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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 31
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Chapter 31

The next day finally came, the anticipated day for the return of Grandpa Go as he was fondly called, a

short form of his last name, Gomez. The house was full of excitement as the servants ran helter-

skaters in preparation.

“Everything has to be perfect, there should be no mistakes, I hope you understand?” Oliver said to the


“Yes sir, I will supervise everything myself to make sure that the arrangements are perfect.” Zach


“Good, now get to work,” he instructed and the butler obeyed.

He brought out his phone and dialed Sammy’s number. His PA accepted the call at the first ring.

“Hello Sammy.”

“Yes boss, everything alright?” his voice came in from the other end.

“Yes, I hope things are going well in the office, are there any issues that need my attention?” Oliver


“No boss, I think I can manage, you just take care of things there.”

“Alright, one more thing… Do you have an update on my grandfather’s flight?”

“Oh, kind of yes, the plane would be arriving sometime around seven pm tonight,” Sammy answered

“Good, stay alert for that. I was thinking of sending the driver and a few bodyguards to go and pick him

up at the airport when he arrives but I think it would be better if you do that yourself. Make sure he gets

back here safely, is that clear?”

“Sure boss, roger that…” Sammy replied with a bit of hesitance in his voice. Perhaps he had other


Oliver felt someone hug him from behind, he didn’t need a seer to tell him who it was. He turned

around and smiled at her, she placed her arm across his neck.

“My husband seems to be busy, and my baby enjoys sleeping, so what do you think I should do Mr.

Gomez?” Aria queried with a smile.

Oliver maintained the solemn expression on his face; he gently took her hand off his shoulders.

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“Um… I think you should also go to bed then,” he said plainly.

“But I don’t feel like sleeping,” She whined.

“Well, just sit in your room and do whatever it is that women do in their privacy,” he said bluntly, with his

face devoid of emotions.

Arianna wrinkled her face. “Are you pushing me away, Stark?”

“Well, maybe I am,” he replied coldly.

Arianna looked at his face in surprise; she could see that he was being serious right now.

“I… I am sorry,” she muttered sadly and turned around.

Oliver went closer and hugged her from behind immediately. “I was pushing you away, so that I could

have the opportunity to hug you from behind. Do you think you are the only one who enjoys doing

that?” he asked and kissed her on her neck, she moaned softly.

“You really scared me now, don’t try that again,” she warned and turned to face him with a crumpled


“Did you really think I would push you away from me? If I could, then I would be by your side every

second Aria, I would never push you away from me okay?’ he said and cupped her cheeks.

“Are you sure that you would always be with me? You would never send me away from you, do you

promise?” she queried.

“Why are you asking these questions Aria? Is everything alright?”

“Yes, no… I mean, ughh…” she groaned and looked down, “I am scared Oliver, I have this bad feeling

that I cannot explain, like something bad is about to happen,” she confessed.

“Relax Aria, you are just tired or maybe it is an effect from the child delivery or something. I promise

you that I would always be there with you, I would never let you go. Now please go and have some

rest, I would send Zach to get you a drink, that would help you sleep.”

“So you are really going to make me sleep?” she asked with a crumpled face.

“Yes, so that you can be strong for when my father arrives. Apart from that, you do need rest; it is

barely four days since you gave birth, so you should be resting in order to recover quickly.” He said.

“Alright Mr. Adviser, I will go to bed right now,” she whined and headed for the stairs.

“I love you, and I will be there soon.” He said loudly and she smiled, and then shook her head.

* * * * * * * * * *

Later that evening, Sammy received a call from the airport, it was Grandpa Go, and he had arrived in

the city. Sammy informed Oliver and then rushed to the airport as instructed.

It did not take Sammy long to find the old man, he was already heavily guarded by a team of security

men that travelled with him. Sammy wondered why he had to come and pick the old man up if he

already had six bodyguards and three cars waiting for him.

Sammy had come with his two cars, one driven by the driver with two bodyguards in it. Now Grandpa

Go had a fleet of five cars and numerous bodyguards returning with him in a convoy. Of course, the old

man loved to show off how rich he was, he loved getting the attention of the people and this was the

perfect way to draw their attention.

Sammy chuckled when he understood what the old man had done. Now the entire Las Vegas would

know that the famous Grandpa Go had returned to the states. Sammy decided to drive the car carrying

the old man while the drivers and bodyguards drove the other cars along.

“So Grandpa, how was your trip?” Sammy asked along the way

“Good, apart that the stupid airline did not have my favorite desert,” he grumbled

Sammy chuckled, “Sorry about that, but not to worry… I am sure they have all your favorite deserts

waiting for you at home.”

Grandpa Go groaned and readjusted his seat belt, the thing was oddly uncomfortable.

“Speaking of home, how is that naughty, silly immature grandson of mine,” he asked in a voice that

made Sammy chuckle. He had really missed this old man and how often he taunts Oliver

“Grandpa, Oliver is doing well, and he is no longer silly or immature. He is now a responsible adult that

cares about his future,” Sammy replied

“So you are trying to tell me that he no longer goes clubbing every weekend and comes back with

some random slvt who he probably hasn’t met before?”

Sammy laughed at the old man`s words, well that was the old Oliver that he had described, but his life

had changed after his encounter with Aria. Sammy thought of announcing Oliver`s marriage to him but

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on a second thought, he decided that it was an announcement Oliver had to make himself.

“Yes Grandpa, I assure you that your grandson is now a changed man, he no longer does any of that,

he has turned a new leaf,” Sammy replied and laughed

The old man scoffed. “I doubt that is true, the Oliver I know would only change when pigs fly, but not to

worry, that is why I am back. I can’t let the only heir of the Gomez family go to waste, I would make

things right to keep my lineage going.”

“Um… Grandpa, what do you mean by that?” Sammy queried

“Well, that is the surprise I emailed you guys about, I am going to do what I should have done two

years ago, before Oliver makes the same mistake as his father.”

Now Sammy was confused, what was the old man talking about? What mistakes did Oliver’s father

make in the past?

“Grandpa Go, I don’t mean to pry into your family business, but what mistake are you talking about?”

He queried.

“What do you mean Sammy Boy, of course you are family. I take you just like I take my son so you are

allowed to know what goes on in our family. You see, my son made a terrible mistake in his choice of

wife, I turned a blind eye and that destroyed him, but I would not make the same mistakes with Oliver.”

Now Sammy was starting to get scared. So this mistake that Grandpa Go had come back to fix has

something to do with marriage, but he does not know that Oliver is married yet, nor did he find out


“Oh man, I have a bad feeling that this won’t end well,” Sammy said to himself in thoughts.

He looked to the left and noticed one of the cars that had come with Grandpa Go was about to

overtake them. What caught his attention was that it was carrying someone at the back, he couldn’t see

the person clearly because the glass was tinted, he could only see the shadow because the inside light

was on.

“Grandpa Go… who is in that car?” Sammy asked curiously

“Oh, that is the surprise Kiddo.” Grandpa Go smirked.

Now Sammy was certain that the old man was up to something, and like he said before, this won’t end
