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My Descendant Begged Me To Help Him Just After I Became A God

Chapter 95 - 95: Which Dynasty Will Never Die?
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Chapter 95: Which Dynasty Will Never Die?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Jiang Xiu also noticed the change in Jiang Jian. This kid could already wield the halberd. How long had it been?

Jiang Changsheng smiled and said, “How is it? Are you happy? If you ascend the throne in the future, you will at least have someone you can use.”

His words dispelled Jiang Xiu’s worries.

Jiang Xiu’s eyes lit up when he heard that. That’s right. Ping’an was the number one general under his father. When he ascended the throne, he reckoned that Ping’an should rest. Moreover, he had to support his own forces.

After Jiang Changsheng enlightened him, Jiang Xiu looked at Jiang Jian with a burning gaze.

He seemed to see the number one general of Great Jing in the future appearing before his eyes.

From then on, Jiang Xiu would take the time to visit Jiang Jian every month. Jiang Jian also liked him very much, and the relationship between the two brothers became better and better. Jiang Xiu would also visit Jiang Jian’s mother, which flattered the Imperial Concubine. Naturally, she was happy that Jiang Xiu was willing to get close to Jiang Jian.

Time flew by.

Year 25 of the Qianwu Era, the beginning of January.

The capital became extremely lively. There were many merchants and martial artists coming and going at the four city gates. All of them wanted to see Great Jing become a Luck Dynasty.

The rumor about luck had already spread throughout the martial arts world. In the past, the Mahayana Dragon Tower relied on the luck of a dynasty to consolidate their martial arts, causing the martial arts world to be unable to rise. Now that the Emperor had gathered this luck, allowing all the martial artists in the world to enjoy it, the martial arts world was naturally happy and curious.

In a guest room of an inn.

An old monk was drinking tea when the door was suddenly pushed open and a young monk entered.

“Master, I’ve investigated. Right now, there’s a True God and a Golden Body realm expert in the capital. They are Huang Chuan of Longqi Temple and the Dao Ancestor respectively. The Dao Ancestor is a terrifying existence that could easily kill those at the Golden Body Realm.”

The young monk sat down and said.

The old monk leisurely shook his teacup and said, “Where’s the Heavenly

Strategy Army? They haven’t been transferred over yet?”

The young monk frowned and said, “No, they are still training in another city. I suspect that the Great Jing Emperor wants to rely on the power of the Dao Ancestor. This trip is very dangerous. Do we really have to get involved?”

The old monk glanced at him and said, “How many dynasties in the world are qualified to become a Luck Dynasty? Can you encounter one in fifty years?” The young monk said gloomily, “I think we might as well attack the Chao Sects instead of the Dao Ancestor. The Dao Ancestor has already destroyed three

Chao Sects. Last year, the Star Gathering Tower was devoured by other Chao Sects and the Martial Comprehension Valley disappeared without a trace. Right now, there are only seven Chao Sects left.”

The old monk snorted and said, “Who said we’re going to fight? Other than the Chao Sects of the previous three dynasties, the other sects are all preventing the dynasties from condensing their luck, causing their luck to be scattered. It can’t be compared to the dynasties advancing to the Luck Dynasty. In a month’s time, the Human Emperor’s Tablet will gather a huge amount of luck. Once we obtain it, our realms will soar. I will extend my life for another fifty years and support you to rebuild your country.”

The young monk’s frown deepened.

“Just wait and see. We are not the only ones. There must be other experts coming. There might even be people from Chao Sects. Since ancient times, only with enough benefits can people forget their fear. Let’s not be the first to attack,” the old monk said calmly.

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The young monk added, “I heard that the mountain outside the capital was moved by the Dao Ancestor. The citizens in the capital witnessed it with their own eyes. It’s hard to imagine how powerful the Dao Ancestor is.”

The old monk snorted and said, “Nonsense. How can someone move a mountain here? Moreover, that mountain is so huge. Can anyone really move

The young monk was silent.

That’s right.

How could humans move such a huge mountain?

They were not the only ones who had such doubts. Other martial artists from other places had also heard about the Dao Ancestor moving a mountain. There were discussions in all the inns. Some people marveled at the power of the Ancestor, but some did not believe it. None of them had ever been to the capital. They would never believe that someone could move a thousand-foot tall mountain.

The people of Great Jing were so ignorant to believe in everything!

Night fell.

Jiang Changsheng counted under the tree. There were a lot of martial artists in the capital. He was already looking forward to tomorrow.

Bai Qi also sensed many powerful auras in the capital. He came to Jiang

Changsheng’s side and asked, “Tomorrow is the day the Human Emperor’s Tablet is opened. Why hasn’t His Majesty sent the Heavenly Strategy Army? At the very least, let Ping’an and Xu Tianji return.” liang Changsheng said. “It’s alright. I’m here.”

Jiang Changsheng said, “It’s alright. I’m here.”

Bai Qi blinked and said, “With your high status, why do you have to personally take action?”

Jiang Changsheng said, “If they were to come, the duration of the battle would be prolonged and it would be easy to injure the innocent. They might even let the thieves escape. Great Jing’s ascension to become a Luck Dynasty is a meritorious deed that will benefit 200 million people.”

So that was the case.

Bai Qi suddenly changed her impression of Jiang Changsheng. This immortal seemed indifferent, but he had a sacred heart.

Outside the courtyard, next to a small bridge, Jiang Jian was brandishing his halberd. The halberd was extremely long for him, but he was able to toy with it.

Hua Jianxin stood at the side with a gratified expression.

This kid was simply a copy of Ping’an with normal wisdom. He was strong and his moves were smooth.

She also began to look forward to Jiang Jian’s future.

The moon set and the sun rose.

When the new spring arrived, the palace was sealed off by the imperial guards. The officials entered the palace, and the commoners woke up early and came to the streets, waiting for the Luck Dynasty to be established. They were all curious as to what it was.

The Human Emperor’s Tablet was 500 feet tall and stood out in the palace. It could even be seen from outside the palace.

In the bedroom, the palace maids were changing Jiang Ziyu’s clothes. Jiang

Ziyu wore the dragon robe and crown he wore when he ascended the throne.

He looked at himself in the bronze mirror and muttered, “Martial Ancestor,

Emperor Wen, from today onwards, I will completely surpass you and lead

Great Jing to true prosperity.”

After the time for an incense stick to burn, Jiang Ziyu walked out of the bedroom.

He came to the front of the throne room, and in front of him was the square where the Human Emperor’s Tablet was located. The officials surrounded it, and it was obvious that they were standing according to the array. There were nearly ten thousand of them, and there was a huge cauldron standing in front of the Human Emperor’s Tablet. On the cauldron was an unlit incense candle that was half a Zhang tall.

There were steps made of mahogany in front of the cauldron that could be stepped on at the entrance.

Jiang Ziyu stood on the steps in front of the throne room. When the Empress, the imperial concubines, the princes, and the princesses saw his arrival, they came to stand behind him one after another and waited. Even Jiang Jian had come. This kid was the most lively one. As he looked around, his mother had no choice but to lecture him in a low voice.

Jiang Ziyu had fourteen princes and twenty-seven princesses, and five of them were still in their infancy. All of them were present.

Jiang Yu, King Qin, had also arrived. He stood among the officials and looked at Jiang Ziyu.

He was filled with emotions. He did not expect Great Jing to come this far.

“Father, when you were alive, did you ever think that Great Jing would have this day?”

Jiang Yu thought to himself. He looked around for Jiang Changsheng and found that he was not here. However, he did not panic. He believed that Jiang

Changsheng was watching from Longqi Temple and would protect them.

In fact, that was the case.

Jiang Changsheng, Hua Jianxin, Wang Chen, and Bai Qi sat on the edge of the cliff and looked at the capital from afar. They could see the huge Human Emperor’s Tablet.

White Dragon also crawled over to join in the fun. Just by raising its head, it was much larger than Jiang Changsheng and the other two. It was very terrifying.

Wang Chen lamented, “Once we become a Luck Dynasty, Great Jing will soar. I can’t imagine how powerful it will be hundreds of years later.”

His eyes were filled with expectations. Even though fate was unfair, he had been the crown prince for so many years and was still filled with yearning for the Great Jing Empire. He hoped that it would be prosper.

Hua Jianxin smiled and said, “That will depend on how long Daoist Master lives.”

Wang Chen could not help but look at Jiang Changsheng. Jiang Changsheng’s expression was calm, making it impossible to see through his thoughts.

He suddenly felt disappointed.

If only the Daoist Master were an immortal. However, reason told him that he was also a human, but his attainments in martial arts were unimaginable.

Humans would die.

“That’s right. There’s no such thing as an immortal person, no such thing as an undying dynasty. .

Wang Chen muttered to himself with a sad tone.

Jiang Changsheng said, “In this world, we only strive for the day and night. The future generations have their own blessings. This roiling world of mortals has its own fate. As long as it is glorious, it will not be forgotten.”

Wang Chen felt that it was reasonable. Why should people in this world worry about the future?

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Time passed slowly.

The sun gradually rose in the east.

Beside the Human Emperor’s Tablet, Han Tianji and the officials of the Ministry of Luck were dressed grandly, like Celestial Masters making sacrifices.

Han Tianji stared at the sky. When he saw that the auspicious time was about to arrive, he said, “Your Majesty, please bring the royal family forward!”

Hearing this, Jiang Ziyu immediately walked down the stairs with the royal family following closely behind.

The officials knelt down and worshipped the Human Emperor’s Tablet.

When Jiang Ziyu came to the cauldron, the royal family behind him knelt down one after another. Jiang Jian was forcefully dragged down by his mother and felt rather unconvinced. He had grown up with Jiang Changsheng and was very resistant to these common customs, but he was still obedient and chose to comply.

“Your Majesty, please ascend the Heavenly Tripod!”

Han Tianji continued to shout. Jiang Ziyu lifted his dragon robe and stepped on the mahogany steps to the cauldron.

Standing here and looking down on the officials, Jiang Ziyu’s heart felt an unprecedented satisfaction.

Somehow, he seemed to have sensed the will of heaven.

Han Tianji spread out with the officials of the Luck Department and surrounded the Human Emperor’s Tablet. They reached out and pressed their hands on the tablet. Then, they began to mobilize their true qi and injected it into the tablet. These officials were all carefully selected by Han Tianji. All of them were in the Heavenly Arrival realm and had inherited his ultimate luck technique that could help him guide luck.

Not long after, a strong wind blew.

The sky gradually darkened, and surging thunderclouds suddenly gathered.

Everyone’s robes fluttered in the wind. Jiang Ziyu stood like a mountain and was as stable as Mount Tai.

The astronomical phenomenon made the officials nervous. In fact, most of them thought that the Luck Department was deliberately mystifying. This was also the reason why the Luck Department was unpopular. Today, it turned out that it was true.

At the same time, all the streets in the capital were overcrowded. Many martial artists landed on the eaves and looked at the phenomenon.


The Human Emperor’s Tablet began to tremble, and the thunderclouds above it began to spin like a vortex. The center of the vortex was directly facing the Human Emperor’s Tablet, and bursts of lightning appeared.

“Your Majesty, please offer incense and establish the Heaven and Earth Emperor!”

Han Tianji’s voice sounded again.

Jiang Ziyu raised his hands and made a gesture of holding incense as he shouted, “In the 25th year of the Qianwu Era, I, Jiang Ziyu, gathered the luck of the world and established the Great Jing Empire. With the Martial Ancestor and Emperor Wen above, the Jiang Family of the royal family is blessed by the luck of heaven and earth. I am willing to become the Son of Heaven, benefit the people of the world and bless the country!”

“If God hears my intentions, please assist Great Jing in establishing the imperial court!”

These words were not necessary. It was just necessary to change the image of the imperial power in the hearts of the world.

At this point, the Jiang Family’s imperial power would be recognized by the heavens, not snatched. This was fate!

Jiang Ziyu circulated his true qi and opened his hands. His palms opened from bottom to top, as if he was holding something up. Invisible true qi landed on the incense candle and ignited it.


A bolt of lightning struck the Human Emperor’s Tablet.

Jiang Changsheng, who was on the edge of the cliff, had a strange expression on his face. This was indeed a heavenly tribulation.

However, it was different from his heavenly tribulation. His heavenly tribulation wanted him to die, while this heavenly tribulation was to channel the fate of heaven and earth into the Human Emperor’s Tablet, including Jiang Ziyu’s own fate..