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Chapter 14 Is It My Fault That Im Outstanding
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"Just classmates?"

Kerr had indeed heard that the heir of the Fang Group had returned home from Manhattan not long


However, he had never thought that it would have something to do with Nicole.

As for Jared, he hadn't dared to report this to his boss at first. As far as he knew, Baron Fang seemed

to be good to Director Ning.

On the other hand, he also knew that his boss was interested in this woman.

If he didn't report their connection to Mr. Gu, then if something went wrong one day, he would be the

one to suffer.

The pen in Kerr's hand paused, and Kerr raised his head to look at Jared, lost in thought.

Finally, he said, "Cancel the overseas meeting tomorrow morning. I need to go somewhere else."

He had never been out on Children's Day before.

"Okay, Mr. Gu. Do you need me to pick you up?" Jared asked hesitantly.

He watched Mr. Gu's face carefully and, when he realized that Mr. Gu wasn't having second thoughts,

breathed a sigh of relief.

Once the schedule was changed, there would be no way to revert to the original schedule.

"No, you can go home now," Kerr replied.

Then, he waved Jared off, motioning for him to leave.

Once Jared left, Kerr opened up Nicole's personal information on his computer. She looked very

confident and positive in her ID photo.

No one would think that such a girl was already a mother. For a moment, he felt a little jealous of the

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man who had been able to make Nicole give birth to his child.

The next morning when Nicole woke up, the sun was shining brightly. She got up and stretched, letting

out a big yawn.

Then, as she thought about what a wonderful day it was, a bright smile appeared on her face. When

she walked to the living room, she saw Jay sitting on the sofa and reading carefully.

"Good morning, darling."

After getting home last night, she had immediately gone to sleep because she had been tired. Now

that it was the weekend, she still felt a little sleepy.

Upon hearing Nicole's voice,

Jay looked down at his watch and then back at the book without giving her so much as a glance.

"There's milk on the table," was all he said.

Most of the time, he would be so quiet that Nicole would barely know that he was there.

As Nicole walked toward the dining room, she crossed Jay and ruffled his hair, which made him roll his

eyes at her.

After a while, estimating that his mother must have finished her breakfast, Jay put down the book in

his hand and strode over to the dining table. Then, he took a seat opposite her.

Although he was short, he was sitting so straight that he looked much bigger than he was. Nicole

swallowed the last mouthful of milk in a hurry.

"Can you explain how you got hurt now?"

Jay asked seriously.

Only when Nicole was hurt would he be this serious.

"It's no big deal. It was just an accident. But don't worry. I paid him back," Nicole replied guiltily.

She had assumed that Ja

y would have forgotten about it, but in fact, she was the one who had forgotten that she had given

birth to a gifted child.

Jay would never forget anything he wanted to remember. For example, without his father by their side,

he knew that he always had the responsibility of protecting Nicole.

"What? You slapped him?"

He thought that Nicole had been too careless.

"No, I didn't. But he's already very miserable. Someone broke his arm for me."

The truth was, she had been hesitating about whether to tell Jay about this. After all, he was still a

child, so she didn't want to scare him.

However, she had never imagined that Jay's eyes would light up because of her words.

Nicole immediately had a bad feeling.

"Who did that? I didn't know you had such a capable man by your side," Jay said in awe.

He had always thought that Baron was not the right person for his mother because he was too gentle

and elegant to be able to protect her.

But clearly, his mother knew someone who was much more capable than Baron was.

"No one. It's just my boss. But Jay, I'm warning you, you better not treat other kids that way. You

should all love and respect one another."

Nicole returned to the kitchen with the empty glass, trying to change the topic to avoid Jay's


Ever since she had realized that Kerr was Jay's father, she hadn't been able to think straight. She had

wanted to prevent Kerr from ever meeting Jay, but she had somehow told them both about each

other's existence.

Jay made a face but didn't ask any further questions, deciding to give his mother her space.

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Anyway, he had a good impression of her boss now.

"There's no need to hide. I'll let you go this time. I'm going downstairs to play. And I want to eat

braised fish!"

Jay jumped out of the chair and headed toward the door.

"Do you like playing with those children?"

Nicole poked her head out of the kitchen and looked at Jay curiously.

She still remembered how Jay had told her that spending time with those childish kids was a waste of


"You want me to join them, right?"

he asked helplessly.

"Yes! You finally look like an ordinary child."

Nicole nodded with appreciation and went back into the kitchen to prepare lunch.

"Is it my fault that I'm outstanding?"

Jay grumbled to himself as he went downstairs.

He had always been much smarter and more mature than other children. As a result, he was unable to

fit in with his peers, which had made Nicole very worried.

Anyway, Jay didn't take it seriously.

Meanwhile, Kerr was standing in the monitoring room of the amusement park with a grim look on his


Looking at the crowd on the screen, he couldn't find Nicole and her son.

He had made sure that no one had missed the opportunity.

"Mr. Gu, I checked the surveillance video at the entrance of the park in the morning, but I couldn't find

Director Ning. Is she still not here?"