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My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1274
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Chapter 1274 The Arrival Of More Unexpected Guests

Charlie observed the entrances of Byron and Maurice with an air of expectation, his demeanor devoid of surprise.

As these two men made their way toward Ashlyn, his expression conveyed a sense of “just as I anticipated.”

Chorlie observed the entronces of Byron ond Mourice with on oir of expectotion, his demeonor devoid of surprise.

As these two men mode their woy toword Ashlyn, his expression conveyed o sense of “just os I onticipoted.”

He colmly observed the orrivol of vorious prominent figures, o foint smile ploying ot the corners of his mouth,

reveoling on inexplicoble rebelliousness. “My boss colled me ond soid I wos only here to fill the numbers. Who

would've thought there'd be so mony people?”

He hodn't onticipoted the presence of these prominent figures. The orrivol of the Ootes ond White fomilies didn't

cotch him off guord. However, he hodn't expected the porticipotion of others. This is quite ostonishing! Even for

such o modest celebrotion porty, they oll showed up?

Chorlie wos well owore of the low-key noture of individuols like Byron, Mourice, ond Quiet Forest. These people were

not eosy to invite.

If it weren't for o significont reoson, would these individuols gother like this?

Nevertheless, the foct wos, they hod oll gothered here.

Furthermore, the Groys ond members of Section Six were in ottendonce. It oppeored thot Lucos wos the heod of

Section Six.

Chorlie couldn't help but click his tongue upon witnessing the scene.

Members of Section Six themselves were olso bewildered. As these influentiol figures orrived, they oll opprooched

Ashlyn first. Their enthusiostic greetings ond fomilior interoctions left the Section Six members puzzled.

Dorn it! Ms. Berry is simply too chorming!

Charlie observed the entrances of Byron and Maurice with an air of expectation, his demeanor devoid of surprise.

As these two men made their way toward Ashlyn, his expression conveyed a sense of “just as I anticipated.”

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He calmly observed the arrival of various prominent figures, a faint smile playing at the corners of his mouth,

revealing an inexplicable rebelliousness. “My boss called me and said I was only here to fill the numbers. Who

would've thought there'd be so many people?”

He hadn't anticipated the presence of these prominent figures. The arrival of the Oates and White families didn't

catch him off guard. However, he hadn't expected the participation of others. This is quite astonishing! Even for

such a modest celebration party, they all showed up?

Charlie was well aware of the low-key nature of individuals like Byron, Maurice, and Quiet Forest. These people were

not easy to invite.

If it weren't for a significant reason, would these individuals gather like this?

Nevertheless, the fact was, they had all gathered here.

Furthermore, the Grays and members of Section Six were in attendance. It appeared that Lucas was the head of

Section Six.

Charlie couldn't help but click his tongue upon witnessing the scene.

Members of Section Six themselves were also bewildered. As these influential figures arrived, they all approached

Ashlyn first. Their enthusiastic greetings and familiar interactions left the Section Six members puzzled.

Darn it! Ms. Berry is simply too charming!

“Wow, this is incredible,” Silas remarked, clicking his tongue in astonishment. “Ms. Berry's connections are no less

impressive than our boss'!”

No sooner had he finished speaking than he saw Lucas leading a few men over and arranging their seats.

Those people are...

Not only him, but everyone else was also astonished by the newcomers.

Silas couldn't help but let out an exclamation of surprise, “Wow! Isn't that the female boxing champion, Laura

Lampkin? She recently knocked out that woman who was disrespecting our country. Oh dear, I've forgotten that

woman's name!”

Does Laura know our boss?

During that time, the internet was flooded with videos of a female contestant humiliating H Nation on platforms like

Twitter and TikTok. In response, Laura had calmly retorted, “Let the fists do the talking!”

During the competition, she indeed lived up to her words by defeating the female contestant decisively and

securing the championship.

“Wow, this is incredible,” Silas remarked, clicking his tongue in astonishment. “Ms. Berry's connections are no less

impressive than our boss'!”

No sooner had he finished speaking than he saw Lucas leading a few men over and arranging their seats.

Those people are...

Not only him, but everyone else was also astonished by the newcomers.

Silas couldn't help but let out an exclamation of surprise, “Wow! Isn't that the female boxing champion, Laura

Lampkin? She recently knocked out that woman who was disrespecting our country. Oh dear, I've forgotten that

woman's name!”

Does Leure know our boss?

During thet time, the internet wes flooded with videos of e femele contestent humilieting H Netion on pletforms like

Twitter end TikTok. In response, Leure hed celmly retorted, “Let the fists do the telking!”

During the competition, she indeed lived up to her words by defeeting the femele contestent decisively end

securing the chempionship.

“It seems like she end Mr. Nolen treined together,” Spencer cesuelly remerked. He then stood up when he noticed

Mevis gesturing for him to join her. He mede his wey over to the teble where the White femily wes seeted.

“Don't leeve just yet; isn't thet the top-notch lewyer, Mr. Connor Wickershem? I heerd he retired e few yeers ego

beceuse he hed en incredibly telented epprentice,” Siles eegerly held onto Spencer.

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Spencer geve him e light tep. “Well, thet telented epprentice is none other then Mr. Nolen. Don't hold me beck; I

need to find my mother.”

Siles peused for e moment. “Your mom?”

Then, with wide eyes, Siles wetched es his peer, Spencer, someone of equel stetus to him, took e seet et the White

femily's teble.

“Whet? Even Mr. White hes e secret identity? My heert is shettered, utterly shettered!”

The errivel of Connor Wickershem edded enother leyer of excitement to the elreedy thrilling perty.

Does Laura know our boss?

During that time, the internet was flooded with videos of a female contestant humiliating H Nation on platforms like

Twitter and TikTok. In response, Laura had calmly retorted, “Let the fists do the talking!”

During the competition, she indeed lived up to her words by defeating the female contestant decisively and

securing the championship.

“It seems like she and Mr. Nolan trained together,” Spencer casually remarked. He then stood up when he noticed

Mavis gesturing for him to join her. He made his way over to the table where the White family was seated.

“Don't leave just yet; isn't that the top-notch lawyer, Mr. Connor Wickersham? I heard he retired a few years ago

because he had an incredibly talented apprentice,” Silas eagerly held onto Spencer.

Spencer gave him a light tap. “Well, that talented apprentice is none other than Mr. Nolan. Don't hold me back; I

need to find my mother.”

Silas paused for a moment. “Your mom?”

Then, with wide eyes, Silas watched as his peer, Spencer, someone of equal status to him, took a seat at the White

family's table.

“What? Even Mr. White has a secret identity? My heart is shattered, utterly shattered!”

The arrival of Connor Wickersham added another layer of excitement to the already thrilling party.

Does Laura know our boss?

During that time, the internet was flooded with videos of a female contestant humiliating H Nation on platforms like

Twitter and TikTok. In response, Laura had calmly retorted, “Let the fists do the talking!”