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Mr. Billionaire and Ms. Broken Girl

Chapter 14
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Chapter 14 A Person with Bad Conduct

The pit in the middle of the flowers wore a pink silk nightgowii. Se lewed against the white swing like a

flower fairy with her eyes closed. She seemed to be asleep, and she was holding a look in terms...

Valentino took the book from lacle‘s arms and carried Jade back to her bedroom.

Then, Valentino sii buy the best, looking quietly at lade‘s sleeping lace. Sonchow, luis haze was lacked

one‘s lembar lips.

Valentino unconsciously leaned over and kisse lade on the lins. He felihat Jade‘s lips were as soltas

jelly and tasted


If sccund that Valentino wanted to continue kissini lude, but Jade suddenly turned over and lined to the


Seeing this, Valentino narrowed his eyes, which were filled withi aggressiveness. llestared at lade. This

scene looked like a beasi staring at its delicious prey.

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In order to avoid waking Jade up, Valentino had to give up kissing her for the time being Valentino

would wait until Jade finished her exams and had a holiday.

In the morning, a ray of sunlight shone through the curtains,

Jade opened her eyes in a daze.

Jade wondered, luh? why am I in my room‘t remember that I fell asleep in the glass house last night.

Did sleepwalk back in the middle of the night?

How come I don‘t remember anything at all? Neler mind. I might as well not think about it and guichy

get up.

As soon as Jade stepped into the school, all the people around pointe at her and looked at her with

strange cves.

One of the girls looked at Jade and said with disdain in her tone, “Slic looks very honest. I didn‘t expect

her to be this kind of person. How shameles she is.”

Another girl echoed, “That‘s right. A person who has bad conduct like her can‘t stay in our school. She

should live school mundiately!”

“She usually wears good clothes. I really don‘t know where her money comes from.”

Agirl sneered, “Are there any other possibilities? she can earn money by not doing anything, She must

have made good use of liet good appearance.”

Another girl said with disdain in her tone, “Ugh! it‘s so disgusting. Won‘t she get sick?”

“That‘s hand to say. Let‘s lo and keep a distance from her! She‘s so dirty!”

Jade listened to those vicious words, and a touch of cold flashed through her beautiful ves. But she 500

10incher composure and walked toward the teaching building

“Jade.” Lexfe caught up with fade. She askel worriedly.” the school lojun.

, are you all?” of course, Luxuso saw the piston

lade smiled casually, “Do you think I am not alright?”

Jade asked, “The posts on the lorum?

“Do you believe them?”

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Lavie shook her lead and said firmly, “I don‘ı!” she had been wiili Jade for almost two years. Thus,

Lexie Trusted Jade.

“Jade!” someone shouted.

Jade turned around. Fatt Vance, the teaching director, was staring at Jade colilly.

“What happened, Mr. Vance?” Jade pretended to be confused.

“What do you think? Don‘t you know what you have done? Come with me to the teaching office

immediately!” Fatt stared at Jade with a look of disdain.

Previously, Fatt knew that Jade was an orphan, but Jade had always performed well in all aspects

while at school. Fair did not expect Jade‘s private life to be so messy. Jade actually hung out with some

hooligans outside.

Eyring Academy was a noble high school. Students who could enter liere were either rich or noble. If

the parents of the students knew that there was such a student in school, it would definitely affect the

school‘s reputation.

Fait thought that he shouldn‘t have let those people from the lower class enter the school. He really did

not know what the principal was thinking. How could he let an ill–behaved person become a student of

Eyring Academy?