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My Baby’s Daddy Is Mr CEO

Chapter 20
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Chapter 20

Rosie looked out of the window and coincidentally, her eyes met something that came as a surprise to

her. Oliver had just opened his car door to let Arianna out; he held her hand as support while she came

down from the car.

Rosie rubbed her eyes to make sure she was not imagining things, was this really happening? Oliver

drove Arianna back to the house and she was smiling at him, this has to be a joke.

Rosie rushed to the door immediately, by the time she had opened the door, it was just Aria standing

there, no sign of Oliver.

“Hi sis, are you going somewhere?” Aria asked with a smile.

“Um… no, not at all but… was I hallucinating right now? I mean, I just saw you come down from

Oliver`s car.” She queried.

“Oh yes, he dropped me off,” Arianna replied and smiled.

Rosie could not believe she had seen right, she drew Arianna by the wrist into the house and locked

the door.

“Why? How? When?” she queried, in a sputter of words

“Calm down sis, you were not home when I returned yesterday and there was no time to discuss this

morning or I would have told you,”

“Tell me what, like what is going on? Four or five days ago, you hated that man and rejected his money.

Today he brought you home in a car, how?” Rosie queried in curiosity.

“Relax sis, first I didn’t hate him, I was just upset with him and he apologized that day, his apology was

all I needed, that’s why I rejected his money. Then as for what is going on now, he called me yesterday

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while I was at work and invited me for a little discussion. I tried to call you first but your number was not


So I went ahead to meet him at a café, we had coffee and then he apologized to me. I had already

forgiven him but I used that as an opportunity to let him know. Then he asked me if we could be friends,

and I said I would think about it.”

“Friends? What kind of friendship proposal is that? You are heavy with his child and he wants to be

your friend, isn’t that another way of making a mockery of you?”

“No it’s not the case sis, I could see it in his eyes, and he meant those words. Today at work, he sent

me a text, inviting me to his house and so I went there…”

“What?” Rosie interrupted again, “what are you telling me Aria? You went to his house and you didn’t

think of telling me first, what if something had happened to you? How could you take such a risk Aria?”

“Calm down sis, you are getting worked up over nothing. I went to his house and he was very nice to

me. He asked if I had thought about his proposal and what reply I have for him. I agreed to be his friend

so now we are friends, it’s that simple,” Arianna said in her defense.

“No it`s not, Aria how could you just fall for his lies, you think people change that easily? I have seen so

much in this city to know that it does not work like that. He is just fooling you, he is pretending to be

friends with you because he has other goals, I am sure he has an ulterior motive.” Rosie announced

with anger flickering in her eyes.

“No, you haven’t met him Rosie, he is really nice and kind, he might be tough on the outside but he is

very soft on the inside. He is really sorry for what he had done in the past and wants to start a new

relationship with me, he just wants to be on good terms and make up for his mistakes,” Arianna


“Well that is what he made you believe, but do you really think that is what he has in mind? Use your

brain Aria, he is a billionaire and he doesn’t need you for anything. I am sure he just wants to hurt you

or get back at you for making him look stupid back there in his office. Do you know how embarrassing it

must have been for him to lose that case, he just wants to win your trust then break you, why can’t you

see that Aria?” Rosie fired.

Arianna sighed and looked away, the argument was getting hotter and the both of them were at the

verge of losing their cool and saying something irrational. Arianna could not understand why her friend

refused to believe that Oliver was changed for good now, and Rosie wondered why Aria would not

accept that Oliver was playing her.

“I don’t know how I can convince you sis, but Oliver is really sorry for what he has done, he wants to

start afresh with me as a friend, he wants to make up for all his wrongs so what is wrong with that?

Every human deserves a second chance, and I am just giving him one. We have all made mistakes in

this lifetime and we usually regret them at a later date and try to fix it again, so what is wrong when he

does that? You keep mentioning that he is a billionaire but aren’t billionaires humans?” Aria queried.

“Oh, seriously Aria? You think that these wealthy people think like you, that they are nice like you. Well

sorry to burst your bubbles sweetheart, but that is not how it works. No billionaire would want to accept

a ba$tard as heir!!”

“Don’t call my child a ba$tard!!” Arianna yelled angrily, waving a warning finger at her, and then she

turned and ran into the bedroom in tears.

Rosie sighed and slumped onto the couch. “Oh goodness, what have I done?” she muttered.

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She stood up and went after Aria; she walked into the bedroom and saw Aria crying on the bed with her

face buried in the pillow.

“Aria,” she called softly, then went to the bed and sat beside her. She rubbed her palm on Aria`s back

as consolation.

“I am very sorry Aria, I didn’t mean to say that, it just left my mouth and I regret it. You have to believe

me Aria, I am really sorry, I was just looking out for you, I was afraid that he would hurt you again, you

mean the world to me Aria, I don’t want to lose you,” she pleaded in tears.

Arianna was forced to sit up, she could not watch her friend cry, the both hugged each other in tears.

“It is alright Rosie, please stop crying. I am also sorry… for raising my voice at you. Trust me Rosie,

you mean the world to me too, take aside my grandma, you are my only family and I care about your

feelings and your opinions. I understand that you are just looking out for me, but I assure you that

Oliver has changed. Even if you don’t trust him yet, I promise I will be careful around him to make sure

that your fears don’t come to pass, okay sis?”

They both unlocked from the hug, then cleaned each other’s tears.

“Alright Aria, if you think you should give him a chance, then I would trust your judgment, but if he tries

to hurt you again, then I would pick up a gun, and shoot his brains out, even if I have to end up in jail.”

Rosie stated in finality.

Arianna nodded and they hugged each other then she laughed softly.

“If you keep hugging me all day long, then my daughter will take after you.” Aria muttered with a smile.

“Oh, I thought that was the plan,” Rosie replied and they giggled, then unlocked the hug.

“So, do you want to know how my visit to his house went?” Aria queried.

“Yes, you can bet on that, please tell me!!” Rosie yelled and Arianna laughed.

“Okay, I would tell you.” Aria smirked mischievously.