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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 41
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Chapter 41
The Lycan king’s agreement with this was something she hoped for, as it was for the best for everyone. His decision to come
along wasn’t expected. Yet she couldn’t say anything about it. He didn’t give room for debate or dispute,
She took all the things she needed for her journey to the west, where Grandfield was. It would be a week at most, and if things
worked in their favour, it would take a few days. She prayed for the latter.
She pushed open the door to the boy’s room. Their thoughts were the only ones that made her want to reconsider her decision.
A week away from them would be hard. Yes, she had spent a week without them in the past, but it was against her wish. But this
was her decision. Doing this will help cement their departure from this world, and they will never return
“You will be gone for a week?”
She nodded at Jashin and said. “But I will be back. I am almost done with my work here, and we can leave together. She smiled
at him.
“When you get back, will we finally meet him? Our father?” Junie asked.
At his words, she thought about their father, the man she would spend the next few days with The man she had developed
strange but powerful feelings for.
She had spent so long trying to take the boys out of this world to realise one thing they needed was here. The Lycan king their
At first, she wasn’t so sure, but now she was. He was a good man and deserved to know the truth. The truth might take them
away from her, but they deserved to
“When I come back. I will let you know who he is.”
Their eyes lit up, and it made her heart flutter with joy.Please bookmark site .org to read lastest content. If you want to read light please visit allnext.com to read fastest content.

Everything was ready for their departure, and from her calculation, the journey would rake no less than a day to get there.
The Lycan king had other plans, so he had the movers take over. They createil a portal using their abilities so they could pass
through and be in the south in under

a few minutes.
She remembered that she had come through one of them. There was a portal
Chapter 41
connecting the werewolf world to the human world, and she received instructions from Jace to follow it. Doing that had reduced
the length of the journey and made things much faster.
They stepped into the portal, and only seven people in total came through along. with her. The Lycan king: her escorts Jace and
Drew; Marion, Jose, Harvey, and Nath; the movers; and then herself
The Lycan king had set Kenneth in charge of the pack estate in his absence. She didn’t know what Lady Nina’s opinion about
coming to the south was, but Fiona was certain it would not be good. This was reckless, but if all went well, it would be for the
greater good.
As expected, the community was incomplete ruin. It wasn’t to be compared to any of the other communities. It was expected.
Grandfield has battled the plague for more than twenty–five years. The houses around looked old and abandoned, and the air
was harsh. It wasn’t the best place to live, but people still did.
A little boy with a dirt–covered face, not older than six, tossed a small round ball their way, and he ran over towards his ball to
pick it up and saw them..

His eyes widened in panic, but he couldn’t move. He felt stuck, unable to speak or even blink his eyes.
It was the power of the Lycan king; it was an all–consuming power, and she felt it when she first stepped into this world many
weeks ago. She had gotten used to his presence since then.
Perhaps not completely used to him. He still affected her even in this moment.
She smiled, bent, picked up the ball, and handed it over to the boy. He broke out of the trance and stepped towards her. He took
the ball from her and returned her smile.
“Luc” she heard a feminine voice call out, and the next second, a woman wearing almost rags ran out towards her son. She saw
them standing around, and her eyes grew wide with panic. “Please do not harm him. He is a child.” Tears ran down her face as
she wrapped her hands around the boy.
Fiona rose to her feet and shook her head. She would never do that to him, “No. you are safe you do not have anything to worry
about. We came to harm no one. She assured her with a smile.
Her panic reduced, and she nodded, believing her words.

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“We want to find the sanctuary.” She spoke
The woman picked her son into her arms and rose to her feet. “It’s straight down this road,” she pointed ahead. Fiona knew
where to go, but she wantedFollow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

confirmation and also to make the woman realise they were not here to hurt
She bowed her head and said, “Thank you, have a good day, and please take good care of Luc.
They walked past her, heading in the direction given.
“Why did you ask her for direction when we already know that?” The Lycan king asked as they carried on.
“Something I learned in the medical world while in the human world. When someone is anxious, the best way to stop that is to
ask them something they would likely have an answer to. This makes them forget their panic for a moment and Instead focus on
giving you an answer. It had worked on sick and panicking patients in the past! She told him
They headed for the sanctuary first so they could get permission here. Yes, they didn’t have to since the Lycan king was here,
but this was the right way to do things.
They arrived at the sanctuary, and Fiona and Marion stepped inside despite already picking up the awful smell coming from
inside. They were surprised to find a man in the sanctuary looking to be in his forties.
He looked sickly and worn. He had to be the elder of the community and the only one left. Fions and Marion stepped towards
him, and as they came to where he sat, she spoke.
“Good day, sir.” He said nothing, sitting almost as still as the dead. She knew he wain’t dead because she could hear his faint
heartbeat. “We are healers, and we have come to heal this community of the plague.”
Something must have been funny in the way she made her delivery because the man liughed and said, “I think it’s already
twenty–five years too late!
She knew all that, but the most important thing was doing what was needed now. “It’s better late than never. We are here, and
we will only leave when our job is done. We came to ask for your permission to carry on with our responsibilities”
He rose to his feet, and standing, he was not less than six feet two inches tall. He
turned around to face her, and Fiona saw his eyes. They were red. He was an alpha. He didn’t look to have the plague, though,
but he had suffered a great deal.

“Who are you, and what exactly do you want?” he demanded.
Fiona hesitated. “We are healers, and we have come to heal Grandfield of the plague.”
the lycan king by Glory Tina Chapter