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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 418
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Chapter 418 Zane “We'll be gone for hours,” Stella said as she led her twin siblings by the hand toward the front door.

“Stella's going to take us to see the pearl farms! And they said we can open our own clams to find pearls!” Alaina bubbled with energy.

Her brother made a face. “I want to go see the training grounds. Stella, you promised.” “We'll see everything you two want. Now that you're big enough,” she said with a wink at me.

The twins hadn’t grown much bigger in size, but the difference in their behavior had been astounding. As soon as they'd gone and shut the door behind them, | felt Lanie cup behind me. She wrapped her arms around my waist.

“I think she meant that as a hint,” my Luna said. “Should | feel weird that our child is giving us s‘alone time’?” | turned her around to hug her from the front.

“Of all the things going on right now that are weird, that’s probably the least of them.” “Mmm.” She pushed up onto her tiptoes to offer her mouth forto kiss.

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When it deepened, our tongues stroking, she let out a pleased murmur. She pulled away a bit to look up into my face. Her smile was still one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen.

“I'love you,” | told her. BQ “Love you, too. My Zane.” She cupped my cheek and let her fingers trace the line of my jaw and then dow over my throat. They pressed lightly to the throb of my pulse, beating faster from her touch.

My coc k was throbbing, too. “Goddess, it’s been too long since | tasted you.” “Well...” She looked around with a coy smile.

“We do have the place to ourselves.” | kissed her again, parting her lips with my tongue again. She tasted like sweet honey and fresh strawberries. My co ck strained against the front of my jeans.

When she put her hand on it, cupping my d ick through the denim, I let out a small, strangled moan. Lanie laughed into our kiss. Her hand rubbedslowly.

“You know, we never got to finish our conversation that last time...about how much you likedbeing on top.” She got up on her tiptoes again to nibble at my neck 1/3 Chapter 418 touch of her teeth on my skin sent tingles shuddering all through me. My hands fit to her hips. | pulled her againstand ground my c ock against her belly.

yours to command as you so choose, Luna.” | meant to sound teasing, but the words cout low, husky, and strained with lust.

Lanie tookby the hand and ledto our bedroom. Her eyes gleamed with our mutual passion as she pushedgently to stand next to the bed. She put her hands on her hips.

“Take off your clothes for me,” she ordered in a whisper. “Letsee that beautiful body.” She sounded like Xander when she spoke,all commanding and demanding, and it sent waves of desire coursing through me. | gladly complied. First, | pulled my T-shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor, only to see her stern look.

“Sorry, Ma'am.” | grinned sheepishly and folded it to place neatly on the chair.

Lanie crossed her arms. “The jeans, Beta.

They're hiding that beautiful coc k. | want to see it. Now.” Her voice deepened into a growl that dried my mouth. | put my fingers on the button and unsnapped it, then slowly inched the zipper down. | put my hands on my hips to slide the denim down, but | made sure to do it teasingly.

Slowly. Giving her the show | sensed that she wanted-the one | wanted to give her.

| wanted to give my Luna anything she desired.

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When | stood naked in front of her, Lanie murmured her approval. “Turn around.” | did. She moved behindto run her hands up my back. Her nails dug into my skin. | closed my eyes but didn’t try to hold back my moan.

Her hands spunto face her. She grippedat the base and slid her palm up the shaft to palm t head. “This beautiful co ck belongs to me.” “All yours,” | agreed as | looked into her eyes.

Gently, she pushedonto the bed. She slipped out of her dress and panties, tossing them to the floor. Lanie straddled me, my co ck in her fist so she could guideinside her.

| thought she might ridehard. F uckfiercely. But my Luna moved slowly,deliberately. Our lovemaking lasted forever. As the pleasure built, we moved together in perfect sync.

Her head fell back, her long, loose curls tickling the tops of my thighs as she ground herself against me. | let her take the lead and watched the flush of her arousal travel up her chest and throat.

She cried out my nwhen she came, and when | felt her p ussy tighten around me,clenching with the strength of her or gasm, | came, too.

2/3 Chapter 418 Lanie collapsed on top of me. She breathed into my ear. “Our Alphas will be back soon. | think we should have something nice ready for them.

What do you think?” “Your wish, my love, is my command.”