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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chatper 124
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Chapter 124

Julian's POV

Julian's eyes opened in another realm. It was filled with utter darkness and void of life.

or sound. He looked around, trying to make out where he was, but the harder he tried, the darker this realm

became. Only one realm felt this way.


He was dead.

This was the realm before life beyond. All the dead chere before their families conduct proper passage for

them into the life beyond. Without these rites in place, families and friends will wander in Hades for many years

and never find their deserved


He remembered how he died and where. He died fighting on the field, defending Fiona.


He looked around and about in search of her. She was the last face he saw before his eyes closed in the world of

the living.

He was trapped here, though, and couldn’t move on. His body was probably still on the field, and it might remain

there for a long time.

Light shone as he thought about everything, and his hand cup to shield his face from the impact of it. The

light soon reduced, and his hand dropped slowly away from his face to see a figure standing clothed in white

apparel with a gold crown on her head. Her hands glittered just like the star dust, and her face was like a refined


She was the moon goddess.

This was how those who had been fortunate enough to see her described her.

She was the image of perfection and completeness. He would have been in awe at the sight of the moon

goddess if he had chere another way.

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She stepped towards him, and he didn’t step back; he didn’t tremble; he didn’t move. What was the worst that

could happen? He was already dead. Doom had already sna tched his world from him.

“Why are you here?” he demanded.

“I am here for you.”

“Don’t you think it is a little too late for that?” he asked with a frown.



10:34 Fri,

Chapter 124

After he closed the Dark World entrance, he thought about how he had failed and how he had disappointed the

goddess, but after everything, he didn’t care about what she thought of him.

Fiona was right. The moon goddess was responsible for all of this. The loss of everything he ever cared about,

and then his life. She had failed him; she had failed every one of them.

Her amber eyes grew weak, “I owe you an apology. For everything that has happened and for not doing

anything, | am sorry”

He scoffed in disbelief and shook his head. “I am sorry, but sorry isn’t enough. Your apology isn’t enough, not

after sitting in your little palace called the life beyond and watching the world you created all fall into the hands

of your firstborn. Sorry doesn’t change the fate we have suffered; return the ones we've lost. Sorry doesn’t undo

sh it. So, with all due respect, goddess, keep your sorry to yourself.”

“You might not believe me, but everything-" she began, but he didn’t let her finish.

“Do not dare telleverything you created was for a purpose” Julian foamed in anger, and his hands balled into

a tight fist. “What purpose was your lover Doom for? To bring evil and darkness into the world! You know we all

grew up thinking Doom was this evil creature we were to avoid, but after everything I realised, you are the evil.

You created him to be evil, to be darkness, and to be the complete opposite of you. When he gave into his true

nature and slau ghtered your second-born, you sent him into the dark dimensions instead of killing him. You then

moved on and created other lives and live like this perfect being without dealing with what you made. Now your

children are paying for your mistake, and they are paying with their blood, their children’s blood, and their

father’s blood. Fiona was right. You are the monster; you are the real evil.”

He finished speaking and drew a sharp breath.

The moon goddess stood quietly, watching him struggle to put his emotions back under control.

“You are right,” she finally began to say. “This is all my fault. | created Doom because | did not want to be alone

and because | didn’t want anyone else to be like me. | wanted him different because | believed that would bring

much beauty to our union. | was wrong, and creating him has been my biggest mistake in the last ten thousand

years. After | began creating the second-born, | neglected him and cast him aside. He grew jealous and slau

ghtered all the second born, after taking one of them to be his lover just to spite me. | let my rage rule, and

instead of being better, | chose the easy way out.”

“I do not feel sorry for you.” Julian said.

“I do not look for your sympathy.” She replied, “I created Doom to be evil and then hated him when he became

the very thing | made him to be. | couldn't kill him; he was


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Chapter 124

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and still is a part of me.”

At her words, Julian’s anger flared. “You cto tellthere is no way out of this for my world and the world of


“Yes,” she answered. “Doom cannot be killed because trying to kill him would be trying to kill me, and that is

absolutely impossible.”

Julian stayed silent, even though he was visibly enraged at her words.

“Doom doesn’t want to rule the two worlds; like he did over three thousand years ago. He just wants to spite me.

The heart of the silver wolf is the closest he will ever get to how he felt when he was within the beginning.

His hatred is born out of betrayal- my betrayal. You cannot kill him, but you can, however, bring him back.”

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Her words didn’t help him understand anything, and so he stayed quiet so she could clarify what she meant.

She opened her hand, and in it was a silver amulet that shone brightly.

“What is it?” he asked, despite knowing what it was.

“This is the amulet; it produces an aura of purity and goodness. | took it away from him after he and Mischief sla

ughtered my children. With this in his possession, he will remember what he once felt when he was with me. He

will know he is welcback home.” She stretched her hand to him so he could take it.

He didn’t take it. “I can’t do anything here. | am dead in case you haven't figured that part out yet,” He told her.

“I will breathe life back into you and everyone who has lost their life on the field as well. It isn’t your tyet,

and | cannot welcanyone of you home.” she said. “I can’t do this because | took an oath to never interfere

in the affairs of my children, and | am bound by it.”

Julian reached out and took the amulet from her hand, and he felt a surge of utmost goodness, which banished

the anger and resentment he had for the moon goddess.

“Doom already has his hands on Fiona, and by now it is already too late.” Julian spoke. Doom probably took Fiona

after killing him.

“It isn't too late, because Doom has not laid his hand on the silver wolf's heart yet. That will not be for long, and

so you have to hurry. Your tis limited, Lycan King. | already engraved the silver wolf's location into your

heart. You will know where you need to go and how much you need. It is all on you now.” She said and vanished

from before his eyes.



10:34 Fri, 23 Feb

Chapter 194

Julian's lashes fluttered, and his gaze fixed on the bright morning clouds.

Marion cup to stand over him. “We have a lot to do, my king.” He said that and stretched his hand to Julian.

He took it, and Marion pulled him onto his feet.

Julian felt he held onto something, and glancing down, he saw the amulet in his hand.

They had another chance-another chance to end it all.