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Melinda President Fox’s Love

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25

Melinda was startled for a moment. What does he mean by that?

“You can go back to Sunnyvale and do whatever you want. You can come back and see the kids

anytime.” Stanley seemed to have considered it for a long time before announcing his decision.

Melinda was unable to figure out what was on his mind, Is he chasing me away?

“Are we getting a divorce, then?” she asked cautiously.

Stanley tapped her forehead and replied in a hush, “How did you even come to this conclusion? Did I

say anything about divorce?”

Melinda looked up from his embrace and vaguely saw the contour on his face.

It’s not a bad idea. I have nothing to do here anyway.

Melinda woke up at the break of dawn the next day and realized that she was still in the man’s

embrace. On the other hand, he remained in the same position as the night before.

With the help of the faint sunlight, she got out of bed cautiously and made sure she wouldn’t wake him


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Then, she went downstairs and entered the kitchen.

Stanley awakened not long after the woman left. After getting changed, he went to the adjacent room

and injected some nutrient solution into his veins.

His dark gaze remained emotionless. There was a reason that he asked her to leave.

The dining hall downstairs was stylishly designed.

When Melinda left the kitchen with the last two plates of pasta, she looked through the window and saw

Stanley getting into his Lamborghini. After closing the door for him, the driver took the driver’s seat and

drove. the vehicle away.

She had prepared four plates of egg–tomato pasta, but the man left without a word.

For some reason, she felt a sense of unease as she recalled Stanley’s words from the night before. Is

he going to snatch the kids away from me?

On the way to work, Stanley dialed a number and sternly ordered, “From now on, xo.com fast

updatekeep an eye on my wife all the time and report to me about everything she does every night.”

After breakfast, Sherry passed the new school bags to the kids and said joyfully, “Samuel and Pamela,

you’re going to the new kindergarten tomorrow. What else do you need? Why don’t we go upstairs and

get prepared?”

“Mommy!” Samuel ran toward Melinda and called out childishly. “Will Daddy be sending us to school


“I have no idea. He’s been busy with work recently.”

“I want you and Daddy to send us to school, Samuel said firmly. “We now have a dad, so we can’t let

the other kids mock us again!”

Pamela took her mother’s hand and pleaded with her, saying, “Mommy, you and Daddy have to send

us to school together.”

In response, Melinda ruffled their hair and nodded with a smile. “Sure. Go and get prepared with Ms.


The kids then went upstairs happily. As Melinda looked at the two adorable kids, she felt dejected all of



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After hesitating for a bit, she decided to give Stanley a call.

When the call connected, the man didn’t utter a word. She said gently. “It’ll be the kids‘ first day at

school tomorrow. They want us to send them to school together, Can I leave the day after tomorrow


“I’m not chasing you away,” Stanley replied calmly. “I just don’t want to restrain you any longer. You are

free. Do you get it? You can choose to leave or stay”

She remained silent. Is that so?

“It’s fine as long as you don’t breach the contract,” Stanley stressed. “As Mrs Fox, you have to make

sure there won’t be rumors about you. I don’t want you to do anything that will tarnish the Fox Family’s

reputation. That’s all I care about.”

With that, he hung up the call.

All of a sudden, Melinda had a feeling that he was wary of her.

Does he want me to leave so that he can keep an eye on me with ease?

She tried to analyze the situation calmly. She could understand his decision. Stanley was the wealthiest

man in Riverdale, so he had a lot of burdens and responsibilities on his shoulders. As such, he couldn’t

let his guard down.