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My Bully’s Love by Stacy Rush

Chapter 91
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The apartment is dark by the time I get home, as it should be since it‘s almost four in the morning. I should have been
home about two hours ago, but Elias wanted me to stay for a
few welcome to the family drinks. I‘m upset at myself for imbibing too much and having to leave my jeep in the
employee parking lot. It‘s a bitch trying to get a cab this time of night, but it beats driving home.
After making sure all the locks are in place, I head to the playroom which is now our temporary room while Elise
stays with us. Just thinking about seeing Ella as I open the door has my cock throbbing. It‘s been a while since I‘ve been away
from her this long and I am needing to be near her. I know she
said she would wait up for me, but I don‘t expect her to still be up at this time, and as I open the door, I‘m right. Ella is fast asleep
, only not how I expect her to be.
I had told Ella before I had left for work that I would be home shortly after two. Well, being the perfect submissive that she is, deci
ded to wait for her Dom the correct way, in the Humble pose. She‘s near the edge of
the bed, her head lying on the mattress, with her arms stretched above it. Her
delicious ass and cunt are presented to me just like they are supposed to be.
My plans were not to wake her at this time, but I can‘t just let this opportunity go either. My girl waited for me, and she apparently
was in the mood to play, which causes me to
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15:55 D
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frown just a little. Did something happen between her and her sister? Regardless of the reason, I‘m going to give her exactly
what she wants. Stripping down to absolutely nothing, I squat down behind her and admire the beautiful picture before
me. Ella‘s got the perfect pussy, and it’s almost as if it can sense me; either that or she’s dreaming of something that is
causing her folds to start glistening with arousal. Her pussy would look adorable with a piercing. I wonder if she would ever do

it. I‘ve thought of getting a prince Albert myself, or even a
Jacob‘ s Ladder, but I haven‘t discussed it with my Precious yet. My cock is just as much hers as her pussy is mine.
I can‘t hold off any longer, slipping my tongue out, I swipe
it up once, twice, then three times before using my thumbs to spread her open and
thrust my tongue into her. I hear her moan in her sleep, and I grin. A thought comes to me, and I reluctantly pull away, only to sta

nd up and line myself up to her entrance. I want her to wake up to my cock sliding deep inside of her.
Pushing forward, I get the tip through the hole, and her body jerks, so I have to hold her hips in order
for her not to move. I bite down on my lower lip as I watch my cock disappear as I impale
her with it. Her next moan tells me that she‘s waking up as she tries moving, but I hold her down as I withdraw.
“Wake up, Precious. Your Dom needs to fuck this gorgeous cunt of yours.”
“Mm, yes, Sir. Please use it...”
Now that she‘s spoken,
I won‘t feel as bad for what I‘m about to do. I slam back into her, jarring her forward, and yet she remains in place due to my han
ds gripping her hip, “Are you going to take it like a good girl?”
Hook 2 – Good Morning “Yes, Sir. Please...I’ve been waiting for you.”
“I see that. You’ve been a good girl, and good girls get rewarded, don’t they?”
“Yes, Sir...”
I watch her slutty cunt drip with more arousal while I talk to her as her Dom. It loves being dominated just as much as
its owner, “Tell me how you want it, Precious? How does my little whore want to be fucked this morning?”
“Hard and fast, Sir, Fuck my slutty pussy hard and fast!”

Wrapping one of my hands
into her hair, I pull back, so she is good and stuck as I slam back into her, hammering her drenched pussy over and over. It feels
good to take her like this after being at work for so long; it helps to decompress me. I can come home to this every damn night a
nd never be tired of it. I take Ella good and hard until we are both spent from coming so hard that
I‘m hoping her sister is a heavy sleeper.
I wake up to Ella‘s side of the bed being cold and empty. Wondering why she is up already, since I know she had
taken a few days off from work, I glance over at the clock and see that it‘s already almost noon. Rubbing my face with both
my hands, I get up out of bed and go straight to the bathroom to jump into the shower.
By the time I come out of the bedroom and walk into the kitchen, both sisters are at the island. Elise sees
me coming but I hold my finger to my lips because Ella‘s back is to me.
DUM? (od Morning
Sneaking up behind her, I wrap my arms around her waist and hip her neck.

She squeals and then giggles after the initial shock, “Jace Mitchell Palmer, you are mean!”
That’s what you get for not waking me up when you got up his morning.” I turn her around to face me.
I wanted to let you sleep in. I was trying to be a thoughtful girlfriend!” She pouts adorably.
I appreciate it, but next time, let me decide. I don‘t want to be In the bed if you‘re not there with me.” I kiss her forehead.
I don‘t know whether to vomit a little or be a bit jelly because you two are too cute together.” Elise laughs.
Please don‘t vomit,” Ella twirls back around and grabbing at he food in front of her sister, “You will get it all over the food!”
Noticing all the food spread out, I realize that it is take
out, ‘Ella,” my voice is stern, “Did you leave the apartment again without waking me up?” I‘m about to drag her back into our roo
m and turn her ass cherry red.Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

She chuckles, though, “You know
what they have now, Jace? t‘s this app that you can download and order food. Then they will send a driver to go pick it up
and deliver it to you! It‘s supposed to be all the rage now!”
| squint at her because now she‘s just being a smartass, “You know damn well that I know all about it because I had told you abo
ut it a few months back.” Just to be a smartass right back,
15:55 D
Book 2 Good Morning
I ask her another question, “So, you opened the door to a stranger that you have never seen before just because he was holding
a bag from the place you ordered from?”
Her hands begin to fidget as she glances over at her sister, “Well, yeah, but if it makes you feel
better, I had El go to the door with me. You know, the buddy system.” She giggles nervously.
Trying so hard not to laugh, I give her my disappointed Dom look and point towards the playroom, “Bedroom now, Ella.”
“But...” she looks at her sister watching us with amusement written all over her face.
“No buts, Ella, to the room now!” She quickly passes me
on her way to the room and I grin and wink at Elise, so she knows that I‘m just fucking with her sister. She covers her mouth to hid
demand that she stands back up. Once she does, I pull her into my arms and take her mouth possessively.
She‘s panting by the time I pull away, “What was that for?”
“I wanted to properly wish you a good morning. I couldn‘t very well do that in front of your baby sister.”
She gasps and then bursts out laughing, “You can be a jerk, you know that?”
I shrug, “That was payback for you being a smartass about the app.” | grin mischievously.

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Book 2 Good Morning
She grabs my chin, and pulls me back down for another kiss, just before greeting me back, “Good morning, Jace.”
Here’s the last one for today! Thank you so much for continuing to read...hope you all have a wonderful weekend!