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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 205
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Chapter 205 Audrey had a flashback of the wild memories from the night before. Ryan had carried her to the shower to clean themselves up, yet... They ended up doing it again.

It wasn’t until she almost fainted that they finally stopped.

She covered her face as soon as she discovered how wild she could be.

Her phone vibrated, and she took a glimpse at it.

It was a call from Ryan.

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Biting her swollen lip, she answered the phone, “Hello-" As soon as she said that word, she covered her mouth.

She didn’t expect her voice to coff this hoarsely! Ryan’s gentle voice resounded from the other side of the line. “You're up. Taken your breakfast yet?” Audrey cleared her throat. “No...” It didn’t sound any better. Dipping her head to her hands, she couldn't help but think about the previous night.

She tried her best to stop herself from reminiscing about the flashbacks. But his voice kept reminding her of it.

Her brain was going frenzy.

“I bought lozenges for you this morning. They're on the dining table. What's your plan for today?” The question seemed intentional for sreason.

Initially, she wanted to say that she would buy a gift forpgrorge.

But she changed her mind because of her voice. “Stay at home.” “Watching experiment recordings?” She hummed as an acknowledgment.

“Okay, remember to have breakfast and... the lozenges,” Ryan reminded.

Again, she hummed in response.

212 After ending the call, she flopped onto the bed and pulled the blanket over her face.

If only she could bury herself in a hole...

Still embarrassed, she remembered the twhen they had sex at the hotel. That was how she got pregnant with Dallas and Lily.

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Then, she recalled that they didn’t use protection because there was no condom at home.

Hurriedly, she got up to order a fast delivery of birth control pills.

After breakfast, she contacted Taylor.

Taylor said in a whisper, “Thank goodness you finally called back. Franklin Group is going to deliver the goods this afternoon. Should | straight-up reject the reception because they leaked the formula? Or should | receive the goods and sue them?” “Franklin Group is more passive than we are, so things are worse for them too. First, delay the reception. | bet they won't have an opinion about it. We'll cut off their cash inflow and they'll cto you to settle the issue about the leaked formula.

“You can hear them out and later claim that you're not the decision-maker. Say that you have to refer to the founder before making a call,” Audrey informed.

“Got it.” The call with Taylor ended, and Audrey used another phone to call Shawn back.

“Ms. Yeomans, Franklin Group wants to buy the formula from me, and | avoided them as you toldto. Who would've known that they dug up information aboutovernight? They're now at my doorstep!” He claimed.