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My Baby’s Daddy

Chapter 2661
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Willow chuckled. “Maybe Mrs. Lloyd wants you to become more mature and elegant.”

Shirley smiled. “I know, so I comply. Have you set a date for your wedding?”

“It’s all set in May, and it will be held on an island.”

“I never thought I’d get married before you.” Shirley remembered when they met at the base, she was still a novice

in relationships.

“I never thought you’d become the vice president’s wife! But this status suits you. You exude a remarkable grace

that can handle any occasion.” Willow praised her.

Shirley felt a bit embarrassed by the compliments and said humbly, “Don’t keep praising me. I might get carried


Willow genuinely admired Shirley’s demeanor.

The two moved on to discuss dresses. In this regard, Shirley often sought advice from Willow as she considered

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Willow to have an excellent sense of fashion, which was also a fact. So, they discussed wedding dress styles and


A delightful afternoon unfolded, and the two chatted until it was dusk. However, they didn’t plan to have dinner

together that night due to prior commitments.

As they laughed and exited the restaurant, two men who had been sitting there for a while noticed them and

decided to introduce themselves.

“Ladies, can we get to know each other?” The two men directly blocked their path.

Shirley smiled faintly. “Sorry. It’s not convenient.”

“Miss, please! Just leave a phone number. Maybe we can grab coffee sometime and be friends. We’re not bad


These men thought highly of themselves and tried their luck with the pretty girls they saw.

Unbeknownst to them, two tall bodyguards approached from the entrance.

“We said it’s not convenient. Please step aside,” Willow said in a cold tone.

The men were reluctant to give up. They perceived these women as being of high status and were audacious

enough to try and get acquainted.

“Miss…” One of the men was about to speak again when suddenly, their arms were roughly grabbed, and they

were pulled a few steps away. When they turned around, they were dumbfounded.

How did four tall and burly bodyguards suddenly appear behind them?

“Are you two okay, Miss Presgrave?” the bodyguards asked with concern.

“We’re fine,” Willow replied while taking Shirley’s hand and walking away.

The two men gawked as they watched the bodyguards escort the women and realized they weren’t qualified to get

to know them.

Moreover, they noticed a row of bodyguards outside the restaurant’s door disappearing as the women left.

In an instant, the two men were drenched in cold sweat. Just what kind of background did these women have?

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After parting ways, Shirley received a call from Zacharias, who asked her to wait for him at the White House. He

was in a meeting and would like to return home with her in the evening.

Shirley had the bodyguards escort her to the White House. After strict inspections, her car stopped at the entrance.

Shirley got out of the car. She was ready to go inside and wait for a while.

Suddenly, she heard a car pulling into the adjacent parking spot. She couldn’t help but look up, and when she saw a

familiar figure, she froze for a few seconds.

It was Cole!

She was incredibly surprised. Was Cole working here again?

Cole also spotted her and exclaimed, “Shirley, it’s really you.”

He hadn’t expected to see her here either.

“Cole, what a coincidence.” Shirley greeted him with a smile.

“It’s been a while. I heard you’re getting married. Congratulations,” Cole said with a composed demeanor. As a

former special agent, his actions were as sharp and concise as his personality.

“Thank you. Are you working here again?” Shirley asked. “I’m just here for a meeting; I’ll leave in three days,” he

replied. He had come to accept a mission.