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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 167
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Chapter 167

“Mr. Murray, we made it very clear that if you don’t repay all the money today, you'll have to face the

consequences.” Shawn emerged from behind his desk, smiling as he waved the contract in front of


Charles widened his eyes as he looked at Shawn. “W-what do you wantto do?”

“Well, what if we send someone over to the Murray Residence with this contract and find your old


“No! If you take that to my dad, he’ll kill me!” Charles looked terrified.

“Well then, we'll have to ask Mr. Murray to repay the debt with his organs!” Shawn smiled.

“You! What you're doing is illegal!” Charles exclaimed.

“Mr. Murray, you worry too much. In such a large casino like ours, we always encounter those who don’t repay

their debts. We can’t just let that money go uncollected, or our casino will go bankrupt!”

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“No, no!” Charles’ stomach was churning, finally feeling the fear. “I'll repay the money!”

“Can you repay it today?” Shawn asked.

“Could you givea few more days?” Charles’ voice trembled. “Two weeks! I'll definitely have it by


“I'm afraid that won't do. If you can’t settle the debt today, you won't be leaving here anytsoon.’

Shawn sighed theatrically. “Mr. Murray, | don’t mean to cause you trouble, but I'm just an employee following

company protocol. I'm sure you understand.”

“I can pay the interest! Givehalf a month... Ten days! Ten days will do!” Charles panicked.

Shawn rubbed his chin. “Well, | have one last option to propose to Mr. Murray. | don’t know if you'll be willing to

consider it.”

“Tell me!” Charles grasped at the lifeline.

“You see, there's a tlimit for repayment at the casino. So, you could transfer ten million from the Murray

Group's account to us first. Then when you win at the casino later, you can just refill that gap. What do you say?”

“No, that won't work!” Charles refused firmly.

His father would definitely kill him if he touched the company’s funds.

“Then there's only one last resort left! Hasn't the Murray Group received a pharmaceutical order from the

Franklin Group? We want the formula for that medicine. As long as Mr. Murray can provide us with the formula,

this debt will be wiped clean.”

Shawn's smile was chilling. “This is the only thing I can do to help Mr. Murray.”


Chapter 167


Charles fell silent.

Shawn saw Charles weighing his options and continued, “You see, I'm trying to find a solution for you, Mr. Murray.

We only want that formula for the casino because it's worth smoney.

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“Plus, that formula is something you can easily steal with just a photo-no one will ever find out. Even if there are

problems later, no one will suspect you, right?”

“Alright!” Charles agreed.

“Good. We need to see the formula before tomorrow night. Once we have it, the previous debt will be wiped


“It’s that urgent?” Charles felt a bit flustered.

A shadow crossed Shawn's features. “I'm already giving you a lifeline here. You wouldn't be able to leave the

casino today without it.”

Shawn added, “Of course, your family is influential, so we're not afraid of you running away. After all, we can still

use these contracts to find your father, right?”

Charles stumbled out of the casino.

Dawn was already breaking.

His eyes were bloodshot after a sleepless night.

But with his debt weighing heavily on his mind, he clenched his jaw and headed straight to the
