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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 259
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Chapter 259

At this moment, Ryan was opening up his heart to Audrey.

“Does that also apply to Lily and Dallas?” Audrey’s voice trembled slightly as she spoke.

Perhaps she was still recovering from the lack of oxygen moments ago, but her breathing was in disarray.

Thinking of the two adorable little ones-of Lily's bright smile, and Dallas’ tense expression when looking at him,

Ryan replied, “I'm not that crazy to feel jealous of my own children. “I see.” Audrey smiled and pushed Ryan

gently. “You go out first. I'll change and cout.“” Ryan embraced Audrey once more and kissed her before

picking up his glasses and reluctantly leaving the dressing room.

He pushed open the door leading to the dressing room balcony and stood outside.

He then put on his glasses and lit a cigarette. He needed something in his mouth to prevent him from wanting to

kiss Audrey again.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

His phone vibrated in his pocket-it was Daniel calling. The boiling desire in his eyes gradually subsided.

He frowned and answered, “Speak.”

Still feeling her heart racing, Audrey finished changing and picked up her phone to check the twhen she

noticed George's call coming in.

The exhilarating buzz that lingered in her mind quickly subsided.

She cleared her throat and answered the phone, “Hello, Mr. Lambert-

“CallGrandpa from now on,” George interrupted. “Tomorrow, we will announce to the public that you are

Wanda'’s adopted daughter.”

Audrey's palms tightened, a warmth spreading through her heart.

“Okay. | understand, Grandpa.” Audrey gently called out, unable to suppress the smile on her lips.

“Tomorrow, I'll have Ryan pick you up, and you'll go to the hotel together.” George's tone


Chapter 259


“Wanda and the two children will stay at home. Outsiders know that Wanda hasn't been well these years and has

been focusing on her health in a sterile environment. So, her absence won't be surprising.

“As for not letting the two children go-firstly, we need them to keep Wanda company. And secondly, there will be

journalists present tomorrow; | don’t want the Franklin family to get any ideas when they see the children.”

Until now, George still believed that Dallas and Lily were Nathan's children.

Although Audrey wasn’t worried about the Franklin family having any ill intentions toward the children, she still

wanted them to accompany Wanda, so she agreed: “Okay, | understand.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I know you've participated in many conferences and competitions and always performed well, but I still want to

remind you not to be nervous.

“You're my granddaughter, Audrey-the founder of Evergreen Biotech, the future successor of the Lambert

Corporation, and you should stand above everyone else.”

Audrey saw Ryan smoking on the balcony when she cout of the dressing room. She slung her bag over her

shoulder and said to George, “I understand, Grandpa.”

After hanging up the phone, Audrey looked at Ryan, who had put out his cigarette and approached her.

She told him, “Grandpa said tomorrow he'll have you sendto the hotel where the banquet will be held.”

George's birthday banquet would take place at Jacinda Hotel, a five-star hotel under the Lambert Corporation,

not far from Audrey's place.

“Grandpa?” Ryan caught on. “Did Mr. Lambert Senior ask you to change how you address him?”

Audrey's eyes sparkled as she nodded.

Ryan tucked Audrey's long hair behind her ear. “I'll send you back first. | have sthings to attend to, so |

won't be able to have lunch with you. I'll cover to your place tonight.”