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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-Wife

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28 After wrapping up some expedited paperwork at home, Odell went to the bathroom to take a

hot shower. It was past midnight by the time he emerged again. He sat on the bed and picked up the fully

charged mobile phone. That was when he saw the message Sylvia sent him. The corners of his lips

twitched, and his slender fingers began to tap rapidly against the display. “I haven’t read it yet. I’ll let you

know after I read it tomorrow.” There was no response for a long time after the message was sent. Odell

seemed unimpressed. He texted her again, “Have you fallen asleep?” There was still no response.

Needless to say, she was asleep. This woman had the audacity to fall asleep without waiting for his

reply! He immediately tapped the dial button. It took a while for the other party to pick up the call. Sylvia

gnashed her teeth and grumbled into the phone, “Odell, what’s your problem? Why are you calling me in

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the middle of the night?!” So, she was already in the land of dreams! Odell said with a scoff, “I’m calling

to inform you that you aren’t allowed to pick the twins up from kindergarten.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few seconds.

Sylvia’s raging temper suddenly eased as she assumed another milder, pandering approach.” Sorry

about that, Master Carter. I just woke up and didn’t know who it was calling. I didn’t expect it to be you.”

Odell was speechless. She was the one who had shouted his name the moment she answered the call.

How would she explain that?

Sylvia supplied, “Master Carter, you don’t have to give me an answer now if you’re busy. You can think

about it and get back to me tomorrow. It’s getting late, so get some rest. Staying up isn’t good for your

health.” Odell furrowed his brows. A particular scene from a few years ago suddenly flashed into his

mind. It was a rainy night and he was working late. Due to the poor weather, it was already two in the

morning by the time he got home.

When he got home, he saw that the lights were still on although most of the servants had gone to sleep.

The only person he saw was his wife whom he abhorred, Sylvia. She was wearing a nightgown and

waiting for him by the door. The moment she saw him, she perked up and a genuine smile formed on her

face. It was like a flower that bloomed amidst the dark of the rainy night and illuminated its surroundings.

She helped him unbutton his coat, take off his leather shoes, and massage his legs to release the

tension in his muscles, the way she had always done. While she was doing all this, she whispered into

his ear, “Staying up this late isn’t good for your health. Stop working so late from today onward.” Her

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voice was very gentle and cautious. Although it annoyed him at the time, it was very comforting

compared to her now distant and uninterested tone. He suddenly felt a fit of irrational anger, so he

ignored her and hung up.

The display turned black, and there was no further message after that.

He bit his lip. To think that she would not text him or try to call him again… Was she simply too scared to

do so or had she given up on him as a lost cause? ‘Go ahead, give up on me. Stop bothering me in the

future!’ Shortly after that, it was he who picked up his phone to text Tara, “Are you asleep?” Tara, who

happened to be shopping online at a luxury boutique at the time, replied instantly, “ Hey, I’m going to

sleep soon. Why are you still awake?” “I’m dealing with something.” “It’s late. You should get some rest.”

Odell replied, “Yeah, you get some rest too.” “Good night. See you in my dreams.”

Odell could feel the warmth even across the screen. This was the sort of woman that he deserved to

have. He wiped the sorrow off his face, put down the phone, and went back to bed.

Immediately after waking up the next day, Sylvia sent a message to Odell, asking him if he had read the

documents she sent and if he would let her pick the children up.