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Martial King's Retired Life-Novel

Book 15: Chapter 11
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Joy, Small Shock, Pupil

It wasn’t surprising for the six ministries’ secretaries to be in attendance, but it was surprising to see three commanders of the Chief Military Commissions, and other important military and civil officials, to be in attendance, as well. The officials who usually wouldn’t even spare each other a greeting were now getting along merrily at the tables. Emperor Yuansheng first jumbled the status quo, then organised the banquet to rebuild their relationships.

“Ming Feizhen pays his respects, Your Majesty.”

Emperor Yuansheng was chatting with his father-in-law when he saw Ming Feizhen and called him in. In contrast to the officials’ side, Emperor Yuansheng’s side didn’t have any food or outsiders around.

“Duke Ming… when did you have time to pick up all that food?”

Ming Feizhen had roughly twenty small plates of food in his hand, a roast duck hanging from his mouth, and two jugs of wine and a bag of fruits by his feet. He took a bite out of his roast duck, mindlessly set it down on a plate and replied, “It is just experience, Your Majesty. Please pay it no mind.”

“Take a seat.”

Ming Feizhen already helped himself to a seat before Emperor Yuansheng finished. Emperor Yuansheng was willing to laugh off the attitude on the account of Ming Feizhen having been stuck in the exam venue for three days and having to respect all the protocols. Ming Feizhen took out someone’s silk handkerchief from his shirt to wipe the grease off his hands once he finished his duck.

“Eunuch Wang mentioned you have cemented decisions for numerous big matters, won the support of everyone in court and carved out a potentially bright future. Your subject has not had the chance to congratulate you yet, but you look as though you would not be able to digest a meal.” As he spoke, Ming Feizhen sneakily pulled small dishes towards himself that Emperor Yuansheng had been eyeing occasionally.

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Emperor Yuansheng’s concern was even more obvious up close with just the two of them.

“Duke Ming, do you know what troubles me?”

“Your subject is as foolish as a brick. How would he ever hope to fathom your genius? With that said, your subject believes the court discussions are not your primary concern. Their harm cannot compare to locust infestations, droughts, and the military situation in the north. Mayhap all three trouble you.”

“Brilliant!” Emperor Yuansheng slammed his table and flicked up a thumb. “Now that is what I call dependable!”

“You flatter me, Your Majesty. Your foolish subject was merely blindly guessing. It is your endless concern for the country that must not be overlooked.”

“There’s no need to be so humble. Come sit here.” Emperor Yuansheng pulled over a small campstool for Ming Feizhen to join him on the ground. “That chair is too high. It’s uncomfortable speaking there. Gold chairs and benches are lame. Sitting on the ground brings us closer. Give me a drop of your wine.”

“Right away, Your Majesty!” Ming Feizhen poured one drop into a cup and passed it over.

“Don’t you think you’re too much of a miser, Duke Ming?”

“Your Majesty, your word is the law. How could your subject defy you?”

“In that case, give me b-”

“We must drink more to grow closer.” Ming Feizhen finally poured a full cup for His Majesty.

After some pointless chit chat, Emperor Yuansheng said, “I’m not fast at making decisions; I spend a fair amount of time mulling over things before making a decision. Although the numerous topics bother me daily, they’re not the most important matters to the country. The things you mentioned are the topics that occupy my mind even in my sleep. It’s impossible to avoid natural disasters, but there is a way to recover from them. On the other hand, man-made disasters can make natural disasters even worse. My worst fear is that, when a natural disaster strikes, the imperial court will only have corrupted and selfish officials. How many innocent lives would be tragically lost to that? That’s why I’ve always been concerned about personnel.”

He Shi did say that those who considered the future would’ve already began making their moves in regards to the three biggest issues. Having said that, it would’ve been pointless no matter how early they got started if the monarch didn’t approve. There was an important distinction, though. Even if they had foresight, they’d start from the bottom of the matter. Emperor Yuansheng, on the other hand, started from personnel, which was practical and cut to the core of the problem.

Ming Feizhen gave a big nod. “You have done an outstanding job of dissolving the enmity. What about it troubles you?”

Emperor Yuansheng shook his head. “Was Father still alive, he would have had a more expedient solution.”

“Fast is not necessarily better. At the very least, the damage has been minimised.”

Ming Feizhen genuinely meant it. He had interacted with a number of monarchs in the Western Regions and Nanjiang already. Some of them were more decisive than Emperor Yuansheng, but their quick decisions were also more destructive. None of them minimised damage the way Emperor Yuansheng did. If the wisest monarch of the Western Regions were to reconfigure relationships between his vassals as Emperor Yuansheng did, they’d have lost half of their vassals, at the very least. After all, elimination of those you didn’t need was always the quickest method. While the aggressive approach would’ve impaired their ability to implement policies for a while, it was a method that allowed them to suffer once and be done with it. Still, damage was damage; it didn’t just not exist because there were more gains than losses no matter the magnitude of the gains.Follow current s on (f)ire

Though Emperor Yuansheng dragged his feet, he didn’t ruin the existing foundation, effectively balancing damage and gains. Despite his impressive accomplishment, he looked worried, though.

“Had it not been for Cold Mountain Temple’s loss of patience, I would’ve had to wait for ages before I could’ve implemented my plan. Prime Minister Li always reminded me when I tried to avoid studying that my potential isn’t even one third of my late father’s. I must say he was too kind when he said that. Father could come up with seven, eight plans in the snap of a finger unlike me.”

Ming Feizhen wasn’t even born when Emperor Yuansheng’s father was on the throne, and he never knew much about the wildest Emperor in their dynasty’s history. Based off Emperor Yuansheng’s depictions, his father was also quite a deep thinker and decent father. Else, he wouldn’t have missed his father when he spoke about it.

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“Your subject is not aware of the former Emperor’s ways of doing things, but you are two different people. It is a fact that you solved this matter well. There is no need to fret about it.”

Emperor Yuansheng clinked his cup against Ming Feizhen’s and lowered his shoulders. “You’ve done your fair share, too. Based on your abilities, the exam shouldn’t have been too difficult. Wang Zhenyun, though, hohoho, he made life tough for you, didn’t he?”

Emperor Yuansheng’s comment proved Ming Feizhen’s conjecture to be true.

Ming Feizhen wagged a hand. “Him? Hohoho.”

“I’m glad to hear that. Do you know why I summoned you?”

Ming Feizhen waved the chicken drumstick in his hand. “Your subject would not have dared to come if it was not for food and drinks.”

“Hahaha, it’s nice to speak to someone frank. You’re always able to remind me of the days in the pugilistic world. With that said, let me ask you again: have you considered the prince factions?”

Ming Feizhen hadn’t forgotten about the letter his shiniang sent him. As a reclusive sect, Mount Daluo kept to themselves unless they needed to step out. Their disciples out in the world were out there for training, not to partake in the worldly affairs. While they would become a powerhouse once they got involved, they chose to get involved with the imperial family this time. In other words, they were showing approval in the Prince factions. The most direct method to involving themselves – in terms of direct impact on the imperial court – was to support a Prince. Without Emperor Yuansheng’s support, their involvement would be suspected as trying to bring a Prince over to their side for selfish means. Lian Zhuiyue discussed the matter with Emperor Yuansheng in Nanjiang, but they didn’t go into any details as the attitude of Mount Daluo’s next patriarch was instrumental to the outcome. Until Ming Feizhen made his stance clear, Mount Daluo wouldn’t make any moves. Ming Feizhen couldn’t be thoughtless, or his plan to escape from Mount Daluo and patriarch duties would’ve gone down the drain.

“Your subject is in support of the idea, but as for the details…”

Emperor Yuansheng held up a hand. “I used to believe that people in the pugilistic world didn’t have respect for rules, which would be a bad influence on the Princes. Now that I think about it, I must’ve not thought it through properly. Right now, the restrictions on them are excessive, and that is my fault. Kunlun’s Patriarch Yi is a great man. Had he been able to act in the capacity of an advisor, Lyu’er might not have become the mess that he did.

“As crazy and unbridled State Preceptor Lai is, he is trustworthy. Chi’er is upright thanks to his advice. I have been thinking that, if the Princes’ supporters are trustworthy, it’s fine to give them a boost. It would be even better if they could have an official relationship.”

Ming Feizhen shivered when he heard “official relationship”.

“Um, uh, your subject does not quite follow.”

Emperor Yuansheng smiled. “I wish for you to take my son under your wing as your pupil.”