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Missing Mrs. Lowry: The Billionaire’s Wakeup Call

Chapter 17
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11:13 Chapter 17 Megan dashed back to the modest apartment she was renting From a distance, Cora, holding on umbrella, anxiously waited downstairs Megan slowed her pace. "Cora, how cyou are here?" Once inside, Corn gave her a towel and began drying Megan's damp hair while saying, "I was worried, so I cto check on you. How could you not call a cab in this downpour?" Megan repited softly. "It's not easy to get a cab when it mins." Cora urged Megan to take a shower. When she cout, Cora had heated up ssoup to warm her up. As Megan sipped her soup, Cora hesitated before asking. "So, what's the latest with you and Sullivan?" Megan paused. Then, continuing with her soup, she murmured, "He refuses to sign the divorce papers! I can't find a lawyer willing to take the case just yet, but I've filed for separation. In two years, whether he likes it or not, I'll be free." Cora chose not to press further. She silently applied ointment to Megan's finger her eyes tearing up at the sight of the injury.

In those years, Megan was a high-talent student at the music academy; many maestros wanted to take her as a student, including that musical genius, Paxton, who had knocked on her door several times.

Now, here she was... playing her violin in such places.

Megan knew what was on her mind. She reassured Cora, "Once Dad gets better and my brother's out, I'll continue my studies!" Cora smiled. "I believe you, dear! Maybe one day you'll be a musician." Megan offered a faint smile.

It had been a long while since she had smiled like this. When she smiled, two little tiger teeth were faintly visible, which was actually quite cute.

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Back in her room, she sat on the bed, carefully wiping her cherished violin.

Then her phone rang: it was her manager from the performance company. "Megan, there's an opening for a high-end French restaurant tomorrow. They want something classy. I thought of you night away! Play for four hours and you'll make 5,000 bucks-it's like money falling from the sky! I know you need money. Let's split it fifty-fifty. That's fair, right?" $2,500 for four hours..

Megan stood up abruptly. Although she was not usually sociable, she still managed to butter up the manager with a few kind words.

He instructed her, "Dress up pretty tomorrow!" Megan hummed in acknowledgement.

Hanging up, she couldn't help but embrace her violin, caressing it tenderly.

After a moment of delight, she went to pick out the right outfit. She searched for a long time, and then she saw the white silk blouse paired with a black long dress. Megan looked at them and touched them, somewhat in a trance, this outfit was what she wore as Mrs, Lowry.

It had been ages since she'd last worn them, The next evening, the at a high-end French restaurant located on a prroad in Borough City, the lights were brightly lit.

Waiters bustled with their trays, weaving through the crowd.

Megan, in a flowing silk gown with her hair swept up, accentuating her neck with a pair of pearl earrings, looked stunning.

Under the chandeliers, the grace with which she played the violin was enchanting Through the floor-to-ceiling glass, a black Bentley pulled up outside. Sullivan leaned against it, casually smoking. He wore a black shirt and casual pants-a more relaxed look than his usual business attire.

Grey smoke was expelled and instantly tom apart by the night breeze, It was the first tSullivan had seen Megan play the violin, His gaze was a mix of male desire and a possessiveness he couldn't quite understand. He didn't enter the restaurant but waited outside.

He saw that from tto time, men were amazed by Megan and handed her their business cards, but Megan politely declined them all, focused solely on her music.

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Sullivan was pleased 102 11:13 He thought, as long as Megan chwith him, he could pretend her rebellion never happened.

At half-past ten, the restaurant closed

Megan packed up her violin and bid farewell to the restaurant mariager. OM He was impressed with hef performance and paid her on the spot, saying he would call her for future events. Megan thanked him again.

As she walked out of the restaurant, Sullivan saw her coming out, slowly put out his cigarette in a leisurely manner, just as he was about to call her when someone beat him to it "Megan" She tumed toward the voice.

A few yards away. Begonia had just parked his car and was waving m through the lowered window. "Get in! I'll give you a ride home."