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Married to the Boss: A Love in Disguise by Ava Green

Chapter 386
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What made Ruby angry was her ten–year–old cousin, Johnny. Despite being ten years old, he would still run into her

room and make a mess, twisting open the bottles of skincare products she had just bought and spilling their

contents all over the floor.

Ruby was livid and confronted Gianna, but unexpectedly, Gianna defended her son. “Did you put gold or some

precious treasure in these things, worth 2 thousand dollars? Ruby, I might not be well–versed in these matters, but

you can’t deceive me like this.”

Ruby handed her the empty bottle. “Deceive you? Can’t you read? Just do a simple online search, and you’ll find

that this bottle of serum is worth over a hundred dollars.”

“A hundred dollars for a bottle of serum? Are there really serums that expensive?” Gianna didn’t explicitly

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acknowledge it, but deep down, she believed that Ruby’s increasingly youthful and radiant skin was a result of using

expensive skincare products. If August was willing to buy Gianna such costly skincare items, she too could enhance

her beauty year after year.

Ruby insisted, “Compensate me!”

Gianna replied, “Ruby, Johnny is your cousin, your blood relative. He only spilled a few bottles of skincare products.

Why are you making such a fuss? Where did you learn these bad habits from?”

Just a few bottles of skincare products?

Ruby couldn’t help but laugh at this shameless woman. “Exactly, just a few bottles of skincare products. Then you

should compensate me.”

Gianna sat with her legs crossed, sipping her coffee and watching TV, looking very leisurely. “I have no money. If

someone broke it, go ask them for compensation.”

Ruby was well aware that extracting money from Gianna would be nearly impossible. In previous situations, Ruby

had tolerated it under her mother’s persuasion, but this year she had to teach Johnny an unforgettable lesson.

Otherwise, he would become even more audacious. “Johnny, come over here!”

Johnny, with his dirty chubby hands, was busy nibbling on a chicken leg. “I want to eat the chicken leg. I’m busy.”

Ruby rushed over and snatched the chicken leg from his hands. “If you don’t compensate me today, you won’t be

eating anything in my house.”

Johnny threw himself on the ground, rolling and making a scene. “Mom, Ruby hit me.”

Gianna thought Ruby wouldn’t dare to hit anyone and pretended to be sympathetic. “Well, you ruined your sister’s

skincare products, so she should teach you a lesson, you little troublemaker.”

Ruby grabbed Johnny, fully intending to give him a good beating. Seeing this, Gianna immediately rushed over and

shielded Johnny in her arms. “Ruby, he’s just a little boy. How can you hit him like that?”

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Ruby exclaimed, “He’s ten years old! He’s already ten! If you don’t instill some discipline now, he’ll have to face the

consequences in the real world, sooner or later!”

“Ruby, watch your language!” Gianna deliberately raised her voice, well aware of Ruby’s close bond with Lumma. “I

know you’re a good girl, but I’m certain that all these bad habits of yours are influenced by that bitch, Lumma.

Ruby, let me tell you, stay away from her and don’t let her lead you astray.”

“What nonsense are you talking about? We were talking about skincare products. Don’t bring Worm into this.” Ruby

could keep her cool in most situations, but when it came to Lumma, she couldn’t help but lose her composure.

Gianna knew that mentioning Lumma would provoke Ruby, so she kept bringing up Lumma’s affairs. “That little

bitch went to Soothy City last time and got involved with some shady guy. She got her own uncle sent to jail for a

few days and even caused her grandmother to sever ties with her uncle. She’s nothing but a jinx, bringing death to

her mother when she was born, killing her father when she was a few years old, and even causing her grandmother

to fall ill… Anyone who gets involved with her is sure to have no good fortune. You better stay away from her.”