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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 440
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Chapter 440 Gabriela My son and his mates, along with Stella, had left two days ago, and I could no longer hide their absence from Malachi. The Ancient vampire finally showed up at the door to our quarters, and he’d brought Braden with him.

“They're not here,” | said.

Malachi scowled. “I know that. | cto make you tellwhere they went. | can’t have my granddaughter floating around out there, unsafe and unprotected.” “She’s hardly unprotected, Malachi. She’s with her mates and her daughter. | shouldn't have to remind you what Stella is capable of.” In seconds, faster than | could blink or take a breath, he'd crossed the room to grab me. His fangs descended as he bentback, aiming for my throat. My wolf was on the surface in an instant, snarling.

“Malachi!” Braden snapped. “Back the fuck off of her.” We were seconds away from going to battle.

“The children,” Braden reminded us. “Both of you. Stand down.” | was caught in Malachi’s grip of Ancient vampire strength. His fangs, scant inches from my throat. It would take so little for him to tear out my jugular vein. I'd bleed out in moments.

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“The children,” | told him as | forced my wolf to retreat.

With a snarl that sounded almost wolflike, Malachi letgo and turned his back on me. He moved like a flash, back and forth, before coming to a halt. His eyes shone crimson.

“You are more of a fool than | ever thought you could be,” he said. “Do you know your son is certainly on his way to certain death?” | lifted my chin. “My son is an adult, and an Alpha. He is doing what he feels is right to protect his family. I'm here to do the sfor my grandpups.” “Where did they go? Don’t makerip it out of your mind, Gabriela. It will leave you worse off than you already are.” “What does that mean?" “Never mind,” Braden said, stepping between us. “Where did they go?” “Fallen Crest,” | said.

Malachi staggered back. Actually staggered, like Id hit him. | wish | had.

“The one place you can’t go,” | told him with a thin grin.

Not because it was forbidden. Somehow, | doubted Malachi would honor any injunction, even if he’d made it himself. Malachi could not go to Fallen Crest, because the residents of the dead city would be desperate to conshis vampire energy as one of the few ways they could experience what it felt like to be alive again.

Even an Ancient wouldn't be able to stand against them.

Without a word, Malachi spun away out of the room. Braden paused in the doorway. “Sorry about that. I'll see if | can talk ssense into him.” Then he left, too. | followed, scanning the hallway. But then, something stoppedfrom looking at anything.

I couldn't see.

Nothing, not even darkness. | blinked and blinked, but I couldn’t clear my vision. | could hear the twins babbling to themselves in their room, so | held back my cry of alarm.

“I won't show you,” | muttered, not sure where the words were coming from. “I won't. Show. | won't show you.” A sharp pain stabbedbetween the eyes, hard enough to force a yelp out of me. | clamped my lips closed against another rising moan. | didn’t want the pups to hear me. They would worry. They were my responsibility. | had to protect them.

| fumbled with my pocket, feeling for my phone. This time, my soft cry was of relief as | found it and pulled it out.

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| couldn't see the screen to dial the number, but | was able to swipe it. | heard a click as the facial recognition kicked in.

“Call Dr. Alonius,” | ordered it, praying the voice recognition would also work.

Hot tears sprang from my eyes at the sound of the phone ringing. Then, the brisk male tones in a voice | shouldn't find so familiar yet somehow, did. Like I'd known him my entire life and any lives I'd lived before this one. Maybe all the ones I'd have when this one ended.

| heard my own voice describing the problems in shaky, broken tones. | was barely finished when he broke in to interrupt.

“I'll be there right away.” And he was. Not ten minutes passed before the knock cat the door. I'd been standing frozen, scared to move in case | stumbled into something and hurt myself or alerted the twins to my problem.

“Cin!” | called, hoping it was him and not Malachi or someone else.

“Gabriela.” The doctor's warm tones greetedonly moments before his hand rested on my shoulder. “Tellwhat's going on.” | fumbled the words, keeping my voice low. Not really sure what to say.

“I don’t know what's wrong,” | said.

| felt myself enfolded in a strong, warm embrace. Instant comfort flooded me. | wasn’t sure if my eyes were open or closed as | pressed my face against a strong, broad chest.

“I've got you,” he said. “I'm here. You're safe with me.”