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Master Odell’s Secret Ex-Wife

Chapter 14
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Chapter 14

At the Carters’, a black vehicle stopped outside the gate. Before the driver could step out of the car and

open the door for the passengers, Liam pushed the door open and hopped out by himself.

He trotted inside with an icy look on his face. He was not going to wait for Odell. The look in Odell’s eyes

darkened at the sight of this. Tara stepped out of the car with him and held his arm affectionately, “Odell,

Liam is still a child and doesn’t understand that you’re doing this for him. He will understand when he

grows up.”

Odell’s expression eased slightly as he turned to her. “I’m staying here tonight to be with the kid. Get the

driver to send you home.”

There was a brief moment when Tara let her sadness show. “Alright, I guess it’s inconvenient for me to

go in. Say hi to Grandma for me.”

She said this with a gentle, understanding smile.

Odell took her into his arms and gently kissed her forehead. He promised her, “Tara, Grandma will

approve of our marriage one day. I know it.”

Tara rested her heavy head in his arms and answered softly, “I trust you, Odell.”

Odell held her for a while longer before letting her go. After she got into the car, he strode into the

Carters’ residence.

As Tara sat in the car and looked out of the window at the Carters’, a venomous look surfaced in her


‘Damned old woman, hurry up and die already!’

After the old relic died, she would marry into the family and become the true matriarch of the Carters!

When Odell entered the yard, he saw two chefs working attentively at a barbecue grill. There was

already a variety of cooked meat on the rack.

There were many other servants nearby as well, but there was no sign of Liam.

Liam had mentioned that he was going to go to Isabel’s for a barbecue tonight, so Odell had made

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similar arrangements at home.

He figured that the boy was throwing a tantrum.

He stepped into the living room. There was not a soul present.

Then, he went to Liam’s room. He carefully knocked on the door and called out, “Liam.”


There was no response.

Odell found the spare keys and opened the door himself.

He saw Liam fiddling around on his phone.

The moment Liam saw Odell coming in, he hid the phone behind his back. He glared at his father with a

hostile look. “Go away.”

Odell stared at him blankly.

He went to Liam and snatched the phone he had hidden behind his back. Then, he saw an online

shopping app on the screen. He checked the pending delivery page and saw that nearly a hundred items

were waiting to be delivered.

There were dolls, cool model cars, bright pink purses, and more. The total bill was in the tens of


All the delivery addresses were the same, and the recipient of these items was Isabel. Odell scowled. He

turned in Liam’s direction. Liam was staring back at him unflinchingly. “Give me back my phone.”

Odell resisted the urge to smack him and questioned him authoritatively, “Why did you buy her so many

things?” “I’ll buy whatever I want to.”

Odell scoffed, “If you don’t tell me, I’ll return all of these items.”

Liam lunged forward and tried to grab his phone. However, Odell simply raised his hand. Liam missed

and grabbed a whiff of air.

Odell threatened, “I’ll give you one minute to explain, or else I’ll return everything.”

Liam folded his arms across his chest and turned to the side to avoid eye contact with his father. “I

promised to go to her place for a barbecue tonight. Since I was the one who missed the date, this is my

way of making up for it.”

Odell was so baffled by this response that he accidentally chuckled. He was just a three-year-old boy,

and he was spending money on girls already. What would happen when he became older?

The room was quiet for a moment.

Odell calmed down and announced solemnly, “I’m confiscating your phone. Come out and eat now.”

Liam stood still.

Odell narrowed his eyes and said again, “I’ll count to three, and if you don’t come for dinner, I’ll return all

the things you bought for her.”

Liam stared at him and threatened similarly in a boyish tone, “If you do that, I’ll never ever go

out again.”

The atmosphere in the bedroom suddenly became immensely heavy.

Odell peered at him.

Liam refused to back down either.

After a while, Odell grabbed the phone and put it into his pocket. Then, he easily carried Liam with one



He took him out of the room and carried him to the barbecue grill outside. Liam did not even attempt to

resist. After he was brought outside, he sat on a small chair with his arms folded across his chest and his

back leaning against the chair. There was a permanent scowl on his lips, and he refused to take a bite no

matter how much the maids tried to coax him into eating. Odell was seated on the couch next to him with

a stoic look. He told Liam, “If you don’t eat, you’re not going to school tomorrow.” Half an hour passed.

The air was dead silent, and Liam still had not budged.

The chefs manning the barbecue station along with the surrounding servants were frightened by Odell’s

terrifying expression and did not dare to utter a word.

Meanwhile, not only was the boy Liam not afraid but his expression was even several degrees more

terrifying than that of his father’s.

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The stalemate continued even after the coal was extinguished.

Neither father nor son would back down. The situation only developed when the butler brought Madam

Carter to the scene. The old lady looked at her great-grandson with a heartbroken expression, then she

turned to Odell. “What are you doing? Liam is just a three-year-old boy. What kind of father are you?”

Odell pursed his lips and answered, “He just spent more than ten thousand dollars on gifts for

The perplexed old madam blinked in disbelief. “What? Who did he buy it for?” Odell got a headache just

from the sheer mention of the adorable and yet unfathomably problematic child. He rubbed his temples

and revealed, “Isabel.” Madam Carter was puzzled yet again. She turned to Liam who was only three

years old and asked without judgment, “Liam, will you tell your great-grandma why you spent so much on

presents for Isabel?” “This is my way of apologizing to her,” Liam answered. “And what are you

apologizing to her for?” “I made a promise to go to her house for a barbecue tonight, but I ended up

bailing on her.”

Madam Carter smiled. “But you don’t need to buy so many things for her. You are just close friends.”

Although ten thousand dollars was a negligible sum for the Carters, Liam was only three years old. Even

if Madam Carter was fond of Isabel, this was still rather ostentatious.

Liam pursed his lips.

Isabel was not only a good friend but also his dearest sister. However, he had promised his mother and

sister that he would keep it a secret, so he could not tell anyone. Madam Carter rarely if ever saw Liam

being so stubborn. She sighed and lectured him, “Liam, your father is doing this for your own good. Now

hurry up and eat, then go back to your room to sleep.”

Liam stayed quiet.

The old madam continued trying to gain his favor but to no avail. No matter what, he refused to eat.

In the end, she turned to Odell. “Odell, why don’t you give Liam his phone? It’s getting late and we can’t

just have him stewing here.”

Odell stayed quiet for a while, then he got up and went to Liam.

He pulled Liam into his arms and turned to the old madam. “Go get some rest. I’ll teach him a lesson.”

Before Madam Carter could utter a word in protest, Odell had already taken Liam back to his room. One

way or another, he was going to address this foul behavior tonight!