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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49
There was a knock on the door and Rosie went to answer it, she was expecting it to be the delivery man. She opened the door
and was disappointed when she saw Oliver, she scoffed and tried to close the door but he intercepted it with his hand.
Oliver had come alone in his car, he was not in the company of his driver, his best friend or his bodyguards. He thought it was
best to come alone.
“Please hear me out Rosie, I know that you are upset with me but I really need to speak to Aria, please let me see her,” he
“Why? So that you can hurt her again? I warned you Oliver, if you hurt my friend, you will lose her forever. Go back to your
grandfather and your Asian wife, you can’t see Aria,” she replied and rolled her eyes at him.
“I am really sorry Rosie, I am sorry for what I did, but what else could I have done? Watching my Grandfather die? I couldn’t take
that risk, please try to understand.”
“I don’t want to, but anyway... that is your problem with Aria, so you should explain to her and not me,” she blurted.
“I know, that is what I am trying to do, just let me see her please.” Oliver pleaded with an appealing face.
Rosie sighed. “I am not the one stopping you from seeing her, you are too late because she is gone already.”
Oliver crumpled his face feeling puzzled. “What do you mean by she is gone? Where is she?”
“Somewhere you would never find her again, she left and she is never coming back,” Rosie stated.
Oliver thought she meant that Aria had left his life, he had no idea that she meant Aria was out of town.
“Leave that for her to decide, just tell me where my wife is,” he stated in a stern voice.
“Your Ex wife, and did you not hear me the first time, she no longer stays here, she left!” Rosie yelled, emphasizing on the word
“No, you can’t be serious, you have to be kidding!” Oliver said with shock written all over his face.
He made his way past her into the house calling Aria’s name. Rosie did not bother to follow him, she just stood at the door
waiting for him to complete his useless search.
Oliver walked from the sitting room to the bedroom and further to the kitchen and toilet but he could not find Aria, he also noticed
that her things were missing. That was when it dawned on him, his wife and child were not there, they were gone!!
He hurried back to the door where Rosie was waiting for him, a wicked smile on her face.
“Where is she, Rosie? Where have you sent her?” He queried.
“I don’t understand, I had nothing to do with this, Aria is not a child and she can decide what she wants to do and how she wants
to do it. She decided to leave and I could not stop her, so that is it.” She scoffed.

“Then where did she go? Please tell me where I can find her, I need my wife back!!”
“Then you should not have sent her away in the first place!” Rosie retorted, “And don’t raise your voice on me Mr. Gomez, I am
not your submissive wife who tolerates your rubbish!”

Oliver sighed and lowered his voice, yelling was not going to help him at all. Now he understood why Aria always referred to
Rosie as a Psycho.
“Alright, I am sorry... please tell me where she is, I beg of you. I can’t lose her or my child, they are my life Rosie, they are all I
“Actually, you should have thought about that before you made her sign those papers, but since you asked nicely... I can only let
you know that Aria is not in Las Vegas, she left the city but I have no idea exactly where she had gone or who she had gone to
stay with, that is all the information that I have,” she said solemnly.
Oliver refused to believe her words, he knew that Aria would never keep anything a secret from her, they were closer than twin
“Whatever I have done to you Rosie, please forgive me but don’t do this to me, if I don’t find Aria now, I might lose her forever
and if I lose her, I would lose my whole life, please Rosie,” he pleaded.
“I am sorry Oliver, but even if you go down on your knees, I still don’t know where Aria is right now.” She said adamantly.
Well it was no secret that Rosie had a strong heart. After everything she had gone through in life, it was no surprise for her to be
this way.
Oliver thought about it and the only place he knew she could go struck his mind; her grandmother’s house!!
He turned around immediately and ran out of the door, leaving Rosie puzzled. She wondered if he might have figured out where
Aria would be but that was impossible.
Even Rosie had no idea of this distant relative in London, so how can Oliver know about it?
Oliver hurried into his car and drove off to Grandma Margareta’s house. He prayed to find Aria there because if she was not
there, then he had no idea where else he could find her.
Oliver drove through the dusty roads of the underdeveloped village and before long, he arrived at the old woman’s doorstep.
He got down from the car immediately and rushed to the door. He was about to knock when the door opened and he almost hit
her with his knuckle.
Grandma Margareta widened her eyes in surprise, “Hey young man, do you want to injure me?” she grumbled.
Just then she realized it was Oliver, she wrinkled her eyebrows. “You?”
“Hi Grandma, sorry about that, I didn’t know you were about to open the door,” he said while fidgeting around.
“Well, you could have just used the doorbell,” she whined.
Oliver looked to the right end of the wooden door and noticed the rusty doorbell.
“Oh,” he muttered. “I had no idea that it was there.”

“Don’t make fun of my house, it is way older than you,” Grandma Margareta scolded.
Oliver groaned in frustration, he was losing his patience with the old woman’s nagging; this is not what he came here for.
“I am sorry for that Grandma, please can I see Aria?” he asked.

“Aria? Who is Aria?” she queried, with her eyebrows wrinkled and arms on her crooked waist.
“Huh? Aria, your granddaughter, my wife?” he half-yelled and spread his palms.
“Oh, you mean Arianna? You should have said that sooner, anyway... she is not here and don’t ask me where she went because
I won’t tell you.” She stated in finality.
“Wait, what? Aria is not here? Where then could she have gone? She has no other relatives or friends here in Nevada, so where
did she go?” he queried.
“I don’t know, you are her husband so I guess you should know. Oops! I forgot, you sent her away, didn’t you?” Grandma
Margareta uttered with a frown.
“It is not what you think Grandma, I promise you that I did not intend to hurt Aria, I love her with my whole heart, I swear.”
“I know that son, you don’t need to tell me because I can see it in your eyes, but I cannot help you. Aria has left Las Vegas, she
has left Nevada and the entire United states, she left very early this morning,” she announced.
Oliver felt his heart sink into his stomach on hearing that. His wife was out of the states, she had run away from him, she had left
him for good.
“What do you mean Grandma? No, she couldn’t have left me behind, she can’t do this to me,” he muttered.
“Well she already did, you should never have hurt her given that you have hurt her in the past. Sometimes, the wounds might
heal but the scars never go away, and any little injury on the same spot would remind you of the previous one.”
“No, I won’t let her go, I will go after her and I will stop her, I will bring her back because she is mine!” Oliver yelled.
“That is the spirit boy, but it won’t be as easy as you think, I can assure you that it would be really difficult. Aria really loves you
and you two are meant to be together. I will tell you what I told her, fate would bring you two together later in life, but that time is
not now, it might take months, it may take years or probably a lifetime,” the old lady stated.
“No, I cant survive without her, please tell me where she has gone Grandma, please tell me,” he pleaded and went on his knees.
He was crying already.
Grandma Margareta sighed, “Alright I will tell you, please get up,” she instructed.
Oliver stood up and cleaned the tears off his eyes.
“Your ex wife is on her way to London right now, I am sorry but there is nothing you can do to stop her, she is gone son.”
“London?” Oliver muttered. “No, she can’t get into the city, only then would it be difficult to find her, I need to stop her before she
gets in.” he mumbled.
“And how do you intend to do that? She has been gone for hours now.” Grandma Margareta asked.
“The flight to London takes no less than ten hours, she would still be on the way, I just have to send a message to all airports in
London, they should not let her go till I get there,” he muttered to himself.
“Do whatever you want kid, I wish you the best of luck,” Grandma Margareta blessed him.
“Thank you Grandma, take care of yourself,” he nodded and ran off.

He got into his car and drove off while making calls; he needed to go to London immediately..