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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28

The next day, Arianna is discharged from the hospital and Oliver takes them home with him. The

Gomez mansion is booming with excitement in celebration of the arrival of their first heir.

The servants had never been happier, even though they had more responsibilities now, as Oliver had

clearly given them new rules to follow in order to make sure that nothing goes wrong. He wanted his

wife and daughter to have the best experience and be safe at all times.

He had taken extra measures to ensure their security from any possible threat. Whether physical or

otherwise, he had made sure that the entire house was germs free, he had taken several precautions

against insects even though there was no record of them in the past.

He had tried to convince Arianna to move downstairs with the baby but she insisted that she was fine

there and that there was nothing to be worried about. Knowing how stubborn his wife was, he gave up

and let her do as she pleases but he ensured to keep guards by the stairs just in case she tried to

come down. He feared that she might slip and fall.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Oliver sat on the bed, trying to coo his adorable baby girl to sleep but she rather seemed entertained

with his actions. Arianna had gone to take a shower, it was a few hours after they had returned from the


He couldn’t help but keep smiling, he wished his mother was here right now to witness this day, it was

unfortunate that she never got to see her grandchild. Oliver imagined her being there right now, how

she would act and what she would say, he really missed her.

The baby grabbed his middle finger which both of her hands put together could not cover entirely,

Oliver chuckled at how small and red she was, like some cute little potato. Those blue eyes radiating

happiness and brightening the room with her beautiful smile.

Just then, the bathroom door opened and Arianna walked out with her hair dripping wet. It was loose

and fell almost close to her waist. Oliver looked up towards her and his jaws dropped; he was

astonished by the sight before him.

Arianna was in a white towel that stopped midway her thighs, well she was tall and the towel was

certainly not made for people her height. She was unconsciously moving her wet hair to the side and

she had no idea that Oliver was dumbstruck, staring at her in surprise. He was carried away by her

beauty, her flawless skin and long hair.

“Is she asleep?” Aria asked and finally looked up, that was when she caught Oliver staring at her with

his mouth agape.

“Um… are you okay?” she asked softly, while looking behind her to see if anyone was there.

Oliver finally got off from the trance or whatever it was that held him, he got down from the bed and

walked slowly to Aria while she stared at him feeling puzzled. He got to her and ran a finger through the

left side of her face to her hair, pushing the wet hair gently to the side.

“Wow,” he muttered.

“What?” she queried with a smile.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he confessed.

“I think you have said that a million times since we knew each other, if you keep saying that often, then

you might get tired someday.” She chuckled, “and why are you acting like this is the first time you have

seen me?”

“Well, practically it is the first time I have seen you without… you know,” he said, looking towards the


“Well, so what?” she asked with a smile

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“So, you are twice as beautiful as before, now that you don’t have a baby in your womb. You look like a

Greek goddess of beauty, tell me Aria, is it too early to make more babies, because I feel like jumping

on you right now and claiming you,” he said and snaked his hand around her waist, then pulled her to

his chest.

“Oliver, stop,” she whined and held her towel from falling down. She could see the lust in his eyes, this

was her fault, she should not have come out like this, now she had unintentionally seduced him.

“Come on Oliver, well if you want to know, it’s still way too early, you would have to wait for six weeks.”

She laughed.

“Okay, then you would have to give me something else, you have to kiss me,” he bargained with a

smirk on his face.

“Really, your daughter is watching, you don’t want to spoil her, do you?” Aria laughed and hung her arm

around his neck.

Her towel was no longer tied firmly around her chest so it exposed a bit of her cleavage. Oliver looked

down and she pushed his jaw up gently and laughed.

“Mr. Stark Oliver Gomez, that is my baby’s food you are staring at, it’s not for you Okay?”

“That is not fair, the baby is mine, so what belongs to her belongs to me too,” he whined.

“I don’t think that is how it works, by the way… are you not going to work today?” she queried.

“Hey, don’t try to change the topic. Are you going to kiss me or should I do it my way?” He asked with a


“Oh… fine, bring your lips closer,” she instructed and he smiled.

He brought his lips closer to hers and cupped her cheeks, then he kissed her deeply but not long after,

Aria pulled out and headed to the wardrobe, giggling.

“Hey, that is not fair, it was not even up to a minute,” he grumbled

“But it was a kiss, that was our agreement, there was no time or duration agreed on.” She laughed.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Oliver sighed and walked to it, he wondered who dared to

disturb their romantic moment, forgetting that it had ended minutes ago.

He opened the door slightly to see Sammy; his PA looked a bit worried.

“Sammy, what is wrong? I thought you were supposed to be at the office,” he queried.

“Yes, but I received an email from Asia, I tried to contact you but you had switched off your phone,” He


“Oh, yes I did not want any disturbances while I spent time with my wife and daughter. Wait, did you

say Asia?” Oliver queried when the word finally dawned on him.

“Yes… it is him, your grandfather, he sent the email,” Sammy replied.

“Grandpa? Is everything alright? I hope he is not sick again?” Oliver asked in a scared tone.

“No, he is fine or so I think, but the email did not mention anything about his health.”

“Then what does it say?”

Sammy smiled, “Oliver, your grandfather is coming back, and he said he brought good news

specifically for you,” Sammy announced happily in a loud tone that made Aria wonder what was going


“Whaaat? Well that alone is good news, I have missed that old man, when is he coming back?” Oliver

asked in excitement.

“Well, if my predictions are correct, he will arrive here tomorrow evening,” Sammy replied.

“That is good, we should make preparations then, go on and make the necessary arrangements,”

Oliver instructed.

“Sure boss, I am on that,” Sammy replied and walked off, they were both excited about the old man’s

arrival in the city.

To be continued!!

Chapter 28

The next day, Arianna is discharged from the hospital and Oliver takes them home with him. The

Gomez mansion is booming with excitement in celebration of the arrival of their first heir.

The servants had never been happier, even though they had more responsibilities now, as Oliver had

clearly given them new rules to follow in order to make sure that nothing goes wrong. He wanted his

wife and daughter to have the best experience and be safe at all times.

He had taken extra measures to ensure their security from any possible threat. Whether physical or

otherwise, he had made sure that the entire house was germs free, he had taken several precautions

against insects even though there was no record of them in the past.

He had tried to convince Arianna to move downstairs with the baby but she insisted that she was fine

there and that there was nothing to be worried about. Knowing how stubborn his wife was, he gave up

and let her do as she pleases but he ensured to keep guards by the stairs just in case she tried to

come down. He feared that she might slip and fall.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Oliver sat on the bed, trying to coo his adorable baby girl to sleep but she rather seemed entertained

with his actions. Arianna had gone to take a shower, it was a few hours after they had returned from the


He couldn’t help but keep smiling, he wished his mother was here right now to witness this day, it was

unfortunate that she never got to see her grandchild. Oliver imagined her being there right now, how

she would act and what she would say, he really missed her.

The baby grabbed his middle finger which both of her hands put together could not cover entirely,

Oliver chuckled at how small and red she was, like some cute little potato. Those blue eyes radiating

happiness and brightening the room with her beautiful smile.

Just then, the bathroom door opened and Arianna walked out with her hair dripping wet. It was loose

and fell almost close to her waist. Oliver looked up towards her and his jaws dropped; he was

astonished by the sight before him.

Arianna was in a white towel that stopped midway her thighs, well she was tall and the towel was

certainly not made for people her height. She was unconsciously moving her wet hair to the side and

she had no idea that Oliver was dumbstruck, staring at her in surprise. He was carried away by her

beauty, her flawless skin and long hair.

“Is she asleep?” Aria asked and finally looked up, that was when she caught Oliver staring at her with

his mouth agape.

“Um… are you okay?” she asked softly, while looking behind her to see if anyone was there.

Oliver finally got off from the trance or whatever it was that held him, he got down from the bed and

walked slowly to Aria while she stared at him feeling puzzled. He got to her and ran a finger through the

left side of her face to her hair, pushing the wet hair gently to the side.

“Wow,” he muttered.

“What?” she queried with a smile.

“You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he confessed.

“I think you have said that a million times since we knew each other, if you keep saying that often, then

you might get tired someday.” She chuckled, “and why are you acting like this is the first time you have

seen me?”

“Well, practically it is the first time I have seen you without… you know,” he said, looking towards the

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“Well, so what?” she asked with a smile

“So, you are twice as beautiful as before, now that you don’t have a baby in your womb. You look like a

Greek goddess of beauty, tell me Aria, is it too early to make more babies, because I feel like jumping

on you right now and claiming you,” he said and snaked his hand around her waist, then pulled her to

his chest.

“Oliver, stop,” she whined and held her towel from falling down. She could see the lust in his eyes, this

was her fault, she should not have come out like this, now she had unintentionally seduced him.

“Come on Oliver, well if you want to know, it’s still way too early, you would have to wait for six weeks.”

She laughed.

“Okay, then you would have to give me something else, you have to kiss me,” he bargained with a

smirk on his face.

“Really, your daughter is watching, you don’t want to spoil her, do you?” Aria laughed and hung her arm

around his neck.

Her towel was no longer tied firmly around her chest so it exposed a bit of her cleavage. Oliver looked

down and she pushed his jaw up gently and laughed.

“Mr. Stark Oliver Gomez, that is my baby’s food you are staring at, it’s not for you Okay?”

“That is not fair, the baby is mine, so what belongs to her belongs to me too,” he whined.

“I don’t think that is how it works, by the way… are you not going to work today?” she queried.

“Hey, don’t try to change the topic. Are you going to kiss me or should I do it my way?” He asked with a


“Oh… fine, bring your lips closer,” she instructed and he smiled.

He brought his lips closer to hers and cupped her cheeks, then he kissed her deeply but not long after,

Aria pulled out and headed to the wardrobe, giggling.

“Hey, that is not fair, it was not even up to a minute,” he grumbled

“But it was a kiss, that was our agreement, there was no time or duration agreed on.” She laughed.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. Oliver sighed and walked to it, he wondered who dared to

disturb their romantic moment, forgetting that it had ended minutes ago.

He opened the door slightly to see Sammy; his PA looked a bit worried.

“Sammy, what is wrong? I thought you were supposed to be at the office,” he queried.

“Yes, but I received an email from Asia, I tried to contact you but you had switched off your phone,” He


“Oh, yes I did not want any disturbances while I spent time with my wife and daughter. Wait, did you

say Asia?” Oliver queried when the word finally dawned on him.

“Yes… it is him, your grandfather, he sent the email,” Sammy replied.

“Grandpa? Is everything alright? I hope he is not sick again?” Oliver asked in a scared tone.

“No, he is fine or so I think, but the email did not mention anything about his health.”

“Then what does it say?”

Sammy smiled, “Oliver, your grandfather is coming back, and he said he brought good news

specifically for you,” Sammy announced happily in a loud tone that made Aria wonder what was going


“Whaaat? Well that alone is good news, I have missed that old man, when is he coming back?” Oliver

asked in excitement.

“Well, if my predictions are correct, he will arrive here tomorrow evening,” Sammy replied.

“That is good, we should make preparations then, go on and make the necessary arrangements,”

Oliver instructed.

“Sure boss, I am on that,” Sammy replied and walked off, they were both excited about the old man’s

arrival in the city.