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Missing Mrs. Lowry: The Billionaire’s Wakeup Call

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39 In the parking lot of the Lowry Group, Sullivan killed the engine of his sleek black sedan and sat there for a moment, debating internally before he decided to give Megan a call The call went simight to voicemail.

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Megan was obviously pissed. He contemplated the reasons. Maybe it was his rough treatment the night before, or perhaps it was how he had slipped away in the dead of night. Surely, she must have overheard Blanca’s words on the phone.

Sullivan leaned back into the leather seat and lit up a cigarette, his free hand still gripping the cell phone. He wondered whether to text her, maybe buttes ner up a bit But that thought fluttered away as quickly as it came. Sweet nothings and making up-it wasn’t their style. He never loved Megan, not in the past, not now, and certainly not in any imagined future.

As he pocketed his phone, Bianca approached, opening the car door for him with a chirpy energy despite having not slept all night. He always admired her work ethic, which is why she was still around, even after overstepping her boundaries once.

They entered the elevator, and Bianca began to debrief him on his schedule, but Sullivan cut her off.

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“Clear your schedule for Thursday night,” he said coolly. “Mrs. Lambert of Daybreak Corp. is throwing a soiree, and you'll accompany me. The company will cover your shopping spree. You know how crucial the Daybreak project is-don’t screw this up.” It took Bianca a moment to process his words. “Mr. Lowry, you wantto... attend Mrs. Lambert's party with you?” “Is that a problem?” “No, no problem at all! Bianca was quick to reassure him, her voice oozing professionalism. “Rest assured, Mr.

Lowry. I'll make a good impression and help you clinch that project’ Without a response, Sullivan stepped out of the elevator.

Inside the elevator, Bianca fixed her makeup in the mirror. She admired her elegant figure and refined features, thinking that normally, a high-profile event like Mrs. Lambert's would be an occasion for a wife, but Mr. Lowry chose her instead.

It was a clear sign, wasn’t it? In his eyes, she was more important than Megan. It seemed she had overestimated Megan's standing. Megan, Mrs. Lowry, was nothing but a placeholder Bianca invested a lot of effort for the event. After days of searching, she chose an Italian designer gown- romantic yet intellectual, and white to complement Mr. Lowry’s black tuxedo.

As she admired herself in the mirror, she caressed the fabric and smiled, “This is the one.” She confidently swiped her card for the hefty price tag of seven grand, and the store manager assured her, “We'll keep this gown safe for you. Just cto pick it up before the event.” With a dignified nod, Bianca was about to leave when her phone rang. It was Sullivan.

In his usual detached tone, he instructed, “Mrs. Lambert wants Megan to cearly to help out, but | suggested you instead. Take down the address and get in touch with Mrs. Lambert 0oood Blanca’s heart skipped a beat. At that moment, she felt like the true Mrs. Lowry On the other end, Sullivan hung up and, golf clubs in hand, started walking towards the crowd gathered on the green when he heard a familiar voice, “Sullivan!” Turning, he saw Bennett. It was clear Bennett had overheard Sullivan's call. With a slight tilt of his chin towards Mr. Lambert, he teased, *Not letting Megan go? Can't bear the thought of others laying eyes on her?” 1/1