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Mr. Neal, Mrs. Neal’s Gone with The Money by Little Treasure

Chapter 639
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Chapter 639


“Have you visited his house? Cynthia asked, giving Shirley an camest look. It was a matter

of concem to her. II Zachary had invited Shirley to his house without seeking their parents‘

consent, it was something to be considered.

Shirley let out a confused ‘ah“, “No, I haven’t”

Jonathan and Cynthia exchanged a glance, their expressions and actions in sync for the

first time.

“He didn’t go home last summer. His parents and sister came to visit. They are a

wonderful family,” Shirley quickly realized their misunderstanding and hastily clarified

Cynthia exhaled in relief, and so did Shirley, but only slightly. She cast a glance at their

father. Although Cynthia’s approval usually meant their father’s, his silence still made her

a bit anxious.

“As long as your sister sees no issue, you can continue dating,” Jonathan finally broke his


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“Since your sister doesn’t see any issue, you can continue dating him. When you find

time, bring him home for me to meet. I want to vet him properly,” Jonathan relented,

unable to keep her in suspense any longer.

“No problem!” Shirley declared, elated.

“However!” Jonathan suddenly interjected.

A sense of dread surged through Shirley, and a sheen of sweat coated her palms. “What is


“You’re not to spend the night with him outdoors,” Jonathan sternly warned. After all, she

was his little girl. “You must take good care of yourself. Do you understand?”

Shirley hesitated before replying, “Alright.”

“Alright?” Jonathan echoed her.

“Yes, I’ll definitely take care of myself, Shirley promised. Her eyes darted around as she

added, “However, a few of us have plans to go out together. If we can’t stay overnight…

that could pose a problem.”

“No.” Jonathan shot down the suggestion without a second thought.


“Ask your sister ”

Cynthia simply stared blankly. Was she to shoulder this responsibility?

Shirley tugged on Cynthia’s sleeve, beginning to lay it on thick. “Cynthia, we’ve planned a

camping trip for when the spring. flowers bloom. You wouldn’t want your sweet, kind, and

gentle little apple of your eye to be seen as someone who doesn’t keep her word, would


“If you want to go, then go. Just remember all the things I’ve told you,” Cynthia relented.

“Thank yo

you, Cynthia!” Shirley lugged her tightly and gave her a peck on the cheek. “I know you’re

the best! She bounded up the stairs after her declaration, leaving a baffled Jonathan


He watched as Shirley retreated upstairs and closed her door before turning to Cynthia,

who had remained calin throughout.. Cyn…”

“Shirley knows better. Both mom and I have had the talk with her. She knows how to take

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care of herself. You don’t need to worry too much,” Cynthia clarified, sensing his


“Alright,” Jonathan finally agreed, not pushing the matter any further. If Cynthia said there

was no need to worry excessively, then there was no cause for concem.

Early the next inorning, Cynthia paid a visit to Ellora. The butler and his staff had prepared

everything needed for the New Year celebration, so she had no need to intervene.

However, she was uncertalu about Ellora’s circumstances. She had been busy and unable

to pay much attention to her recently, only occasionally calling to check on her health and

the baby.

Chapter 539


Upon Cynthia’s arrival, Ellora was taking a walk in the courtyard. In addition to her

previous security guard and housekeeper, she now also had a nutritionist, a personal

physician, and a dedicated nanity for her well–being. This was to ensure that even If

Cynthia were too busy to answer a call one day, things would run smoothly.

“Cynthia” Ellora greeted her joyfully when she saw her.