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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 169
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Chapter 169

She sent Ryan a Whatvoice message. “Dallas looks exactly like Lily, so you should recognize him at first


Soon, she received a reply from Ryan. “Got it. Don’t worry, I'll send you a video once | pick the child



Ryan looked at the child’s face in the photo, his fingers caressing the image briefly. A smile unconsciously

appeared on his lips.

While driving to the airport, Ryan called Julian. “Buy sdaily necessities for a four-year-old boy, as well as

ssnacks and toys. Have them delivered to the house quickly!”

“A boy?” Julian was puzzled but agreed nonetheless. “Alright, I'll take care of it right away.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Also, prepare a child's toilet seat, a child's shower head, and that little stool for brushing teeth at the sink. Make

sure everything is ready.” Ryan remembered Lily mentioning that they didn’t have these items at home.

“Understood! You can count on me.” Julian responded.

Ryan arrived at the airport in just 50 minutes. He followed the instructions and waited at the arrival gate for


Soon, Ryan spotted a child wearing white sneakers, a pair of jeans, and a black hoodie, dragging his

small suitcase.

The little guy pulled his hoodie hood over his head, wore a backpack, and had a chubby face-just like

in the photo.

He had one hand in his pocket, the other pulling the suitcase, looking cool as he cinto view.

A young girl at the airport couldn’t help but squeal at the sight of Dallas.

“Whose child is this? He's so adorable!”

Upon hearing the remark, Dallas didn’t show the sfriendly smile as Lily. He maintained his cool

demeanor as he walked ahead.

He spotted Ryan almost immediately.

Their eyes met, and Dallas approached Ryan.

He Looked up at Ryan and asked, “Where's my mom?”

Ryan crouched down, looking at the little boy with an impassive expression. “Your mom is still in Sheysea. She

askedto cand pick you up.”

Ryan then lifted Dallas, holding him with one arm while pulling his small suitcase with the other.

Ryan's sharp facial features and tall stature already made him stand out. He was even dressed in a

Chapter 169

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suit and exuded an air of superiority.


Now with a child in one arm-dragging a cartoon suitcase that seemed out of place-the contrast he created left a

striking visual impact.

“Ah! So handsome! | didn’t expect such an elite man to be a dad!”

“Oh my! No wonder the little one is so cute; he has such a handsdad!”

Dallas’ arms wrapped around Ryan's neck, looking slightly unhappy. “Don’t think that just because of this, I'll be

as silly as Lily and accept you!”

Ryan chuckled softly. “Hmm, | understand-but Lily isn’t silly. It's because she has a good mommy and a great big

brother like you that she’s grown into the world’s most adorable little sunshine!”

Dallas‘ hold around Ryan’s neck tightened slightly, and his ears turned red.

“Don’t think that by saying that, I'll be happy!” Dallas warned Ryan again. “Anyway, I'll be keeping an eye on

you. If | think you're not up to par, | won't let Mommy be with you, and | won't let that silly Lily call you Daddy!”

“Alright. Then starting today, you'll stay with me. We'll see if I'm suitable to be your and Lily’s dad.” Ryan arrived

at the underground parking lot with a child in tow.