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Mated To The Lycan King

Chapter 18
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Chapter 18


I am beyond annoyed with shopping. I hate it, it sucks. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and

sighed. My stomach growled as I turned and opened the fitting room door to show the outfit off and

hoped for approval. I was ready to leave and get lunch.

By the look on Amber’s face I knew she instantly approved. She nodded her head “Girl. This. Is. FIRE!”

She walked circles around me inspecting me from head to toe.

“I guess I look okay.” I shrugged.

“Okay? Girl you look amazing!” She complimented me again as my stomach growled in protest. “Okay

go change and we can go eat. We need to start looking for your dress, and then party planner has a

meeting at four.”

I walked back into the fitting room, changed my clothes, and went and paid for the items. Except the

cashier wouldn’t accept Everest card. She would slide it and say it was declined.

“Sorry? Let me call someone really quick, stay here. It may be our system.” She walked off with his

card before I could say anything.

“That is weird.” Amber commented.

I nodded in agreement. It was weird and why did she take the card? I didn’t like this feeling but I didn’t

want to get into trouble by going into her back office.

“Stay here Amber. I don’t like that she took Everests credit card. I’m going to get it back.” I smiled.

“Oooo. Acting like the future Queen already! Don’t take her s**t!” She laughed.

I don’t know where this confidence came from or this bravery but I hopped the counter and walked into

the back of the establishment. When I did the girl was on the phone before she screamed a blood

piercing sound for no reason.

“Help! Hurry! She’s going to kill me!” She yelled. “What? No! I just want the credit card back! Give it to

me, now!”I put my hand out and glared. “No! It’s not yours!” She screamed at me “You theif!”

Well she was right, it didn’t have my name but my mates name. “I know but he’s my mate. Give me his

card, please.”

“No.You’re not wearing a mark!” She took off deeper into the room and headed for the back door. I

followed her, trying to get the card back. Why didn’t she believe me? I just didn’t understand. Everest

was here three days ago with me. She helped us and now she doesn’t understand or believe me.

I left my phone out the front with Amber but this woman was just infuriating. I watched her run out the

back door and when I followed I saw a man standing with her, a smile on his face.

”That is her! She is trying to kill me! Help please!”

The man who was well above six feet with broad shoulders only watched me and not saying a word he

turned to the girl. “This is Prince Everests mate. She is not trying to kill you, you silly girl.”

She looked at me and nodded “I am sorry.”

I nodded my head and went to speak when the alarm went off through the city. An explosion then was

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

heard and I turned my head in the direction of the noise. I saw a smoke cloud in the direction of the

castle and gasped. I heard a gasp and the sound of a thud. When I turned to look, the girls neck was

sliced open and she laid lifeless on the ground. Then everything was black.

Dexter POV

Everything was going according to my plan. An update was sent to my phone by all of my reliable

sources. The King was now dead, the alarm was cut off by the explosion of their communications

tower. I still paced back and forth. Sarah was knocked out somewhere in the castle and I am sure

Everest was hunting for his father’s killer by now. Avalynn was on her way to me, the poor store clerk

was a casualty that was necessary. She almost ruined the kidnapping and saw my right hands face.

She had to go, unfortunately for her.

He and another had Avalynn and were traveling in an unmarked SUV. I paced back and forth anxious

and excited to see her. I hoped that they had remembered to give her the medicine that the witch gave

1. It would dissolve on her tongue so she doesn’t choke. The medicine would make her feel a pull to


almost as if we were mates, and suppress her Lycan for a few days.

I smiled and knew I would have my hands full but in the end it would be worth it. Everything was

leading to this to us.

My witch departed early this morning, on the specific path that we would take. She laid out a masking

concoction to hide Avalynns scent until we were miles outside the territory and no longer traceable.

Even though Avalynn is unmarked, I figured Everest would still know when something happened. It

would feel as if something wasn’t right. But I hoped that the feeling he would assume was his father’s


Her friend, on the other hand, that was with her, wore the mark of her mate and i knew he would

know when we knocked her out that something was seriously wrong. We would have to get out of here

as quickly as possible. I continued to pace as I waited for their arrival.

Everest POV

I was walking down the hall and running late for a meeting when a group of our warriors were running

towards me. I knew that something was wrong, terribly wrong. I tried to link my father and it was silent. I

felt this strange feeling creeping over my skin. It mimicked chills but there was no bumps on my

arms. I tried to link him again as the men reached me but the link was gone. My father was dead, I just

knew it.

“What has happ-” before I could finish the sentence a siren sounded, cutting through the air like the


cold wind on a winters day. It was the distress signal and then it cut off abruptly as an explosion shook

the floor under my feet. The walls rattled and the photos and pictures hanging shook, some falling and

breaking as they crashed onto the floor.

My men and I looked at each other with panicked expressions for a moment. Something was wrong,

very wrong.

“Your father! He was murdered! We found Sarah unconscious in the hallway, bleeding from her

head!” Finally Finn spoke breaking the silence.

My father was attacked and died, Sarah was attacked. “Is Sarah okay?”

“I had someone take her to the hospital. It looks as if she was struck in the back of the head and the

blow knocked her unconscious. She should make it.” Finn spoke again.

“My mate! Can anyone confirm if she’s okay?” I asked the group of men.

Suddenly shouting was heard by Jameson

“Everest! Everest! Something is wrong!” Jameson was running full speed and shaking uncontrollably

undoubtedly fighting control with his Lycan.

“What is it?” I asked him, but I knew it wasn’t good.

“I can’t feel her. I felt like my head was dizzy and now she’s not responding to my link. She’s alive!

know it but she’s hurt I can feel it!”

“Dear Goddess..” I looked around and felt my stomach flip.

“Everest..” Jameson trailed off.

“What?” I looked back at him.

“Everest, Amber was with Avalynn.” He looked at me and I could feel his worry and panic.

I felt nothing but rage. My Lycan beast was pushing to get out. I need to find her. Damn it I should of

put a tighter security detail on her. s**t!

Without saying a word all of us were rushing down the hallway. We made it to the office and when I

walked in my father’s body was still laying on the floor. His head was completely ripped from his body

and I fell to my knees. I don’t know how long I was down there or how long I had been screaming but

my men were there for me. Calling my name, bringing me back to focus.

“Shut it down. All passageways. Find me the bastard responsible for this. We need to find Amber. We

must find Avalynn. Find my mother and make sure she is okay and bring her here. She needs to say

her goodbyes before we move my father’s body. No one stops, no one sleeps until we make sure

Amber and Avalynn are both okay. Send someone to the hospital to be with Sarah and notify me

immediately when she wakes up. Do you understand? Immediately!”

“Yes your grace.” They all said together and split. Jameson stayed at my side and we walked out of the


“Do you know where they were shopping today?” I asked him and he nodded. “Go. Start with whatever

store and keep moving until you find her. I will link you as soon as I can. I

need to sit with my mother first and have my father removed.” He nodded and was gone.

Theard my mothers sobs before I saw her. My heart was breaking by each ragged breath she took. I

knew she already knew of his death because the mate bond was severed. It’s like a piece of our soul

dies when our mate dies, or so I’ve heard. If you aren’t strong enough it could kill your mate too. I was

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worried for my mother. Would I lose her too?

My mother now stood in front of me, leaning against my body as she cried for my dead father. We

walked into the office and she fell to her knees by his side. She cried over his body and looked up at

me with tear stained cheeks and blood shot eyes.

“Everest you find the monster who did this and give me their head.” Her jaws were clenched as she

stood. “I will handle this. I heard your mate is missing and Amber is missing. Go find them. I am sure

this is

all related. Go now!” Her voice was strong and I kissed her cheek and went to find my mate.

I linked Jameson “Any luck finding Amber?”

“No. I have tried linking her to no avail. I’m at the first store and they hadn’t made it here yet.”


through the link you could hear his panic and worry.

“What other stores did they go to?” I questioned. “The ones by Riverside and Creekmore.” He told me.

“I’ll meet you there.” I cut the link and made my way there.

When I arrived I met Jameson outside to a shop that looked like something Amber would drag Avalynn

into. It appeared to be an upscale boutique. When we walked it we noticed that not only was it empty

but there appeared to be a struggle that took place. There were racks knocked over and clothes strown

all over the place. I found one of my guards with a bullet to the head and fear crept back into my


“Amber! Amber! Baby are you here, please answer! Amber!” Jameson called out to his mate. We

followed the path of destruction and found her cell phone broken into a thousand pieces. I linked for

help to arrive at our location and they should be here shortly.

We soon found her unconscious with a pool of blood around her head and a few stab wounds to her

torso. Jameson scooped her up in his arms and a tear streamed down his face as he spoke to her. She

was breathing and her wounds looked like they were already beginning the healing process, which was

a very good sign.

Tinhaled and could still faintly smell my mates scent. I followed it to the counter and walked around to

the small door and pushed through it. There I stepped over another one of my dead body guards who

had the same fate as the other. My blood was boiling as I followed her scent to the back door. When I

stood there that’s when I saw a lifeless body of a girl laying in the middle of back lot. Her neck had

been sliced, poor girl never stood a chance. I walked down the steps looking around. Sitting just a few

feet away from her was a card, I kneeled down and picked it up. I turned it over and my breath caught

in, my throat. Anger and panic consumed me when I saw that it was my credit card I had given to

Avalynn for shopping. She was here, she is gone. I looked around and noticed black tire marks left

behind from where they took off

too fast. My Lycan came to the surface and I let out a sickening howl, running in the direction and

following her faint scent.