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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 426
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Chapter 426 Lanie “What do you mean, we're going to say goodbye to the twins in front of Gabriela?” My jaw had dropped, gaping wide, and | shut it with a snap.

| clipped my tongue between my teeth and tasted blood, but that was a better flavor than the bitterness in my words.

“We have to make sure she hears us and sees us, so it's relayed to the High Council,” Stella said.

| spoke to her in the tone of voice I'd used on the rare occasions when she’d thrown a temper tantrum. Calm, but firm, and clearly letting her know that | was disappointed in her. “I understand that part, Stella. But you're askingto leave them behind?” She'd quickly laid out the plan to us, but | was not convinced that it made sense. My mates seemed to believe that leaving the enclave was a good idea, and | was having a hard tgetting behind that, too. Leaving Alaina and Isaac here though, while we ran off...I couldn't do that.

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“Gabriela will stay with them.” Stella said.

“Lanie, just hear her out,” Zane began, but | made an angry gesture to make him go quiet.

“How can you even think I'd be okay with this?” | demanded of the three of them. Then, | turned to my daughter.

“I don't like this, Stella.

You've grown up, but your brother and sister are little more than babies-" “They're stronger and smarter than you give them credit for, Mother.” here!” a “Because they're hybrids!” | cried. “They're special. Like you. Which is exactly why we can’t leave them | crossed my arms over my belly and hugged myself tight. | shook my head, not meeting the eyes of any of my mates. | couldn't bear to look any of them in the face. “I swore when | rescued them from that cursed testing facility that | would never abandon them. They would never be alone like that ever again. | vowed to protect them and love them like they were my own, and that’s what they are. They are my children as much as you are, Stella. And now, what you're asking... It’s too much. I won't do it.” “They'll be safer here than anywhere else, Lanie. And we can’t really fight with two children in tow. It's better if they remain behind.” Mason tried to reach for me, but | shrugged myself out of his grip.

“My mother will take care of them,love,” Xander said.

| ducked away from Xander’s reach, too. | whirled on him. “Your mother is compromised! 1/2 © Chapter 426 This entire plan revolves around that fact, which you seem to have conveniently or st upidly forgotten.

Whether she knows it or not, Gabriela is a tool for the High Council.

How can you askto trust her?” “She would never hurt our children!” Xander snapped at me, sounding truly angry, probably because I'd called him s tupid.

Oh, yeah? Well, so was I. | put my hands on my hands and stood my ground with him. “Of course she wouldn't, if she could help it. But what if she can’t help it, Xander? What then?” “Because | trust our daughter, something you were telling us to do not ten minutes ago!” Xander growled.

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“Mother. | know this is hard. If there was another way, | would offer it, but I've seen the various paths. The only ones that work are the ones in which we leave Alaina and Isaac here.” me?” Tears filled my eyes. “How are they going to feel when I tell them I'm going away and not taking them with Stella hesitated. “They’ll be with their beloved Grammy. You can tell them we're going away to do grownup things. They'll understand.” “It will be a lie,” I said.

Mason stepped closer but wasn’t foolish enough to try and pullagainst him. “It’s not a lie. We will be doing grownup things.” | eyed him with a frown. “And Gabriela won't want to cwith us? If we tell her the High Council is coming, she’s not going to want to stay here if none of us are.” “We'll tell her that we're taking Stella away for her own protection. Because she’s a Celestial and more important,” Xander said.

life.” “Compromised or not, | believe with my whole heart that my mother will protect our children with her very “The High Council wants our children because they're hybrids. What makes you think they'd just give th up?” | demanded.


The whisper tickled the back of my neck at the base of my skull. | instantly went on high alert,but nobody in the room had spoken or even used the mind link. Vaguely, from far off, | heard the sound of my nbeing called, but | stumbled forward and landed on my hands and knees...

On a soft carpet of pine needles.
