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Mr. Ford is Jealous

Chapter 1373
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Chapter 1373

Stella felt much better after hearing what Diana said.

They went on to chat for a while before Stella decided it was time to take Elias and Emma home. Diana

was the first to excuse herself, after which Stella drank another cup of coffee and got ready to leave.

Outside, the rain suddenly began to pour. It seemed like a storm was brewing.

Elias and Emma looked tired and sleepy because they had missed their afternoon nap. Stella had to

wake them up after calling for the driver to get them.

The person who ended up coming was Roger. Things were strained between them lately because they

had been arguing about Weston. Stella knew that it would not be easy for Roger to let go of his feelings

for her, so she decided to give him some time and space.

Once they got in the car, Roger spoke to Elias and Emma briefly, then when he noticed that they were

both looking very sleepy, he no longer disturbed them anymore and just let them rest..

Once they got out of the car, he bluntly asked Stella, “Have you been seeing Weston Ford lately?”

“No,” Stella shook her head. “I haven’t seen him in a long time.”

Roger studied her face but noticed no emotions. It really looked like she had completely forgotten about

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the man.

And so he decided to keep the words he was about to say to himself.

“What’s wrong?” asked Stella, noticing that Roger was acting a little weirdly.


Once they got home, Stella bathed Elias and Emma and went straight to bed.

And so the days passed without her seeing Weston again. Stella’s life now became simple and carefree.

It really seemed like she had forgotten him now and moved on with her life.

Meanwhile, in a hospital, Yvonne sighed after hearing what Roger had just told her and turned to the

man beside her.

“Stella seems to be doing really well right now,” she said. “Perhaps we shouldn’t trouble her about this.”

Lucas turned dour and gloomy when he heard this.

“You’ve seen how bad Weston is doing. I guess it wouldn’t be troubling her if we asked her to look at


“But it’s his own fault that he’s ended up like this!” argued Yvonne, annoyed by how Lucas was always

taking Weston’s side. “None of it has anything to do with Stella! It’s not her fault at all, so why should she

have to do anything about it?”

“Are women always this cruel?” Lucas grumbled as he massaged the point between his brows.

“You’re not allowed to say that!” Yvonne glared at him. “This clearly had nothing to do with Stelia!”

She then paused and sighed, adding, “Never mind. Let’s go take a look at Weston…”

She could hardly believe Lucas when he first told her what had happened to Weston. After all, this was

Weston Ford they were talking about–a man renowned for being a shrewd, decisive businessman with a

steely mind. How could she believe that he would end up that way all because of Stella?

But then she recalled all the things that he had done to Stella in the past and started to question if this

man really was out of his mind.

They arrived at a tightly guarded sanatorium that was tucked away in an isolated location far from the

public eye.

Yvonne followed Lucas inside. Because the place had especially tight security, they had to go through

multiple security check–ups before they got in.

The whole place was dark and dimly lit.

Yvonne became more anxious the further she walked into the place, so much so that she had to cling to Lucas’s arm for support.

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Lucas patted the back of her hand gently, trying to reassure her.

They walked up to a closed door, where a noise emerged from inside the room, which sounded like the

cries of a wild animal trapped inside a cage.

Yvonne stopped abruptly. A chill ran down her spine.

That noise… It was a noise that could only be made when two raging beasts were being put inside the

same cage, thus setting them upon each other.

Yvonne turned to her husband with eyes full of disbelief.

“That can’t really be Weston Ford in there, can it?”

Lucas reassured her that it was indeed Weston before placing his hand on the doorknob and turning it


As soon as the door opened, a thick stench of blood wafted through the narrow gap. Yvonne had to

cover her mouth to stop herself from throwing up…

Her eyes widened as she faced the horrifying scene inside. She could hardly believe what she was


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