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Mr. Remus Your Billionaire Wife Wants a Divorce

Chapter 95
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Chapter 95

Silvia shook her head. “After I heal his legs, we won’t interact further, and I’d rather he not

know my true identity.”

She had initially planned to take Neil back with her. However, their relationship had

soured, and she wanted to avoid causing any more trouble.

Winston gave her a disapproving look. “At the very least, you should let him know the

effort you’ve put into treating his leg.’

She chuckled. “Are you suggesting that I should make him feel bad? I only want to draw a

clear boundary and avoid future entanglements.”

He glared at her. “I’ve never met someone as silly as you!” He was both concerned and


Silvia smiled and brought up a different subject.

Meanwhile, Ada and Snow were also dining at the same restaurant. Back when they

studied abroad, there was a guy in their social circle named Apollo Pittman. He fell in love

with Ada the moment he saw her and pursued her relentlessly. However, she never agreed

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to be in a relationship with him, and they eventually lost contact.

By chance, they bumped into each other during their last visit to Brooks Corporation’s

resort. It was then that Ada finally discovered Apollo was the son of the renowned director,

Terrence Pittman.

Some of the scenes in Terrence’s new movie, “A Thousand Years,” took place at the resort,

so Apollo vacationed there for a few days.

“A Thousand Years” was a major production. It told the story of a princess from a fallen

kingdom who hid her true identity and found love with a prince from an enemy kingdom.

The film was rumored to have an impressive budget of three hundred million dollars, and

it had a cast of award-winning actors like Chris Rios and Isla Connolly.

Both of them were known for their discerning script choices, and the movies Terrence

directed seldom received negative reviews. Hence, the movie generated significant buzz

even before its release.

Due to Snow’s interest in joining the entertainment industry, Ada and Apollo had shared a

few meals to discuss how he could help her make industry connections. It was also the

reason behind tonight’s gathering. Snow was the host, and she had invited Apollo and

Terrence for dinner.

Terrence had yet to find an actress for the role of a palace maid in “A Thousand Years.” He

thought Snow’s appearance was good fit for the character, so he had her do a scene on

the spot.

Although her acting skills were somewhat unpolished, they were adequate for the minor

role. He agreed to give her the role and asked her to sign the contract the following day.

As they were leaving after, Apollo, who was walking beside Ada, suddenly stopped.

“What’s wrong, Apollo?”

“Ada, that girl over there looks just like you!”

Ada followed his gaze and spotted Silvia and an unfamiliar man sitting opposite her. She

narrowed her eyes slightly and sneered.

“It’s not uncommon for people to look similar. I just realized I left my car keys on the table.

Go ahead and wait for me outside. I’ll join you in a minute.”

After Apollo left, she found a secluded spot, took a photo of Silvia and Winston dining, and

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sent it to Neil.

[Neil, I just spotted Silvia having dinner with someone I don’t know. Is he a mutual friend

of yours?]

Before long, Neil replied

[Where is this?]

Ada’s smile deepened. It seemed that Neil did not know the man.

She sent him the name of the restaurant and left.

Silvia returned to the mansion after dinner. As soon as she stepped into the living room,

she sensed Neil’s icy gaze on her.

“Where were you just now?!”

Neil’s questioning tone caused her to frown. She replied with an indifferent expression, “I

was having dinner with a friend. Why do you ask?”

His gaze suddenly turned even colder. “Is your friend a man or a woman?”

“Mr. Remus, it’s none of your business.”

“Don’t forget that we’re not divorced yet! If you want to dine with another man alone, you

should have consulted me first!”

Her eyes widened in shock. “Did you send someone to tail me?!”

“If you did nothing wrong, why would you worry about being followed?”