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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 269
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269 Seeking Help from Uncle Olsen

Upon seeing this note, Keira’s pupils suddenly shrank!

Taylor was the murderer...?

She had grown up in the Olsen family and knew that Mrs. Olsen actually was a capable person, but she wasn’t

utilizing her own abilities and seemed to always avoid something.

And this father, Taylor... she felt very unfamiliar with


Did he possess such a great ability to abduct her and Keera without leaving a trace?

She didn’t doubt the authenticity of the note, only that since she had returned, Samuel had reported all the

investigation results to her after her incident.

Moreover, as the Horton family was the first family of Oceanion, Lewis had been investigating the murderer's

clues during this time, yet there were still no leads.

To be able to do this so covertly meant that Taylor either hid his capabilities or had help from someone




269 Seeking Help from Uncle Olsen

Keira clenched her jaw tightly.

Last tKeera cto her saying that someone was going to kill them, she didn’t believe it, thinking it was too

absurd, yet the result was Keera’s death.

Every tshe thought of this, remembered how Keera could have abandoned her in the end, could have

climbed onto the wooden board herself, but instead gave her the chance to live, her chest felt stifling...

It was her underestimation that had killed Keera.

Keira knew that the perpetrator was the murderer, but she couldn't help feeling guilty and self-blaming.

So when she saw Mrs. Olsen's plea for help, she dared not act rashly, fearing that if she didn’t subdue Taylor in

her move, she might instead harm her mother!

She took a deep breath, knowing that she must seek help now.

But whom should she ask for help?




269 Seeking Help from Uncle Olsen

No sooner had this thought surfaced than Keira immediately suppressed it.

She pondered for a moment and finally decided to seek help from Uncle Olsen!

Although she didn’t know the past between Uncle Olsen and her mother and was even more unclear about what

their “never to see each other again” meant, after a few interactions with Uncle Olsen, she

trusted her intuition.

Uncle Olsen held no malice towards her or her mother.

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Perhaps only Uncle Olsen would risk his life for her


As Keira was contemplating, she heard a stir from the direction of the memorial hall. It was tto transfer

the deceased to the crematorium and then lay her to


She quickly pulled out her phone and sent Uncle Olsen a message: “Mrs. Olsen handeda note saying that

the murderer of her daughter is Taylor and she seems to be controlled! She is askingfor help!”

After sending the message, she saw people carrying


269 Seeking Help from Uncle Olsen

the coffin out, placing it on the vehicle from the


Lewis didn’t follow the vehicle but was staring blankly as the car took the body away while standing still in a


He was motionless, adhering to a set procedure.

Someone held up Keira's black-and-white photo and followed behind the crematorium’s vehicle; after the

cremation, they wouldn't return but would head straight for the cemetery.

A voice nearby asked,

“Isn’t Mrs. Horton going to be buried in the Horton family’s cemetery?”

“I heard that Mr. Horton refused, saying that it wasn’t Mrs. Horton... He stubbornly wouldn't admit that the

deceased was Mrs. Horton...”

“Alas, did you see Mr. Horton's state? He looks

completely out of sorts; I've never seen him so disheveled.”

“Mr. Horton truly loved his wife deeply...”


269 Seeking Help from Uncle Olsen

The murmurings of the crowd reached Keira’s ears.

However, she turned a deaf ear, scanning the crowd for Taylor and Mrs. Olsen’s whereabouts, and saw that

Taylor had already carried Mrs. Olsen into the vehicle.

“Mrs. Olsen is too heartbroken to go to the crematorium. Coming here today considers it the last journey for Mrs.

Horton. Alas, such a pitiful person.”

“I just heard that they are leaving the country tomorrow. Mr. Olsen said a change of place might help them clear

their minds,”

“That's appropriate. Staying here only serves as a daily reminder of their daughter's tragic state. But the

murderer hasn't been found yet, and no one knows which damned person did it!”

Keira’s expression becurgent, and she immediately hurried toward the parking lot.

Not far outside of the Horton residence, a black SUV

was parked.

Uncle Olsen was sitting quietly inside, gazing in the

direction of the Hortons’ house.

Ellis said, “Uncle, if you truly want to see Mrs. Horton


269 Seeking Help from Uncle Olsen

off, go inside and have a look. What's the point of hiding out here?”

However, Uncle Olsen didn’t respond. His eyes were fixed on the screen of his phone, on the text message

interface with Mrs. Olsen.

It had been over twenty years since they last contacted each other.

He had finally obtained Mrs. Olsen’s number, but there were only a few short messages.

“Could you dne a favor?”

“If you as

ust comply. Tell me.”



versation. Today, she finally





Oceanion as soon as possible

my life.”

ned his fists, feeling a sting in his ords.

way of speaking.

years ago, she had been just as ruthless



269 Seeking Help from Uncle Olsen.

Twenty years later, she remained uncompromising.

Uncle Olsen forced a bitter smile, yet he loved her for this sdemeanor, which had captivated him for

more than twenty years.

Having seen her, no other woman could catch his eye.

His gaze lowered, and he saw the hearse driving away. People followed, carrying a black-and-white picture of

Keira, but Uncle Olsen didn’t notice.

Because his gaze was on the Olsen family’s car.

Through the window, even though he couldn't see the people inside clearly, he vaguely made out the

silhouette of Mrs. Olsen. She was sitting quietly in the

back seat...

Uncle Olsen gazed at her greedily, knowing that this glance might be their final farewell...

As the car passed by his, tin his eyes slowed to a crawl; every minute, every second, even every frhe

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wanted to engrave deeply in his memory.

It was only after the Olsen family’s car had gone, obscured by other vehicles and no longer visible, that he

reluctantly withdrew his gaze.



269 Seeking Help from Uncle Olsen

Uncle Olsen took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and shielded the tears in them.

When he spoke again, his voice was low and choked. “Let's go.”

Ellis opened the car door. “Uncle, you head back first. I'll stay here to watch over Lewis. That man better not

get trapped by the notion of love.”

Even though they were arch-enemies in school, Ellis and Lewis were the kind who appreciated each other.


Well, Ellis appreciated Lewis. Whether Lewis

appreciated him, Ellis didn’t know.

But Ellis always valued loyalty, so it seemed best to stay a while longer.

After all, with Lewis's personality and social status, no one dared speak the truth to him for fear of upsetting


The car door closed, and the driver started the engine.

It was only then that Uncle Olsen saw the message on WhatsApp. Upon spotting a message from his young

friend, he shouted, “Stop the car!”




269 Seeking Help from Uncle Olsen

Ellis was waving at the car, and when it suddenly stopped, he approached quickly. “Uncle, what is it? Can't bear

to part with me?”

As soon as the words were out, the car window rolled down, and Uncle Olsen looked at him gravely. “Gather all

our men. We need to go to the Olsen residence!”


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