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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 229
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Chapter 229 The blue and purple lights, along with flickering white lights, flowed over Ryan's sharply defined facial features, yet they failed to leave any trace of the festive atmosphere on his cold and stern face.

Ryan was impeccably dressed in a shirt, tie, waistcoat, and suit. His trousers were crisply pressed. His expression remained stoic as he walked toward the elevator with a few people respectfully surrounding him. His appearance stood in stark contrast to the men and women in the environment around him.

Audrey held onto the railing and took a few steps in the direction of the elevator, but she could only see Ryan's tall silhouette rising inside the ascending elevator.

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Didn't Julian say that Ryan would be working late? How did he end up here? Daphne caught up with Audrey. Curious, she peered at the elevator ascending. “Audrey, what's going on? What are you looking at?” “Nothing. I'm going to make a phone call.” Audrey took out her phone after that.

Audrey walked to a quieter spot. She had intended to call Ryan, but as she was about to dial, she hesitated. If the call went through, who would she be to ask him where he was? Still, Ryan was here with those people, and Julian wasn’t with him. Audrey couldn’t help but worry that Ryan might be in danger. a She decided to call Julian instead. She dialed four times before Julian answered. “Sorry, Ms. Audrey. | was taking a shower.” Julian was home? Audrey gripped her phone tightly. “Sorry to bother you. | just wanted to ask if you're with Mr. Lambert.” “No, about an hour and a half ago, Mr. Lambert said it was getting late and asked us to go home. He should be hby now. Perhaps he still has work tonight, so he went back to his place,” Julian said.

So they weren't together.

“Okay, | understand. Thank you.” After hanging up the phone, Audrey felt uneasy. She caught the attention of a passing waiter who was about to deliver drinks to a private room.

Chapter 229 2/2 With a harmless smile, Audrey asked, “Hello, may | ask what's on the fourth floor that elevator over there leads to? I'm a little curious and want to take pictures down on the elevator. Can | go up and take a look?” “Oh, that's our boss's private elevator, and it’s not accessible to others. The fourth floor is our boss's office, and it’s off-limits,” the waiter explained.

So that was the boss's office up there. No wonder there was someone guarding the elevator.

Audrey watched the waiter leave and eventually decided to call Ryan again.

It rang three times, but there was no answer.

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Audrey sent him a message instead.

“I need to talk to you about something. Please callback when you see this message. If it’s not convenient, you can just reply with a text.

She gave Ryan half an hour. If he didn’t respond within that time, she would figure out a way to go 11 and check. She'd be ready to call the police if necessary.

Audrey clenched her phone tightly as she looked at the elevator on the fourth floor and then returned to their private room.

Daphne was very interested in the waiter with abs. She stood at the door of the private room and happily captured the scene below with her phone.