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Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 363
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Chapter 363


There was real fear in Gabriela’s voice. I wanted to immediately spring to my Luna’s defense and deny

everything Xander’s mother was saying, but the more I thought about it, the more I knew that she had a


“Lanie wouldn’t want that,” I said.

“She wouldn’t want to lose you. Any of you. The rest of it…” Gabriela’s mouth thinned, and her gaze

went a little strained. “Great power corrupts. That’s all I’m going to say about it.”

Again, I wanted to defend my Luna, but I had to admit that I’d had similar fears. I didn’t worry that Lanie

would ever deliberately do anything to let herself get corrupted. But I’d seen how she’d been able to

compel Greyson, and how she’d reacted to it, after.

er even

power, “It made her feel good,” I said in a low voice. “Compelling Greyson, I mean. Using that

imperfectly, gave her like…a high, I guess is the only way to really describe it. She got high off it.”

Gabriela closed her eyes briefly. Then nodded. She looked at me again, this time with a steely gaze.

“I’ve grown to love Lanie as though she were my own daughter. Just as I’ve come to think of you and

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Zane as mine. But a mother who doesn’t look at her children with an honest gaze doesn’t do them any



“Are you really worried that she’s going down the wrong path?” I asked her.

Gabriela looked thoughtful as she polished off her plate of cake. She wiped her lips with a napkin. “To

be honest, I’m no longer sure what I think.”

There was something she wasn’t telling me. I could see it in her eyes. Before I could dig in deeper,

though she said, “You should talk to her. Nobody is ever done a favor by being kept in the dark about

how their part feels. You’re concerned. You need to tell her that, or else you’re going to keep letting it

fester, and it will come out in ways you don’t want it to.”

“I’m afraid to put this on her,” I said. “She’s honestly going through so much, Gabriela. The last thing

she needs is one of her mates piling on another bunch of s hit.”

and no.

“Be gentle. Be careful. I’m sure she’s as confused and worried as you are about all of this…” Gabriela

swirled her fingers around in the air. “Stuff. The emotions. The revelations. Yes, she has a lot going on,

you don’t want to burden her. But she’s your mate and your Luna. She deserves your honesty.”

Just then, I got a nudge through the mind link from Xander.

“Hey, di ckweed. Have you heard from Zane?”

I snorted laughter, which made Gabriela give me a curious stare. “It’s your other son. The less

handsome. and charming one. He’s asking me if I’ve heard from Zane.”

To Xander, I thought, “I haven’t, as scheese. Have you?”

“No. Where are you?”


Chapter 363

I sent him an image of the dining hall. Also an image of my middle finger, since….well, he was my

brother. And I was still a little annoyed with him.

“I’m on my way. Don’t go anywhere.”

“He says he’s coming here,” I said to Gabriela.

She laughed. “This should be interesting. I certainly hope I don’t have to put the two of you in the



Her gaze went behind me, and I twisted in my chair to see Xander stalking through the room toward us.

With a gruff nod at me, he bent to kiss his mother on the cheek. He kicked the leg of my chair.

“Let me sit there,” he said.

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“F uck you,” I replied evenly.

Gabriela let out a heavy sigh. “Boys.”

With a grumble, Xander slid into the chair next to mine. It put his back at an angle to the room, and I bit

back a grin at his disgruntled expression. He had the same idea as I did, about being able to survey the


“Don’t worry, bro. I’ll make sure to warn you if someone sneaks up behind you,” I promised.

“Boys!” Gabriela snapped, sounding really irritated this time.

“Sorry.” To Xander, I said in a lower voice, “Sorry.””

“For this?” He sent me an image of both his middle fingers.

“You know what for,” I said aloud so Gabriela could hear me. I gave her a significant look that she


Xander frowned. “What’s up with you two?”

“I was craving some dessert so I came to get a piece of cake. I happened to see Mason sitting here.

were chatting. That’s all.”

I was impressed at how easily Gabriela could keep her expression straight when I was pretty y sure


wanted to laugh. I wasn’t as good about it. Xander saw my mouth working, and he scowled.

That’s when both of us got the mind link from Zane,
