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Mated to the Alpha Twins

chapter 125
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Mated to the Alpha twins by Jane Doe chapter 125

Epilogue The humid summer air , with it's traces of fresh water and wildflowers , had always been my favorite . It was especially

fragrant here , in the field of golden grass | often visited . Even as | sat on the thick quilt | had . brought along , | longed for the

feel of the grass beneath my feet . Rummaging through my bag , | pulled out a cherry almond croissant | had saved from my

bakery . After all the years , it was still up and running .

The new management was a feisty girl named Kiara , whose pastry experiments often turned out incredible . This place had

once been secret, but as | watched the children laugh and play , | couldn't bring myself to regret sharing this place with them . A

piece of the purest happiness | had ever experienced , countless memories full of it -all of which were made here . S There were

six of them , three boys and three girls , darting through the grass with earsplitting grins on their faces Swere missing a few

baby teeth ;

others were covered in dirt with scraped knees . The boys were rough and rambunctious , but the girls were easily able to keep

up . | chuckled to myself as Rose tackled her younger brother , both disappearing within the tall grass . ” Nice try , sweet pea . |

might be older than you , but my senses are just as strong . ” | smirked at one of the youngest , Annie . Her eyes were a copy of

my own as | looked up at her . The ocean blue was on the sside , though her brown was a tad lighter than my own . A mane

of curly onyx hair sprouted from a ponytail on her head , slicked back by a bit of mud that had gotten on her face . Annie pouted ,

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crossing her arms over her chest . ” Grandma , will you cplay with Rose and?

Alice won't let us play with her because we can't shift . * ” } As the only daughter of our twin sons , Dean and Sebastian , Alice

had completed her first shift just two months ago and took every moment she could to show off her snow — white fur . 2 Making

bushes of flowers flutter to life , and fruit sprout from trees — my granddaughters abilities remindedof an old friend , one |

longed to see again . Her older brothers , twin’s Cole , and Ashton were nearly finished with their Alpha training , and seemed to

spend every spare moment roaming the forest in wolf form .

The two would chat all hours , raiding the kitchen as they replenished the energy they had burned . ” Actually , I'm

getting pretty tired , sweet pea . ” | smiled at her softly , seeing the gentle features of myself mixed with that of the twins . |

couldn’t run and play like | used to , but I still made the walk out here every day — reveling in the life the twin’s and | built . My

limbs were stiff, aching from sitting for so long . ” | think I'm going to go lay down with your grandpas * . Would you mind walking

be heard .

” Wait | want to c! ” Rose’s soprano could be heard , along with her footfalls as she caught up to Annie . Rose looked like

her father , a golden haired werewolf with large eyes and a kind smile . Her eyes were the one feature she had gotten from our

daughter, Sierra . Rose's younger brother , Maven , looked near identical . Maven was much more well — mannered than his

wild older sister , but she still relented and took him on her daily adventures . “

And where's your sister at ? ” | asked Annie . ” Sasha went back to the house to read . ” She snorted , thinking the idea

completely absurd . It was near impossible to get Annie to sit still, while her twin sister was the opposite . | could see a lot of my

youngest daughter , Willow , in Sasha . Dean and Sebastian cfirst. Where Dean was feral like Kade , Sebastian was

smooth and charming . Sierra had been planned , though | was terrified | might have another set of twins . She held a bit of the

wildness Kade had , but not as much as Willow . Our youngest had always kept to herself , and it had taken her awhile to finally

blossom into the person she was meant to be . When Willow had met her mate and wife , we had immediately welcomed her into

the family . | could see pieces of my children and their beautiful , unique personalities within the eyes of my grandchildren .

Sometimes | would have flashes of a young Alec and Kade , their eyes twinkling whenever Cole and Ashton cbarreling into

the house . Annie remindedof Alec whenever she had that ¢***y grin on her face — and Alice remindedof Kade , that feral

side that demanded freedom , the desperate need to shed your human skin and simply run . | was surrounded by my children ,

and their children . | had known fear and terror , sof which still wakeup at night, but | had also known such happiness .

” Grandma ? ” Annie's soft voice pulledfrom my thoughts . My mind seemed to stray more and more these days ...

constantly flitting back to the past , like an old movie screen . Back to those I've lost, those | miss with every fiber of my being .

To friends and family , | could only hope to see again . Her eyes were curious as they peered up at, laced with that strange

intelligence children always seemed to have — like she knew her Grandma wasn't here , not fully , Across two hills of golden

grass , which sprouted vibrant flowers during mid summer , sat our house . | glanced back towards the field , seeing not my

grandchildren running , but a younger version of myself . The twins were at my side , their faces smooth and smiles wide as they

followedthrough the overgrown grass . Even Tori and Zayne , who had both moved on from this world just six short years

ago , had felt the magic of this place . 12 The memory faded from in front of my eyes , bringing back the present

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"Yes , sweet pea ? "| asked , smiling as she and Rose slowed their pace to keep up with my own . | was so tired , even though |

seemed to be sleeping more and more . ” Mommy says that Grandpa Kade hasn't been feeling good , and that he’s going to be

leaving soon . Will you and Grandpa Alec go with him ? ” | halted , staring up at our hon the hill . The one the twins had built

for our ten — year anniversary .

The arched windows and hand — carved door | had fell in love with , framed by soft billowing curtains that rippled like silk . The

marble floors and brick fireplace the size of it seemed excessive at the t, but there were moments like this ... where the size

of our hallowed all our children and grandchildren to visit . Where our halls were once empty and silent , they thrummed

with life and laughter . And waiting forinside , as they did every day , were my mates . The years had aged their faces and

softened their muscles , but their charming smiles and rugged good looks remained .

I blinked once and then twice , staring at my twins ... memorizing how they looked all those years ago . Alec smiled softly , the

old and young versions overlapping one another , like clear film . He knew where my mind often went , how more of my attention

seemed to flit away throughout the years . Kade leaned on his cane , his eyes as tired as my own . 3” Your mom has always

been too smart for her good , you know . ” | told Annie ; my smile soft as | stepped into the arms of my mates .

I wanted to thank you all so much for reading . Through the ups and downs , Im proud of the | wrote . Even with its

imperfections , the fact that so many of you enjoy my work , it means the world to. For the first t, Im doing what I love

and its a feeling everyone deserves to have . | plan on writing so much more for you all , and | hope to improve each time