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My Bully’s Love by Stacy Rush

Chapter 105
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Feed Me
Peeking my head out the front door, I smile at the big softy leaning against the wall, “Hey there big guy, I’ve got a job for you.” I
open the door wider for Owen to come inside.
I call him a big softy because he looks big and mean but he’s been nothing but kind to me and I may or may not have him
wrapped around my little finger. Malik is the same way, though; it must be my charm.
“What do you need, my Queen?” Owen jokes as he bows before me making me laugh.
“You know that I appreciate you, right Owen?”
“Yes, Ella. I never feel overly used by you or Jace for that matter. You should see how others treat us when we work other jobs. If
I could guard you the rest of my career, I’d consider it my dream job.” He grins.
| scoff, “Don’t lose hope just yet because if it keeps going the way it has been, we will never catch him.”
“Yes, we will, Ella. Have faith.” He grips my shoulder until I respond with a simple nod.
“Anyway, could you please carry the laundry basket down to the laundry room for me? It’s behind the bathroom door in our
room.” I ask as I grab the detergent from the utility closet.
“Of course, and you better make sure you put that alarm on before we walk out that door.” He calls over his shoulder.
Shoot! I can’t believe I forgot already, even after Jace’s reminder, and how does that man do that? It’s like he knows everything,
well except who my stalker is, I smirk to myself. Heading back to my room, I grab the alarm from my nightstand, which happens
to also have a vibrator, restraints and some lube sitting on top of it. Nobody ever comes in our room, so I never think to put the
items away. Owen comes out at the same time I’m grabbing the alarm and notices the items right away. His face turns a pretty
red and he turns his head.
Wanting to tease him to see how red he can get, I shrug, “If these embarrass you, then you probably shouldn’t go into the spare
bedroom.” | wink at him as I pass, noticing him turn almost as bright as a tomato.
Reece is down doing her own laundry as Owen and I walk in, “Oh my God,” Reece shrieks, “I was literally just thinking to myself
that I should stop up and see you since I haven’t seen you since before the incident.”
Troll my eyes, “Yeah, Reece, I’m psychic. Actually, my butt, itched and I knew you were thinking about me.”

Confusion shows on her face, “I thought it’s when your nose itches or something.”
“Yeah, for normal people, but you‘re a pain in my butt, so that’ s where I feel the itch.” | reply being goofy.

“You are such a dork!” She laughs out loud.
Owen sets the basket down and heads for the door, “Thank you, Owen. I will be out in a few minutes.” I inform him,
“Hey Owen, you don’t have to leave. You can stay and keep me company.” Reece winks at him when he glances back with
a smile.
“Sorry Reece, I’m on duty.” Owen let’s my friend down gently.
She crosses her arms in front of her chest and pouts, “You are always on duty! When will you have a day off, so you can take me
out and maybe show me your cuffs?” She wiggles her brows.
“Not until your friend is safe from all the bad guys.” He grins and then walks out the door.
Reece sighs, “That guy right there is my future first husband.”
I raise a brow, “First husband?”
“Well yeah,” she throws clothes from a washer into a basket to haul over to one of the dryers, “We all know that my relationships
don’t last very long so I can only assume my marriages will be the same way.”
I roll my eyes, “Seriously, Reece? if you get someone to marry you, then you better hold onto them because you never know if
you will get another.” | chuckle!
Reece stops what she’s doing, “You know, I’ve never thought of it that way, thanks El!”
After having a good laugh, we make plans to have a movie night at my place tonight since Jace has to work. He wasn’t able to
get the time off for the first few days of Jude’s visit, so he’s made plans for the 4 of us to hang out during the day. Hopefully Jace
is okay with me staying home tonight since !
won’t be alone the whole time. Last night was a drag for me being at Shameless while he worked, unlike the first night, nothing
exciting happened.

“Oh,” Reece pipes up and turns back as she heads for the door, “Did you hear that there is a new tenant that moved into your old
“Oh really? Have you seen them, is it a single person or a couple?” | ask, heading towards the door myself.
“I believe single, but I’m not sure if it’s male or female. I was just told by your old neighbor that a person moved in so...”
“Oo, there you go. Maybe it’s a hot, single guy that you can hook up with.” I muse and bump her shoulder with my own.
“Hm, maybe. I’ll have to do a little stalking...oh damn, I’m sorry, Ella. I didn’t mean...” my friend reddens in embarrassment from
her choice of words.
I laugh, “It’s okay, Reece, you don’t have to walk on eggshells around me, and you don’t have to worry about choosing the right

words to say around me. I’m tougher than you think, and it really doesn’t bother me to hear you say it, especially in a joking
“Phew, thank God!” She pulls me in for a hug, “I am so happy that you are okay. I will see you tonight, I’ll bring the popcorn.”
“Okay, I’ll see you then.”
Jace gets back shortly after I get back upstairs. He notices the alarm around my neck and pulls me to him, “You were such a
good girl, wearing the alarm. Remind me later to reward you.” He kisses me deeply before going to put the groceries away.
“Why do you always tease me like that?” I pout. He knows what it does to me when he calls me a good girl, but then he makes
me suffer by not satisfying the urge.
He smirks when he looks up at me, “If I didn’t have to get dinner started then I would bend you over and take what I want. Maybe
once I have the gravy going, and you change into something...” his eyes sweep my body, “a little more revealing, then I’ll give
that greedy little slut some cock.”
I bite my lip trying to hold the excitement back. Yes, I will be the first to tell you that I’ve turned into a nympho. I will have sex
every chance I get, but I blame Jace, he made me this way. If he wasn’t such a phenomenal lover, then maybe I wouldn’t be this
way. Sex is never boring with him, and I believe that life with him will always be an adventure.
I finish dusting and then head to our bedroom while he’s busy at the stove. I stand here, tapping my lips with a finger, trying to
figure out what I can do to draw Jace’s attention away from the food. Then it comes to me, although I won’t be getting off, I will

be perfectly happy by doing something nice for him. So, getting completely naked, the way he likes to see me around our
apartment, I head back out to the kitchen.
He smiles widely when he sees my state of undress, but it gets even wider when I drop to my knees in front of him and begin to
undo his jeans, “What are you doing, baby?”
“I’m hungry.”
“I can make you something to eat.” He plays along.
I shake my head and continue with the zipper, “No thank you, I want what you have.”
“Oh really?” He reaches down and brushes some hair from my face, “You hungry for some creamy goodness?”
Tlook up, “Yes, please.” My hands still until he responds.
Nodding, he pushes his hips out towards me, “Go on then, 1 don’t want my girl to starve.”
Pulling his pants and briefs down, his cock springs forward and I can’t help but to lick my lips. I love sucking his cock. I love it
even more when he makes me take it deeper and gives me his creamy goodness. In fact, that’s what I want now, no, 1 need it
right now. I need his firm hand wrapped in my hair as he fucks my throat. I look up at him, desperate with need.
“Will you help me?” I simply ask, knowing that he knows exactly what I’m wanting from him.
“Of course, baby. It will be my pleasure. Now, open up wide like a good girl.” His hand entangles itself in my hair and then he
slides into my mouth, not stopping until my face is shoved against him. Holding me in place, he smirks down at me, “Get ready.”