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Melinda President Fox’s Love

Chapter 84
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Chapter 84 Made a Promise Too Easily

“How could this happen?” Lydia was tensed up, unable to believe what she saw.

Likewise, Monica stared at the familiar A-class sketches on her phone, unable to utter a word.

“This is impossible…”

“How could it have leaked out?”

“Oh, my goodness….”

The design department was in chaos.

In the president’s office, Max could not even catch his breath as his mind went blank. The photos

pierced Stanley’s eyes, but his face remained calm as his mind raced. What an unexpected crisis…

At this moment, Monica stumbled into the room in a hurry without even knocking on the door. “Stanley,

the designs have been leaked. She gasped, feeling like she was about to cry. It was unlike her to lose

her composure like this.

Just then, the phone on the desk rang. Max looked at the caller ID and did not dare answer. Instead, he

repórted to Stanley, “Mr. Fox, it’s the Queen.” The Queen is also probably aware of the leaked design

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sketches, We can’t ignore this call.

The phone continued to ring.

Under Monica’s gaze, Stanley picked up the phone and put it to his ear. He looked relaxed and spoke

fluent Brundelian, “Hello, this is the president’s office of the Fox Group.”

“Are you Mr. Stanley Fox? The Queen’s kind voice came through.

“Yes, Your Majesty. I am Stanley.” His voice was gentle and humble, and he even had a slight smile on

his lips.

The Queen got straight to the point. “I heard that your design sketches leaked, and they are all over the

Internet. I’ve seen the sketches, and they are very , completely exceeding my expectations.

However, what I want is amazement and anticipation. They must debut for the first time at my banquet.”

“Your Majesty,” Stanley replied in a relaxed tone, patiently explaining, “the design work you saw online

were all the ones that didn’t pass my review. I deliberately put them up for everyone to see. As for what

you asked for, I will bring it to you tomorrow.”

Monica was taken aback by his words. How is he going to do that?!

Likewise, Max was also on the brink of a breakdown. Don’t make a promise so easily! The penalty for

breaking the contract will be astronomical!!

“You have better designs?” The Queen was also shocked.

“Of course,” Stanley replied calmly. “Because we have the best team.”

“I can’t wait for tomorrow,” the Queen said. “I’d love to see the designs. They must be perfect.”

Hearing that her mood had improved, he smiled. “See you tomorrow, then.”

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“Okay, see you tomorrow.”

After he hung up the phone, the office fell into a long, uneasy silence.

Monica and Max knew that Stanley did not have any new designs. The A-class sketches that leaked

were the ones they had selected to showcase to the Queen. Where can we get new designs in just one


“Go back to the design department and calm everyone down. I’ll handle the leak,” Stanley told Monica.

However, she was still worried. “How?” she asked, almost in tears.

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Ignoring her, Stanley looked at Max. “Find out how the designs leaked and the person responsible.”

“On it.”

After Max left the office, Monica left as well, leaving Stanley alone in the spacious room. His thin lips.

pressed into a tight line, and his face was cold and indifferent. He felt like he was carrying an extremely

heavy burden on his shoulders.

If they’re not in it for the money, they’re in it just to sabotage this deal, but what benefit do they get? R-

Adlan is the biggest beneficiary, but it’s obvious that it isn’t their doing. Sigh, why are the surveillance

cameras all broken at this time?

At the same time, in Emerald Harbor, the children came home from school to find their mother at home,

and they were all hopping excitedly. They wanted to cook dinner for their father together with their

mother, but she rejected their offer. They had no idea their mother was upset after seeing a certain


“Mommy, did you fight with Daddy again?” Samuel asked while holding her hand. “Why are you upset?”

Melinda forced a smile. “No, I’m fine.”

“You’re lying. It’s almost like you have the word ‘upset written on your face.”

With the persistence of Samuel and Pamela, they finally convinced her to come to the kitchen. “Let us

help. Let’s cook dinner together.”