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My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire

Chapter 125
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125 Daughter

Upon Old Mrs. Horton's words, the crowd immediately quieted down.

Everyone's gaze uniformly shifted toward Lewis.

Keira saw his lips pursed slightly before she quickly changed the subject. “Grandma, I'm a bit cold. Let's go back

to the room first.”

Old Mrs. Horton immediately spoke nervously. “My granddaughter-in-law is cold, so we must hurry back, or she'll

catch a chill, especially since we're in the preconception period... colds can’t be allowed...”

Having said this, she grabbed Keira’s hand and walk toward the courtyard. “My granddaughter-in-law, is your

home! You are not going anywhere else! Fro now on, you'll stay right here!”

Keira helplessly touched her forehead.

She stole a glance back at Lewis.

Both of them held special statuses, and their marriage was tied to too much.

Moreover, the unspoken understanding between the


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two hadn't yet been agreed on, so it was best to be cautious about going public.

Melissa spoke up. “Lewis, Grandma is senile and has been fooled by this girl. She’s not a good person, and she

can’t stay in our house! You must not be confused


Lewis didn’t bother to explain much, his voice somewhat grave. “Sister-in-law, you don’t have the say in

Grandma's courtyard! Besides...”

His gaze swept around the surroundings, looking at the security guards. “You dared to lay hands on my guest in

Grandma's courtyard. None of you need to show up tomorrow!”

Leaving behind those words, he went into old Mrs Horton's courtyard.

The security guards who were beaten immediately cried out, “Mr. Horton, it was Ms. Knight who ordere us to act.

We didn’t want to do it...”

Just as Tom arrived and saw the scene unfold, he

stepped forward with a smile. “You claim to be

wronged? You don’t even know who the master of this house is! Get lost! Otherwise, | assure you that you



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125 Daug

won't find work elsewhere!”

The group of people immediately felt silent and left, resigned.

Tom looked around with an implied warning, “Get out of this place, okay? It should be very clear in your

employment contracts what you can and cannot say about Horton's family matters.”

The onlookers promptly bowed their heads and left respectfully.

Before long, only Melissa, Isla, and Jake remained.

Melissa spat toward the doorway in anger, then turned to grumble at Isla. “Without understanding the situation,

why did you make senseless outcries here? It landedin such a position that | thought we drive this little slut


Isla lowered her head in distress. “Melissa, it's m fault.”


Melissa took several deep breaths and turned to lo at Jake who hadn't yet cto his senses, and she

immediately felt an uncontrollable rage. She glared at Isla. “I really don’t know what kind of witchcraft this little

slut has used to bewitch the old Mrs. Horton and


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these two men like this! Isla, | don’t care by what means you do it, but you must drive her out!

Otherwise, forget abouthanding over the house’s authority to you!”

With that, she stormed off.

Isla stood in place, thinking of how just moments ago Keira was so protected by old Mrs. Horton and Mr. Horton,

then looking at Jake who was staring blankly at the entrance of old Mrs. Horton's courtyard, she felt something

stuffy in her chest.

She lowered her head. “Jake, | didn’t bring sof my personal clothing over. I'm going hto get them.”


Jake seemed as if he hadn't really paid attention words.

Isla left for the Olsen residence, fuming.

She might not be able to drive Keira out, but there someone whose words Keira would definitely listen


She entered with a worried expression and saw Tayle and Mrs. Olsen sitting on the living room sofa

watching TV. When they saw her chome, Taylor



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was surprised. “Didn’t you move to the Horton residence? Why have you cback?”

Mrs. Olsen's attitude, however, was very lukewarm. She was still angry about Isla insisting on marrying into the

Horton family.

That's when Isla lowered her head and said to Taylor, “I've cback to get sclothes. | also wanted to

mention that Keira... She’s not having a great tat the Horton's place.”

Taylor didn’t pay any attention to the topic at hand.

But Mrs. Olsen gave her a look. “What's wrong with Keira?”

Isla sighed. “Her attitude with Mr. Horton is ambiguous, and everyone is gossiping about

Mrs. Olsen immediately frowned. “Keira is sta the Horton's place to take care of old Mrs. Ho Where did you hear

all this nonsense? Keira isn type to fool around. | believe in her character, an don’t want to hear this sort of thing

from you aga

Isla knew it would be like this.

She felt intense hatred inside. Mrs. Olsen had never


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trusted her like that!

Fortunately, she had evidence...

Lowering her head, Isla said, “That's what | thought too, but today at the Horton's, a piece of evidence is being

circulated. It's an intimate photo of Keira and

Mr. Horton...”

Having said this, she took out her phone, opened up the photo, and handed it over to Mrs. Olsen.

Mrs. Olsen frowned as she looked at the photo. Her first reaction was that it was a setup, but as she looked

closer, her pupils contracted slightly.

Taylor had already started cursing loudly. “Shameless! How could | have such a shameless daughter? She's

already married, and she’s still messing around wi Mr. Horton?”

With tears in her voice, Isla said, “Because of her, m

mother-in-law now thinks I’m the ssort of perso and she’s askingto find a way to get Keira out of the

Horton's place... But Keira won't listen to a word | say, and today she even publicly defied Melissa at the

Horton's, saying that even if Mrs. Horton herself tried to drive her away, she wouldn't leave... She also


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said, she also said...”

Taylor frowned. “What else did she say? Out with it. You're makinganxious!”

“She said that her mother has been living in our house since she was a child, and that in the future she wants

Mrs. Horton to learn to be more magnanimous from her and accept that it’s normal for a man to have

concubines... Father, mother, with her causing such a scene, how can | keep my head up at the Horton's place

from now on!”

Mrs. Olsen suddenly spoke up. “That's impossible! These words don’t sound like something she would


Isla bit her lip.

However, Taylor shouted angrily, “What's impossil about it? Shirley, you've been deceived by her! She really is

living at the Horton's now, right? And her ambiguous attitude with Mr. Horton is also true! No wonder last tat

the hospital, Mr. Horton helped with arranging a hospital bed, and he’s always been nice to her since then. It

seems she hooked up


Mr. Horton a long tago! Only you, who are



<125 Daughter

kind-hearted, think she won't change!”

Mrs. Olsen looked dumbfounded at him.

Every tKeira cup, Taylor's attitude made her feel utterly bewildered.

Even though she was his daughter, why would he suspect her with the worst possible motives?

She suddenly recalled the day before, Keira said she wasn’t Taylor's daughter... although she had fainted

afterward, she still remembered those words.

Previously, she always thought it was said in a fit of


But considering Taylor's attitude every tKeira’s ncup...

Mrs. Olsen suddenly asked, “Taylor, is Keira reall daughter?”

Taylor was taken aback, his expression changing slightly.

This slight change didn’t escape Mrs. Olsen’s sharp gaze, and she frowned. “Is Keira really not your daughter?!”
