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Missing Mrs. Lowry: The Billionaire’s Wakeup Call

Chapter 56
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Chapter 56 Sullivan sat beside Megan, taking out his phone and synced it up with Bluetooth, bringing up a video he had hoarded in his digital vault For three long years.

The screen flickered to life...

The shaky footage mvealed Megan's slender figure pushing open a door and stepping into the brightly lit suite. Her face was clear as day, it was unmistakably her.

Megan felt a chill wrap around her entire body.

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Sullivan pinched her chin gently as he asked, “Scared to watch?” His laugh was cold and mocking. “Didn't you insist all along that it was the door to room 6201 you pushed open? Well, watch closely until the end, Megan, and see for yourself whether it was 6201 of 6202)" In the video, Megan moved towards the large bed. The luxurious white bedspread was pristine, and there lay Sullivan, having had a drink, resting peacefully.

That drink was potent Beyond the hangover, there was an unusual sensation that set his body ablaze with a desire to find release with a woman. However, Sullivan was a man of restraint, even after years in the cutthroat world of business, he never indulged in fleeting romantic entanglements. The Adam's apple in Sullivan's pale throat bobbed slightly.

Suddenly, a pair of soft hands caressed his face, the slight coolness a welcrelief. His bloodshot eyes snapped open.

The girl's cheeks were tinged with pink as she leaned in and captured his lips That kiss was like a detonator to the 25 years of Sullivan's suppressed desires. In a swift motion, he flipped her beneath him and in that instant, he saw her face clearly it was Megan.

He didn’t have any affection for Megan. Yet, deep within his body, a dormant yearning pulled them both into the abyss.

In the video, in his memory...

Sullivan was rough; inexperienced as he was with women, and even without the alcohol, it was unlikely he'd have been gentle. With scarcely any foreplay, he and Megan becone.

The young girl's pale legs were stained with a trail of crimson. She wept in pain..

But he, savoring the taste, gripped her slender waist, relentless in his pursuit of pleasure.

The rest was etched in their memories.

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Sullivan sped up the video to the following moming’s memorable scene, as reporters swarmed them when he and Megan stepped out of the room. The footage was crystal clear, the room across was 6201.

Everything paused.

Sullivan pulled Megan into his arms, swiftly stripping off her coat to reveal her pale skin, Three years had passed, and she was slightly more voluptuous, even more enticing.

Whispering coldly into her ear, he said, “See that? The room across is 6201. You entered 6202, my room... and you still claim innocence, that it wasn’t your intention to sleep withto trapinto marriage.

Congratulations, Mrs. Lowry. This title will stick with you till death do us part. There's no divorce in our future, only widowhood.” He thought of her photo with Begonia.

3282233222222222382 Sullivan's words grew even more merciless. “Even if one day | lose interest in this body of yours and seek pleasure elsewhere, you'll have to cling to this title you schemed so hard to get, won't you?” Megan trembled. She couldn't accept this reality. She was adamant that she had entered room 6201 that night.

How did it bec62027 How could it be? In Sullivan's eyes, she was a schemer, yet he had shared her bed for three years, and even now, he could stomach the disgust to be with her.

But did she have a choice.

Megan's sobs filled the room. She wasn't weak; she wept for the absurdity of it all, and now she didn’t even know whom to blame! Sullivan scoffed. He wrapped an arm around her waist and, with a swift move, pushed her onto the couch, telling her to brace herself against its back Perhaps it was the video that sparked something in him. He felt an urge, his belt undone and trousers unzipped in one fluid motion. It seemed he had no intention of undressing as he prepared to have his way with her right then and there.