photo of him and Danna, the account owner easily hinted at the reason for their


Freya had ended everything between them with that tweet mercilessly.

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Now, Radley also realized that he didn’t know much about her.

He didn’t know her family background and had never heard that she had an older brother. Even her

profession was something of a haze to him.

At the thought of that, he frowned and pursed his thin lips tightly pursed into a straight line. His eyes

were pitch black.

Suddenly, his assistant rushed in, sweating profusely. “Mr. Monaghan, our business partner pulled out

of the deal that we had agreed on last time all of a sudden, and our company’s stocks have been falling


The incident had a big impact on the Monaghan Group.

Radley’s expression darkened. “Has the public relations department done anything?”

“Yes, they’re working on everything they can do. The entire company is working hard to solve this


However, Radley still appeared restless. He pulled at his tie and was about to say something when the

office door was pushed open again.

Rosie, his mother, walked in, wearing high heels. She looked surly as she threw her handbag onto the

table. “That girl! She doesn’t care about our past relationship and pushes the Monaghan Group to the

edge of the cliff.”

Obviously, Rosie was indignant. “Reporters are surrounding the entrance downstairs. Since when do I

have to sneak around like this? She puts us into this situation! Radley, why did you still speak up for

her? Hurry up and ask her to delete that Twitter post!”

Her sharp and quick tone made Radley’s head throb. He rubbed his temples wearily. “Mom, I didn’t

know about that photo.”

The intimate photo of him and Danna could only have been taken by Danna.

And it was very clear why Freya had that photo.

When Radley recollected Danna’s previous trick, his expression darkened even more.

“Danna only took the photo because she loves you deeply…” Apparently, Rosie realized what was

going on and tried to put in good words for Danna.

Meanwhile, Radley’s temples continued to throb, so he interrupted his mother with a deepened tone.


At this moment, the assistant held up his phone and informed nervously, “Mr. Monaghan, I can’t contact

Miss Kaufmann.”

Radley’s expression became even grimmer.

And Rosie became angry again. “What exactly is her background? Did she marry you with bad


Radley thought of Freya, who used to wait for him at home and always treasured him in her heart. His

heart tightened.

Freya sat on the swing in her garden, admiring her own work on her phone. The more she looked at it,

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the happier she felt.

Those who wanted to take advantage of her had really picked the wrong person.

Freya was not a pushover.

Just then, Isabella called. She cursed at Radley first before getting to the aim of her call. “Your brother

invited me and Matthew to dinner tonight to celebrate your victory. I’ll send you the address now.”

Freya was puzzled.

They want to congratulate me on my victory? Why am I the last one to hear about this?

And how did Isabella know Matthew?

Later in the evening, Freya followed the address and found that Braxton and Isabella were already


Isabella was impatient and asked upon waiting for a while, “Why hasn’t Matthew arrived yet?”

Freya was quite grateful for Matthew’s support online, so she casually said, “Maybe he’s been held up

by something. Let’s wait a little more.”

However, after a long time, Matthew still hadn’t shown up.

Now, Freya also vaguely felt that something was wrong and said to her brother, “Brax, why don’t you

call him?”

Braxton dialed Matthew’s number. It rang for quite a while before it was answered.

Matthew must have said something. Braxton’s look turned grim.

After the call was ended, Freya asked, “What happened?”

As Braxton hurriedly put on his coat, he explained, “We need to go to the hospital. Matthew’s brother

got into a car accident.”

The next second, Isabella also stood up. She pulled the still-dazed Freya and quickly headed out.

“The Hood family is a bit complicated. I’ll explain on the way.”