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Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 After Dante had toldwhere they had been, Adam and | had wasted no tin getting four of the house and rushing over to get Hayley. The entertainment square that they were at was not too far away from my house, luckily. It had taken us less than ten minutes to get there.

However, it had felt like the longest teninutes of my existence. This has never ever happened before. | was never away from he when he legs would trouble her and | could only imagine her sense of helplessness going through an episode when | was not around her to manage her and calm her down.

With each mile that Adams car had eaten up, my anxiety had grown but so did the relief knowing that | would be close to her at any moment now. Both emotions fought with each other like a relentlessly gof tug of war with neither one winning.

“This was exactly what | had feared, Adam. Hayley would go through this by herself with out any warning.” | rested my head against the glass and watched the street pass by.

“Did you say this to Dante?” He asked and | shook my head but realised that he was looking at the road ahead.

“No, | did not. I didn’t think he would understand and all it would have lead to was another conflict between us,” | mumbled and heard Adam grunt something beneath his breath.

“We will get to her in no time. We're almost there.” Adam's said in a calm tone when | knew he wanted to say much more than just that but he was holding back until the situation was under control.

A few minutes later we had arrived and Adam quickly parked the car before we both got out and headed right in to the amusement square. | nearly ran through the crowd of people to get to the spot that Dante mentioned he had been at with Hayley. Near the elephant ride before the roasted peanuts stand.

| found the elephant ride, caught sight of it as | rushed through the people then located the peanut stand and scanned the area between and that was when | had saw her.

My Hayley sitting on the floor with her head hung low and tears running down her face. | watched as she tried to move her legs and failed which only made her cry in helplessness. Dante was crouched down beside her whispering sthing in her ear but she shook her head leaving Dante defeated. | was certain that he had been offering her ssolution and she refused wanting to figure this out by herself.

When she had spottedas she looked up and blinked, a few more tears ran down her face. | rushed over to her ignoring the stares and whining of people around as | pushed through them. rushed over to her ignoring th “Hayley.” | called out to her.

“Mama!” She cried in relief. “M- My legs are not- | can’t move them.” She sobbed breathlessly.

| knew that reasoning with her in her current state of mind was not the answer so | settled on the floor next to her.

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Chapter 53 “Shhh, it’s alright. First you need to calm down, baby.” | whispered to her gently moving her hair away from her damp, flushed checks.

I slid my arm around her shoulders and she cuddled in tostill shaky from her sobs and overwhelmed at the ordeal.

| held her as her sobs becsmall jerks before she settled and all that had been left were sniffles. | k*ssed her head a few times knowing that she needed to feel calm and safe before | could get her to cooperate with me.

we “This happened many times before, Hayley, and each tyou were so strong and you pushed through it.” | said to her and felt her nod against my chest.

“This tis no different. You are still a strong girl even though you may need mama to help you right now, okay?” | felt her nod again but waited a little while longer before | could give her a list of options that she could choose from making her feel like she was still in ssort of control.

| knew that her legs were going to be out for the rest of the night and they may even trouble tomorrow morning but at hshe would have her wheelchair and she’d be able to move herself around which she was usually okay with. It was just that right now she was entirely helpless.

“I'm going to give you options and you can decide what it is that you want.” | said to her fully aware of Dante and Adam observing us carefully ready to step in and help should there be a need.

“Either Adam could carry you to the car, or | could give you a piggy back ride, or we could do what worked the last twith your father where you placed your foot on his shoes and you both walked together.” | lay out her three options for her and gave her a moment to decide.

“Can you holdbut instead of a piggy back ride, can | place my foot on your shoe and walk together?” She asked in the smallest voice that made my heart shatter in to pieces.

She wantedto be the one to help her through tbut she still wanted to feel like she was not entirely helpless. | guess her being carried or fully supported in any way was uncomfortable for her.

“Of course, whatever you're comfortable with.” | reassured her. “If you want to sit here for a little longer then we can. Just letknow when you're ready, okay?” | felt a lot more calmer now knowing that she had decided on a method that suited her.

“Okay.” She said hiding her face in my head like she was embarassed to be going through this in front of Adam and Dante.

“You should get going. | will drive them home.” Dante said to Adam but he was not asking him but he was ordering him to leave.

“I brought Sophia here and | will take her back.” Adam responded adamantly not willing to take orders especially not from Dante.

any | shut my eyes and continued petting Hayley’s head gently to keep her calm. | didn’t need her to get riled up again and | needed to keep myself calm as well.

“I am going to escort’s them hmyself. This is a family matter. Thanks for your help thus far Chapter 33 but it won't be needed Dante was beginning to get upset and | could hear it in his voice.

“A family matter?” Adam scoffed like it was the funniest thing he heard. | shrugged inwardly before opening my eyes and quickly looking to Adam silently begging him to let it go.

| needed to speak to Dante once Hayley got hand was out of ear shot. There were things he needed to know about Hayley and, for once, | could only hope that he would listen to me. We had to put our conflict aside and be adults especially for Hayley.

“Let it go, Adam.” | said gently not wanting to hurt him in any way. “There are a few things | need to discuss with Adam so it would be better if he took us home. I'm sorry for the trouble and I'm always thankful that you're ready to help me.” | said sincerely and saw him nod curtly at me.

“It is never ever a trouble.” He said correctingand | smiled at him.

He looked to Hayley nestled at my side like he was making sure she was fine before he turned around and walked off.

| caught Dante look smug at Adam's retreating back and | rolled my eyes. Men. They were such pig headed creatures sometimes.

Focussing on what mattered the most toat this present moment, | shifted slightly and took in a breath.

“Come. Hayley. It’s twe head home.” | said in almost a whisper.

The drive back hwas silent and | guess the whole ordeal was rather draining for Hayley because a few minutes in the car and her head had grown heavy against my shoulder and her steady, rhythmic breathing indicated that she was asleep.

Dante had not said a word except glance over at Hayley every few minutes. | rested my head against the seat and looked out of the window feeling a bit of a crash cover me.

When we had reached the house, Dante cut the engine and by the t| undid my seat belt, he had already been opening my door and reaching for Hayley. He took her fromand I let him since | felt like | needed sair. | stepped out of the car and lead the way to the front door.

As much as | wanted to give Hayley a shower before | could put her in bed, it was not worth waking her up and it was best to let her sleep after the day she’s had.

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Dante took her to her room and I tucked her in once she was under the covers. Dante left ahead ofand | pulled the door slightly closed and turned the light off.

“You wanted to discuss sthing?” Dante said when he heardapproaching the living room.

“I do.” I confirmed. “It’s about Hayley and it’s sthing that | wanted to bring up a few weeks ago now but | held back.” | explained and was surprised that he had not responded with something tarty.

“Hayley’s condition is manageable for the most part but there are days where she needs to take it a little slower than others.” He crossed his arms over his broad chest making his shirt look a few sizes too small from the tension of his bicep.

Chapter 53 | blinked, refocusing my attention. “It would also be better to carry a kids wheelchair for her along just in case. | find that she’s perfectly find wheeling herself around. Hayley doesn’t like to feel entirely helpless especially in front of you. Something I noticed the first tthis happened when we were out.” Dante heard what | had said and looked ata peculiar look in his eye.

“How did you manage with her all by yourself? Now you may have it under control but I can’t image the beginning of it being easy. He pointed out eyeingcarefully.

“It was challenging at first but it got easier over time. physiotherapy has helped her alot and she did grow more determined as she grew up and could sort of understand.” | recalled how brave she was and how head strong she was on winning over this predicament.

“She is very witty. Something | think she got from you.” He said in a humoured tone.

“She can also be very stubborn. A quality | always said she got from you. | blurted out and he chuckled.

“Of course all the bad is from my genetics. Dante retorted but with a hint of mirth to take the bite away from it.

“I think so.” | said with a jerky mode of if my head.

“I was being sarcastic.” He said sounding offended.

I smirked at him. “I know.” A moment of silence fell between us and the air immediately grew tensed with awareness. Dante looked atwith intent and | looked at him with something | would much rather not name.

| inhaled then snapped out of it. “I think it’s tyou get going. it is late.” Dante didn’t fightand actually lead himself to the door before he left. The second he left the house, the air immediately beclighter and it felt like | could breath easier. Dante’s presence was too over powering and commanding but with him no longer sharing the sair as me, | let myself collapse on to the couch.