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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 244
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Chapter 244

Indeed, Amelia had started imitating Audrey even before she formally showed up in front of


Envious of the legendary love between Audrey and Nathan, she thought that she could also have the kind of love

Audrey had if she could beclike Audrey.

At Sheysea Junior High School, not only Amelia had such thoughts, but almost all the younger girls admired

Audrey the sway.

After Audrey and Nathan entered Sheysea University, a wave of emulation of them swept through Sheysea Junior

High School.

The boys, lacking Nathan's background, imitated his deep affection for his girlfriend and his carefree attitude.

While the girls, lacking Audrey’s genius intellect, imitated her composure and calmness.

Tears continued to cascade down Amelia’s cheeks. She had always feared of the day Nathan would choose

Audrey over her when he regained his memory.

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She had rehearsed countless times in her mind what she would do if Nathan had chosen Audrey after regaining

his memory.

She had decided that she would offer her blessings and then gracefully leave.

But even after countless mental rehearsals, Amelia still felt a pang of heartache when Nathan asked her if she

had been imitating Audrey.

Perhaps, deep down, she had always known that it was because she had imitated Audrey that she had stolen

Nathan's love from Audrey.

Yet, she still clung to a glimmer of hope. She had believed that, as she gradually returned to being herself,

Nathan's love for her would only grow stronger.

In the end, Nathan would still have fallen in love with Amelia!

Amelia noticed that Nathan never showed a hint of temper to her after they dated even though Nathan and

Audrey used to argue back then.

At that time, Amelia didn’t realize that Nathan's lack of temper toward her was only because he subconsciously

projected his guilt toward Audrey onto her.

“Nathan! What does that have anything to do with Ms. Doyle? You're the one who lost your memories and fell in

love with her. You can’t push your mistakes on someone else!” Joseph exclaimed.

Chapter 244

Having witnessed Nathan's affection for Amelia, Joseph couldn't help but defend her when Nathan questioned

her after regaining his memory.

“I'm sorry.” Nathan held his head in his hands. “My mind is a mess. Edmond... Please take her to get her burns


“No need. I'll go myself.” Amelia's voice trembled as she hastily wiped away her tears.

She persistently asked, “Nathan, have you decided to break off our engagement? If... If you're going to do it, |

need to notify the company in advance and prepare a PR statement.

Amelia still held hope for Nathan.

If Nathan had ever truly loved her, even just a little bit, he would still choose her even after realizing that he

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could no longer have a relationship with Audrey.

“I'm sorry, Amelia. My head... It's filled with thoughts of Audrey.” Nathan looked at Amelia. His voice was filled

with guilt, and his eyes were remorseful but sincere. “I love Audrey.”

| love Audrey...

This sentence completely shattered Amelia.

“Did our ttogether mean anything at all?” Amelia took off her hat and hurled it onto the couch.

She hysterically demanded, “What about our eight years together? You treatedso well. You loved me! You

would do anything for me! Have you forgotten everything?”

Amelia cried as she grabbed onto Nathan's collar. “Tellnow! Tellyou only love Audrey! Tellthat all the

kindness and love you showedwere fake!

“How could you be so cruel? You gavethe best love in the world, so how could | ever love someone else

again?” She pounded on his chest as she sobbed.

Nathan could only sit there motionless. His eyes were also red as he watched Amelia collapse to the ground in
