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My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

Chapter 2072
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Chapter 2072 Doubtful

In the Jacobs' old family home, Detective Carter kept receiving calls from the bodyguards, and knew the

movements of Violet's family like the palm of his hand.

"Sure enough, it was a bait and switch. On the surface, two cars set off; one came to us and the other was headed

to the airport. In actual fact, they escaped from the basement in a taxi. However, they were indeed unable to


Detective Carter summarized his updates and reported to Byron and Rosalie.

The detective was shocked. The bodyguards that Byron arranged for him had excellent professional skills and

strong execution ability. These men were obviously carefully cultivated.

Byron nodded calmly.

He sighed secretly in his heart. Sophie reacted exactly the same way as Xander Lancer back then, she chose to

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escape by water.

Indeed, travel transportation such as airplanes and highspeed rails have rigid, fixed schedules and are relatively

easy to be discovered.

Rosalie's mind was not present at all. As long as the husband declared that they could not escape, then they are

trapped for good.

However, the most difficult problem now was still evidence. What if they stopped Violet's family and prevented

them from leaving? It would be meaningless if they could not be convicted.

Where would Mama's heirloom be kept?

She racked her brains to remember, but still found nothing. She looked at her husband and asked, "Would Mama’s

heirloom not be in the Jacobs' old family home?"

Byron shook his head, denying this possibility.

"It's very simple. Mama had been bedridden for the last few years. It was impossible for her to take it out unless she

had gotten someone's help. Moreover, she wanted to give it to you when you grow up, so it would be even more

impossible for her to keep it outside where you couldn't find it. Don't forget, she still has to worry about it being

discovered by Violet and Gordon."

Detective Carter also nodded in agreement with Byron's analysis.

"However, we've already searched all over. Did she hide it in this reinforced concrete? Then the whole house must

be demolished!" Rosalie was a little discouraged. Her eyes darted around the house. She was so anxious that she

felt heated up inside.

"I was thinking, wasn't this house sold before? Mary bought it back. Would the first buyer have found the heirloom?"

Byron continued to analyze.

Rosalie shook her head. "No, even though the family bought it, they never lived here at all. They immigrated not

long after they bought it."

"Is...is there something wrong? Why would someone immigrate when they've bought fixed assets like real estate? rt

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Doubtful, Detective Carter frowned as he raised his suspicions, and thought it necessary to check on the buyer.

"Today is Mae's big day, so don't bother her anymore. Let me ask tomorrow." Rosalie nodded.

As the heirloom could not be found for the time being, Byron persuaded Rosalie to go back and rest for now.

There was still time for everything as long as Violet was not allowed to escape.

Detective Carter also persuaded her. He led some people to continue the search. There was no need to keep

everyone here.

Immediately, Rosalie and Byron returned to the Lawrence Manor.

More than an hour later, Detective Carter sent a text message, informing Byron that the boat that Sophie wanted

to escape was found to be unlicensed and had been detained by the Coast Guard. Sophie's vehicle was returning to

the villa.

Byron could not help but sigh in awe. Detective Carter's methods were really different from his own.

After all, he was a retired policeman. He would still abide by some bottom lines and will not use violence to prevent

them from fleeing. Violet can only be regarded as a suspect before obtaining sufficient evidence.

A moment later, the four private detectives were also captured by the bodyguards. They were politely sent away

from Coast City.