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My Ex-Wife and Kids Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

Chapter 1992
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Chapter 1992 Did Someone Change Your Brain?

"Rosie, I've checked with the asylum. Kelly has indeed gone insane! She's not in a clear state of mind anymore and

is always babbling nonsense. Moreover, the doctor there mentioned she sneaked into the drug storeroom and took

plenty of drugs. In the end, she was sent to the emergency room and escaped near death."

Mary told Rosalie about what happened after the pathogen attack.

The mastermind, Kelly, was now loony. Many of the hospital’s medical personnel escaped the life-endangering

pathogen attack and won the people's hearts for being decisive and quick at resolving the matter. Even the higher

executives of the Ministry of Health came personally to reward them.

The hospital was also nominated as the best and most authorized hospital by the government. They might even be

listed in the official list of insurance-covered hospitals.

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Andrius added, "Kelly's charge has entered the stage of public prosecution. No matter if Kelly is sane or has lost her

mind, she’ll be sentenced to at least 15 years in prison.

Chloe also got her sentence reduced because of Kelly!"

Byron and Rosalie looked into each other's eyes and felt like everything was like a dream.

From now onward, Kelly or Wendy had nothing to do with them anymore.

"Oh, there's one other thing. Byron, after you bought M Nation's patent, Mr. Vanderbilt canceled all his scheduled

business trips in our nation. Maybe he wanted to monopolize this country’s medicinal materials but failed. Maybe it

is also because Kelly has gone insane," Andrius continued.

Byron frowned and shook his head.

"No, he’s not a person who would change his decision because of Kelly. There’s only one possibility. His plan to

develop here stopped abruptly because he's broke. Think about it. What would you do if you wanted others to

believe in the effect of your drug?"

That question shocked Rosalie and Mary.

Andrius's gaze turned sharp. "I understand now. So, the hospital's incident was only a test. Mr. Vanderbilt knew

Kelly's plan, yet he let her be!"

Byron nodded.

Andrius admired Byron more now. He had not thought about that possibility. It made him realize how immature he


After the four of them discussed, it was already a few minutes past eight. Only then did Andrius leave with Mary.

Rosalie was curious. How long would it take for them to date?

Byron smiled and said calmly, I'm guessing they might date soon. Andrius is more like a man now.”

Rosalie shook her head, disagreeing.

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The two of them bet on it.

If Mary and Andrius became a couple within a week, Byron would win, and he could have the chance to demand

Rosalie to do anything he wanted.

'This is a good bet. I have to think about what to make you do. Maybe what you dislike most or what you're most

afraid of?" Byron smirked as though he had won.

Of course, if Rosalie won the bet, she could make Byron do anything she wanted.

However, she was troubled by the bet because winning seemed pointless to her, as her husband would do anything

for her even now.

The weather during the night was cold.

Andrius rolled up the window and turned on the heater in the car.

When they left Lawrence Manor, Mary thought Andrius would drive her home immediately.

Unexpectedly, the man suggested that they watch the night sky together tonight as the moon was bright.

She felt it was incredible. Andrius would never say something like this before.

What had changed in him? Did someone change his brain?

Maybe someone transmigrated and replaced his soul? Doubts were running wild in Mary, but she was thrilled.