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Master of his heart (Brielle and Max)

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49

However, Brielle was unaware of all this. After signing the contract with Integral Elements

Inc. she just got off work, and was stopped by Tiffanie

Tiffanie’s fingertips held the card, the convertible top wide open, and the colorful

accessories looked very flamboyant. She lifted her chin towards Brielle, revealing a sweet

smile “Brielle, let’s roll. Time to paint the town red”

Brielle and Tiffanie were not close, but Tiffanie was too presumptuous, and it seemed like

she couldn’t read the room at all. Now, she was already wavingat Brielle.

The car was parked right outside the bustling entrance of Dorsey International, drawing

curious looks from the staff. It was a luxury car that commanded attention wherever it was


Tiffanie honked the horn a couple of times, her grin widening into something more

genuine. “Life’s too short. Wait ’til you see that movie star hunk. You’ll realize how

ridiculous it is to hang all your hopes on one branch.”

Her tone

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was very innocent, and she blinked her eyes while speaking. It was difficult to reconcile

such a sweet appearance with a messy personal life.

Brielle took a deep breath and slid into the passenger seat. “My engagement to Spencer is

heading south sooner or later.”

Tiffanie’s smile faltered, and she turned with a look of surprise. “What? For real? After

playing the martyr all these years, you’re suddenly done?”

Tiffanie had a real knack for getting under people’s skin.

“Oh, and guess what? Lillian dragged me into her group chat. There are several young

ladies from prestigious families in Beaconsfield in the group, and they just love to make

you the butt of their jokes.”

With no further ado, Tiffanie revved the engine and they were off.

A light chuckle escaped Brielle, her posture relaxed. “Is she saying that I bullied her, hit

her, or envied her again?”

Tiffanie’s lips were glossed with a subtle shade of pink as she smirked, “Spot on. They

roast you daily, but hey, Lillian’s got the charm. She’s the life of the party and everyone

seems to think she’s the real daughter of the Haywood family.”

Indeed, Lillian never missed a high society gathering. The extent of her connections

remained a mystery to Brielle. And Lillian did have a talent for drama. Her tears could flow

on cue, and nobody seemed immune.

“It really piques my curiosity though. You’re supposed to be the Haywood lady, so why

does everyone seem to prefer Lillian? Whenever she’s in a tight spot at a party,




the first to jump to her defense. And that bracelet she flaunts, wasn’t that from some high-

end auction? But based on what I see of your clothing, food, and lifestyle, well, the maid

who collects garbage in my house lives better off than you.

Brielle grimaced. Tiffanie’s fingertips gripped the steering wheel, and she appeared

Innocent Innocently cruel.

I’m not as popular as Lillian”

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“Is that so? I think Maxie seems to have a soft spot for you

That casual remark made Brielle narrow her eyes. She had a nagging suspicion that

Tiffanie knew about her and Max.

Tiffanie was an enigma, appearing naive yet every word she uttered was a precision strike.

The word to describe her? Unvarnished.

“Mr. Dorsey is always generous with his praise for outstanding employees.”

Tiffanie parked outside the Tequila Sunset, and turned to Brielle with a playful gaze.

“Brielle, you’ve been to Maxie’s bed, haven’t you?”

The question struck like lightning, freezing Brielle in place. Her blood seemed to rush to

her head, face flushed with shock.

Tiffanie tapped her fingers idly on the wheel, that innocent smile never wavering.

Brielle straightened her back, finally understanding why Tiffanie sought her out. Maybe

the pretense about borrowing makeup remover was just that a pretense. Tiffanie wasn’t

clueless about subtext.

She was intrigued by Brielle, in the way a cruel child might be fascinated by a new toy. Not

calculating in the traditional sense, but undeniably terrifying.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!