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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 217
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Chapter 217 “Hello? Doa favor and I'll pay you 50 thousand dollars. Once it's done, I'll pay two times more of that.” Yolanda held her stinging red cheek, her eyes fierce.

Her showbiz career had been smooth sailing these years. No one had the nerve to hit her.

As the manager who wrapped her global star around her fingers, she was held in high regard in the industry.

Getting slapped by a country bumpkin was not something she could condone.

On her way back from Jerry’s studio, Audrey received a message from Taylor.

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Taylor shared the diner location for today’s hangout followed by a voice message. “Don’t you dare stand us up!” After placing Jerry’s work at home, she texted Ryan about her hangout because she didn’t want to interrupt his work.

Although he said he would be late home, she might return later than him.

The night painted the sky black.

Audrey put on simple makeup and wore a piece of tailored champagne dress. Letting her slightly curly hair rest over her shoulders added a luster of grace to her look.

Her wristwatch was the only accessory worn, but it complemented very well with her clutch bag.

Sophisticated and graceful, she was a beauty to behold.

Before she left the house, Taylor called to hurry her up.

“I'm leaving the house.” Audrey chuckled.

“It’s not like | want to hurry you up, but Matteo said that he'd like to see you soon. You left a deep impression on him in Slovomia a few years ago. He enjoyed talking to you. Show scourtesy. You're being late.” A mischievous giggle cfrom him.

He continued, “All this time, the lady is usually the one to hurry him up. This is my first tseeing how much he cares for someone. What do you think of him? | can be the matchmaker.” Chapter 217 “Do you wantto call Jessica after the dinner?” Audrey breezed out of the elevator and noticed a car at the entrance.

From the wound-down window, she could see a man in the passenger seat watching her before looking down at a picture.

A cut mark on his face. A cigarette bitten between his lips.

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Holding her phone tightly, she pushed the entrance door and continued speaking to Taylor over the phone.

A driver was waiting for her there, in the car.

She spared the driver a glance and hopped on.

Taylor begged for mercy, “I'm doing this for our precious Dallas and Lily! If you don’t want a partner, fine. | won't bring this up again. I'm hanging up. I'm going to arrive there soon. You better hurry-" “I spoke to Jessica over the phone yesterday...” She observed the driver, nothing off about him.

Next, she looked in the rearview mirror only to realize that the scarred man was following closely behind her car.

Calmly, she said, “What did you say to her? She doesn’t even want to hear your name, though.” “What else could it be? | was rejected. What a miserable life I'm living.” Taylor sighed.

“I called a cab. I'm on my way now. Could you pickup at Peace Street? We can go to the restaurant together,” she asked.

Something wasn’t right. “Did something happen?” “Yeah. How long do you need?” she confirmed.

“Five minutes. I'll drive back right away! What's the license plate?” His tone was solemn. “A black Audi A8..."” she told him the license plate.